Quit criticizing Zach for the body slam

You don't see a leg sweep as being cheap? Are you slow?


I didn't see Zach reach down and pull Travis Trice's wrist and arm up under his own arm and lock it in there. Trice offered it to Zach by putting his arm and hand up in Zach's neck and mush and then up under the armpit of a taller opponent. The two became tangled and neither seemed intent on letting go, likely hoping it would be noticed by the officials. Zach turned to head up court and the smaller player -- who already appeared to have taken a dive when Zach was whistled for an offensive foul less than a minute earlier and right in front of the Iowa bench, leading to Fran's technical -- went down. Oh well.

This was thug play by one of Izzo's boys, not by Zach. No surprise there, really.

If you want to blame anyone, suggest you focus it squarely where it belongs: the three blind mice going by the names of Gene Steratore, Bo Boroski and Mike Eades. Had one of them dealt with the earlier foul properly and then whistled Trice for his push in the area of Zach's head before the two became entangled, the body-slam might have been avoided and the goal of fair play may have come closer to being realized.

I know! When I see this I totally think how much of a thug that Trice is and how he totally deserved what McCabe did!

I don't blame him for it. I commend him for it! As I was watching the game I kept thinking we should body slam them ********!

I think it, and Zach did it. Awesome.
No matter how much of an a-hole Trice may be and how frustrated you are, you just can't get away with that stuff. There are too many cameras and now everything can be reviewed. Also, say Trice breaks his wrist in the fall and is lost to MSU for the season. Whether some of the Zach defenders want to admit it or not, that's a huge black eye for IOWA! If someone did that to Marble or any Iowa player, this place would be going nuts.

I hope Zach plays well tomorrow and Iowa wins big and he can reclaim some joy from what should be a great time for him but has been mostly in the dumpster for the last couple months.
No matter how much of an a-hole Trice may be and how frustrated you are, you just can't get away with that stuff. There are too many cameras and now everything can be reviewed. Also, say Trice breaks his wrist in the fall and is lost to MSU for the season. Whether some of the Zach defenders want to admit it or not, that's a huge black eye for IOWA! If someone did that to Marble or any Iowa player, this place would be going nuts.

I hope Zach plays well tomorrow and Iowa wins big and he can reclaim some joy from what should be a great time for him but has been mostly in the dumpster for the last couple months.

You're exactly right, this place would be going nuts if it was the other way around. Half of the people in here commending him for it are the same ones ****** off during football season when a player takes a cheap shot at a Hawkeye. It's pathetic and so are the ones commending him for acting like a mad little kid.
To bad Trice the thug didn't break his arm or wrist. The more I watch MSU and their off the ball antics, the more I hate them. They are dirty, cheap shot, flopping, con artists.
This is just really, really wierd to me. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I would read this type of take on a message board. I've not personally talk to any who feels this way and I'm happy that this view is in the very small minority.

Sorry OP, but Zach has to be held accountable for his actions. I simply don't understand how you can call out the officials, for failing to do something and Trice for failing to back away, yet give Zach a free pass for equally doing nothing to defuse the situation.

What some of you who are disagreeing with me fail to realize is that at higher levels in all competitions the officials are expected to look for the kinds of tactics and moves that could lead to problems, either in the immediate situation or later in the contest, and to address them immediately. They are encouraged to be proactive in order to prevent exactly the kind of thing that occurred last night. I will simply repeat that Zach did not put Trice's arm up under his armpit; Trice did that himself with the use of his arms and hands in the upper area of the opponents and especially Zach, who at least according to official rosters is 7 inches taller than Trice and outweighs him by 65 pounds. So why was Trice's arm and hand up under Zach's armpit? Why did they get locked up?

Overall I thought the first half was very fairly officiated. Competitive game, both teams were allowed to play some good offense and defense.

The second half went to hell in a hurry, with the Spartans being far more aggressive in use of their hands and arms, hand-checking pushing, shoving. One can only speculate on what Izzo told his boys at halftime.

