Redshirt Gabe Next Year...... NOT SO FAST!!!

I didn't say you were hating on him. But you've been fairly chippy in this thread. And not chippy because people think you hate McCabe, but chippy with regards to the general opinion on him (plays hard, etc.). Calling for less minutes rather than just wondering what happened to cause the dropoff (at least earlier in the thread). Certainly not in line with your post history, and it's throwing me for a loop. It would make sense if you hadn't let go of the Oglesby stuff and were just trying to make a point by applying the "hate" to a different player. I'll take you at your word that you've let that go, but that's why this is so confusing to me.

In regards to his playing time, I have maintained all offseason that far less ZM and far more Mel would be better for Iowa and was criticized for it...oh well...he has a role and it should be offense from the bench, but it has been a struggle this year.
Every now and then emotions of watching a player just regress with no hint of an issue cause someone to go a tad overboard initially. He has been the most disappointing player for me this year given the year he had and he proved to be a capable shooter something Iowa really needs. We all know he will never play defense, but he was the one proven shooter coming back and he has done just awful...maybe he is missing Gatens and trying too hard...

It doesn't change the fact that his % has dropped so much and nobody really has noticed...nobody else on the roster had proven to be a capable 3-pt shooter coming back except for McCabe.

McCabe only took 49 3's last year, he shot well but in a very low volume. His shooting this year is in line with his freshman year stats, I think last year was more of an aberration than this year.
McCabe only took 49 3's last year, he shot well but in a very low volume. His shooting this year is in line with his freshman year stats, I think last year was more of an aberration than this year.

Hadn't looked at it that way I guess...that said...isn't his 2-pt % down quite a bit as well, or is he just taking too many 3's what is different and why?
Hadn't looked at it that way I guess...that said...isn't his 2-pt % down quite a bit as well, or is he just taking too many 3's what is different and why?

His 2 pt % is down slightly to 45.2% from 51% last year but his shot distribution has really changed, last season he took 151 two pointers, and 49 3's, this year he's taken more 3 pointers than 2 pointers
His 2 pt % is down slightly to 45.2% from 51% last year but his shot distribution has really changed, last season he took 151 two pointers, and 49 3's, this year he's taken more 3 pointers than 2 pointers

Makes sense, so his shot selection is as poor as the rest of the team. Iowa would have won some of those tough games by taking better shots. I think ball movement and shot selection have plagued them...before you say it I know Iowa has the most assists of any team in the Big Ten, but that doesn't mean they take good shots.
In regards to his playing time, I have maintained all offseason that far less ZM and far more Mel would be better for Iowa and was criticized for it...oh well...he has a role and it should be offense from the bench, but it has been a struggle this year.

this is a stretch. i have NEVER seen anyone calling for more McCabe and less Basabe. go look for it mr chippy.
this is a stretch. i have NEVER seen anyone calling for more McCabe and less Basabe. go look for it mr chippy.

It is buried and probably around is funny that some react the way they do about players. There is a role for ZM, but not a big one as Iowa has recruited a lot better players. My issue initially, was people lead with how hard he plays all.the time, the problem is it is great in some conferences or high school, but gets exposed in a major way in the Big Ten. Players have to bring something more than that. He has in some games, but many others he hasn't, but he plays hard...not sure any player goes out and loafs. The premise of why people accept that is well questionable. Call me names if you want this is one of the few times I have disagreed with you...that is fine.
you see, i actually agree with you that Mel is a better defender, better rebounder, and Zach doesn't really have a position. just found it weird that you were so quick to single him out. he only gets 15 min per game, and that will go down next year in all probability. i just found your take with him (like Tork mentioned) out of character with your normal takes. agree to disagree on Zach then. next topic.
you see, i actually agree with you that Mel is a better defender, better rebounder, and Zach doesn't really have a position. just found it weird that you were so quick to single him out. he only gets 15 min per game, and that will go down next year in all probability. i just found your take with him (like Tork mentioned) out of character with your normal takes. agree to disagree on Zach then. next topic.

So I single out ZM...look at this thread and still the opinion on Gabe.

I really thought ZM would have a far better year not starting and be a spark...he hasn't.

He made huge strides offensively from freshman to sophomore and now is back to his freshman level. I have never expected him to improve much defensively. It is just funny with ZM as many were predicting he would start over Woodbury. Where are they now...
Makes sense, so his shot selection is as poor as the rest of the team. Iowa would have won some of those tough games by taking better shots. I think ball movement and shot selection have plagued them...before you say it I know Iowa has the most assists of any team in the Big Ten, but that doesn't mean they take good shots.

