Remember when? You too Jon...

Minnesota was ranked last week. Michigan and Northwestern have been ranked during the season. Purdue and Iowa State are battling to not be the worst ranked team in the nation. K thx bai. Idiot.

In addition, the 4 teams we have lost to our all in the hunt for a BCS Bowl (Wisconsin currently 15th in BCS rankings, NIU, 14th, MSU, 11th and OSU 3rd). This was not an easy schedule this year.
In addition, the 4 teams we have lost to our all in the hunt for a BCS Bowl (Wisconsin currently 15th in BCS rankings, NIU, 14th, MSU, 11th and OSU 3rd). This was not an easy schedule this year.

How suicidal does spartyfan become if they lose to OSU in the title game and get snubbed in favor of Wisconsin for the BCS?
Remember back in October when we were having issues with the numbers 1,3, and 4 defenses in the nation? Remember how many of you, including Jon, said the sky as falling, as the the rest of us level headed posters were TRYING to point out the obvious? Remember how we said "how about we just let the season play out", and we were called Koolaid drinkers, ect? Even if we lose this week, I say the season was much better than most of you predicted. 8-4 would be considered an outstanding season this year, and 7-5 would be pretty darn good, considering almost everyone except those inside the walls of Kinnick said we'd be lucky to hit 5-7....Time to eat your crow Jon. Id call out all the negative posters, but theres so darn many of you, that I quit caring...

This is FANTASTIC. Iowa is one of the best teams in the nation right now. They've amassed a record of 7-4 after beating some of the best teams in the country that together have a combined record of 28-50. The best thing is Iowa beat TWO teams that have winning records, not one but TWO! Grab your hats boys, Iowa should be lining up for a National Championship in the comings weeks.

Honestly. Iowa has done better than most people have predicted, except for the few that want to be the outliers and predicted they would get 7-8 wins. Which they probably did just so they could start stupid threads about how amazing they are at predicting Iowa's success and try to hold it over everyone's head how positive they are and supportive they are.

Anybody with a brain in their head wouldn't have guessed Iowa would be 7-4 after last years horrible season and with a new, unproven QB.

Iowa has put together good quarters and that's it. This team has yet to prove anything except that Ferentz still can't manage a clock, Greg Davis is lost, and Iowa is as inconsistent as the NCAA on rules.

Lastly, I'm happy with the way that the season is turning out for Iowa, but you can't negate the fact that this team has some major problems.
Ferentz wasn't really thinking about quick play calling for quick offense, this summer (he's the game manager, you know), he was forcing the players to learn GD's offense.
This is FANTASTIC. Iowa is one of the best teams in the nation right now. They've amassed a record of 7-4 after beating some of the best teams in the country that together have a combined record of 28-50. The best thing is Iowa beat TWO teams that have winning records, not one but TWO! Grab your hats boys, Iowa should be lining up for a National Championship in the comings weeks.

Honestly. Iowa has done better than most people have predicted, except for the few that want to be the outliers and predicted they would get 7-8 wins. Which they probably did just so they could start stupid threads about how amazing they are at predicting Iowa's success and try to hold it over everyone's head how positive they are and supportive they are.

Anybody with a brain in their head wouldn't have guessed Iowa would be 7-4 after last years horrible season and with a new, unproven QB.

Iowa has put together good quarters and that's it. This team has yet to prove anything except that Ferentz still can't manage a clock, Greg Davis is lost, and Iowa is as inconsistent as the NCAA on rules.

Lastly, I'm happy with the way that the season is turning out for Iowa, but you can't negate the fact that this team has some major problems.

you're right, i had us at 8-3 at this point with losses to tOSU, wiscy, and michigan and finishing the year 8-4 after losing to nebraska. does that anger you?
Woot. We might win 8 whole games. Good golly. We are in the, what, 14th season of our coach. And we are skipping and jumping for joy over 8 wins.
I bet you could go back to 1999 and see the same dumb mistakes by KF he makes today. I still want him gone. Im ready to start over.
But I will take 8 wins. This team is sure playing over its coaches head.
Woot. We might win 8 whole games. Good golly. We are in the, what, 14th season of our coach. And we are skipping and jumping for joy over 8 wins.
I bet you could go back to 1999 and see the same dumb mistakes by KF he makes today. I still want him gone. Im ready to start over.
But I will take 8 wins. This team is sure playing over its coaches head.

To correct you... 15th year and yep, pretty satisfied with 7 wins and fairly certain the coaching staff had something to do with those wins.

The players don't coach themselves or recruit themselves to come play for Iowa.
Wow ,some bitter face Hawk fans on here, complaining fiercely that their predictions of doom are not coming true for the Iowa football program. Just relax and enjoy the solid season.
you're right, i had us at 8-3 at this point with losses to tOSU, wiscy, and michigan and finishing the year 8-4 after losing to nebraska. does that anger you?

No, not angry about that at all.

I probably shouldn't have stated that sentence the way I did.
Woot. We might win 8 whole games. Good golly. We are in the, what, 14th season of our coach. And we are skipping and jumping for joy over 8 wins.
8 wins for Iowa is very good. It's just not reasonable to expect Iowa to have 9+ wins every year, or even a majority of the years. Hayden Fry had 6 years out of 20 with 9+ wins. Kirk has had 5 out of 14.
Woot. We might win 8 whole games. Good golly. We are in the, what, 14th season of our coach. And we are skipping and jumping for joy over 8 wins.
I bet you could go back to 1999 and see the same dumb mistakes by KF he makes today. I still want him gone. Im ready to start over.
But I will take 8 wins. This team is sure playing over its coaches head.

Good, I'm glad you're ready to start over. But with all due respect, you're an idiot and a moron. Oh noes, we lost in the 'Shoe. How many times have won there, like 2 in the past 40 or 50 years? Oh noes, Sparty and Wisconsin both have respectable ball clubs and we lost to them. It's not like we got embarrassed by them like Northwestern did with its high flying offense that defenses have figured out how to ground all year. We have one inexcusable loss and that was NIU. Every fan base wants 6 to 8 wins in the Big Ten, but the math don't work that way, bub. If we get to 5 wins in conference this year, I'll be freaking ecstatic. This ball club has bounced back in a major way after an awful season last year and if you're going to sulk and be angry about 8 win seasons, go cheer for freaking Illinois or something and see how impatient fan bases who demand coaching changes every year get rewarded. Hell, sticking with Ferentz through the lean times is absolutely critical in attracting our next coach because if we are competing against some SEC school for a highly sought after coach, he might be darn content knowing that the majority of our fan base will have some patience and won't demand his termination if he has a bad year.
8 wins for Iowa is very good. It's just not reasonable to expect Iowa to have 9+ wins every year, or even a majority of the years. Hayden Fry had 6 years out of 20 with 9+ wins. Kirk has had 5 out of 14.

Yeah, I love how our program is pretty much neck and neck with Nebraska and Michigan right now and fans are upset because we freaking lost to a few darn good ballclubs.
You are a major tool.

Frankly we don't know anything about this team in my opinion. There is no parity in the teams we have faced this year. Sure we beat jNW and Michigan, but they ended up being much worse than anyone expected. We played the teams we lost to close, for the most part. If we had any semblance of half time adjustments we might have won a few of those games.

Again the same in game problems and decisions that have plagued this staff since 1999 are still there. Questionable adjustments or lack thereof and bad clock management.

I feel this game against Nebraska will be the most telling sign of where we are headed in to 2014. Anything less than 9-10 wins next year would be average.

Anyone like Bob Dylan? Was just listening to "Idiot Wind" ............. great tune

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