Trust me, I'm not going to use Iowa's assists total to make the argument that they have good shot selection. I think their poor shot selection is tied to their poor outside shooting. We don't have anyone like Gatens to really space the floor this year, the defenses have been able to pack it in and that makes it harder to penetrate and get clean looks. I've said all season that having a couple guys (hopefully Jok, Uthoff and an improved Gesell) who can knock down outside shots will make all the difference in the world to this offense.
Not a chance. Next year is about loading up for a run at the Big Ten title and advancing deep into the tourney.

The time is now. For Gabe and for the Hawkeyes. Nothing breeds excellence like competition.
The bottom line for me is that when McCabe is in the game, he rarely does anything to hurt the team and often does a lot of the little things that add up to wins.
I can see the pros and cons of redshirting gabe. I think it is something that will be given major consideration. But I also feel that ingram being redshirted needs major consideration. If gabe redshirts and ingram doesn't it will seriously overload one class of players. If we were a team with a bunch of 1 and done players than that is ok...but we aren't and we need some balance to recruiting. This all lies on whether meyer and jok will give us what we need to allow ingram and gabe to redshirt. If jok can't give solid min and meyer can't than no way should they redshirt. But if they can then it wouldn't really hurt much. And it would allow for some balance. And a 5th yr for gabe couldn't be a bad thing as he is still extremly raw.
He's not near as raw as some of the bigs Iowa has had in the not so distant past: Brommer and Archie.

Either that, or his extreme athletic ability hides some of it.
You can twist it and be wrong all night long...but it's still not going to work out for you. And substitution patterns are directly related to dividing up minutes...feel free to tell us which 2 guys are killing us to make your "trim it 10 to 8" argument the season turnaround you want it to be. I'll spot you one...Ogles3 shooting too much. Where's the other player you want trimmed out of the equation that would give Iowa 24 wins?

Are you going to bench everyone who F'd up down the stretch vs Wisconsin in Madison? Michigan State at CHA? Everyone but Darian Stokes at Nebby? Same at Purdon't...

Most of Iowa's "rhythm" problems happen because they only have 1 guy (Dev) who can create his own shot, no one who can drain the 3 consistently and 2 Freshman PGs (who improved greatly over the course of the season)...the 10 man rotation isn't Iowa's was inexperience, lack of a pure scorer and in some cases (at Madison) terrible luck.

Wow, you are all over the place with this one. I will just assume this weak garbage/straw man argument is your way of creating a distraction and then backing out of the discussion. Good point on the Darias Stokes thing though, that was hilarious.

I would take Ogelsby and McCabe out of the rotation next year if it were up to me.

Substitution patterns are not at all the same thing as whether or not there should be 10 in the rotation in the first place. Those are completely different concepts.

Its my opinion that the ten man rotation is hurting more than helping and if it increases in number next year it will be worse regardless of who is playing. There is a reason that most teams only play 7-8.
Wow, you are all over the place with this one. I will just assume this weak garbage/straw man argument is your way of creating a distraction and then backing out of the discussion. Good point on the Darias Stokes thing though, that was hilarious.

I would take Ogelsby and McCabe out of the rotation next year if it were up to me.

Substitution patterns are not at all the same thing as whether or not there should be 10 in the rotation in the first place. Those are completely different concepts.

Its my opinion that the ten man rotation is hurting more than helping and if it increases in number next year it will be worse regardless of who is playing. There is a reason that most teams only play 7-8.

Right now...Today...Iowa needs to win at least 2 and possibly 3 games next weekend in the BTT. The odds of doing this with a 10 man rotation are much much better than doing it with a 7 or 8 man rotation. It is my hope that we crush NW by halftime and keep everyone in the 20 minute range...for playing time.
Right now...Today...Iowa needs to win at least 2 and possibly 3 games next weekend in the BTT. The odds of doing this with a 10 man rotation are much much better than doing it with a 7 or 8 man rotation. It is my hope that we crush NW by halftime and keep everyone in the 20 minute range...for playing time.

I agree that it could definitely help in a tourney setting.
The bottom line for me is that when McCabe is in the game, he rarely does anything to hurt the team and often does a lot of the little things that add up to wins.

Not being a jerk when I say this, but do you really believe that? You don't think he hurts Iowa defensively when he is in the game? I will only say this and let it go until I post my conference grades for each player, there is a reason that McCabe is always on your screen when Iowa is on the defensive end. His shooting has not helped Iowa, some games yes, but for the most part not a whole lot.

I am just surprised to see the regression of Zach this season and the emergence of a couple other players with Gabe being one of those.
Not being a jerk when I say this, but I won't be requiring your conference grades on the players to make any decision about our roster and the value of the individual players. But thanks.

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