No, this one is on the guys who were wearing the black and white stripes last night. I hope the assessments they receive from the game include an extensive review of everything that led up to the incident and that they were graded low for their performance. But considering this is the BoneG, Michigan State and Tom Izzo, somehow I doubt that happens...

But get off Zach's back.
No matter how much of an a-hole Trice may be and how frustrated you are, you just can't get away with that stuff. There are too many cameras and now everything can be reviewed. Also, say Trice breaks his wrist in the fall and is lost to MSU for the season. Whether some of the Zach defenders want to admit it or not, that's a huge black eye for IOWA! If someone did that to Marble or any Iowa player, this place would be going nuts.

I hope Zach plays well tomorrow and Iowa wins big and he can reclaim some joy from what should be a great time for him but has been mostly in the dumpster for the last couple months.

It's not my preference to play this way. But you have to fight fire with fire IMO. If we're going to play nice and by the rules then that's great. If you want to mug us up and down the court then let's get to it.
What some of you who are disagreeing with me fail to realize is that at higher levels in all competitions the officials are expected to look for the kinds of tactics and moves that could lead to problems, either in the immediate situation or later in the contest, and to address them immediately. They are encouraged to be proactive in order to prevent exactly the kind of thing that occurred last night. I will simply repeat that Zach did not put Trice's arm up under his armpit; Trice did that himself with the use of his arms and hands in the upper area of the opponents and especially Zach, who at least according to official rosters is 7 inches taller than Trice and outweighs him by 65 pounds. So why was Trice's arm and hand up under Zach's armpit? Why did they get locked up?

Overall I thought the first half was very fairly officiated. Competitive game, both teams were allowed to play some good offense and defense.

The second half went to hell in a hurry, with the Spartans being far more aggressive in use of their hands and arms, hand-checking pushing, shoving. One can only speculate on what Izzo told his boys at halftime.

No, this one is on the guys who were wearing the black and white stripes last night. I hope the assessments they receive from the game include an extensive review of everything that led up to the incident and that they were graded low for their performance. But considering this is the BoneG, Michigan State and Tom Izzo, somehow I doubt that happens...

But get off Zach's back.

Iowa's not physical enough or athletic enough to play with the more physical teams so we should blame the refs. Check.
What some of you who are disagreeing with me fail to realize is that at higher levels in all competitions the officials are expected to look for the kinds of tactics and moves that could lead to problems, either in the immediate situation or later in the contest, and to address them immediately. They are encouraged to be proactive in order to prevent exactly the kind of thing that occurred last night. I will simply repeat that Zach did not put Trice's arm up under his armpit; Trice did that himself with the use of his arms and hands in the upper area of the opponents and especially Zach, who at least according to official rosters is 7 inches taller than Trice and outweighs him by 65 pounds. So why was Trice's arm and hand up under Zach's armpit? Why did they get locked up?

Overall I thought the first half was very fairly officiated. Competitive game, both teams were allowed to play some good offense and defense.

The second half went to hell in a hurry, with the Spartans being far more aggressive in use of their hands and arms, hand-checking pushing, shoving. One can only speculate on what Izzo told his boys at halftime.

No, this one is on the guys who were wearing the black and white stripes last night. I hope the assessments they receive from the game include an extensive review of everything that led up to the incident and that they were graded low for their performance. But considering this is the BoneG, Michigan State and Tom Izzo, somehow I doubt that happens...

But get off Zach's back.

I understand completely what your saying as I am both a coach at a varsity level and have a number of acquaintances that officiate high school as well as college sports and have attended officiating clinics routinely to help stay on top of the world of ever changing rule changes. I understand that they are obligated to keep an eye on this to limit aggressiveness and retailation. I've also expressed numerous times that Trice's role in this was anything but innocent.

What I addressed was the fact that you've blamed the officials and you've blamed Trice, but I've yet to hear you say any of this was on McCabe. If so, maybe I missed it, but I for the life of me cannot understand how the blame could be pointed at two of the three parties involved yet Zach is not held at all accountable for hip checking Trice.

You're rant about holding the officials is legitimate, but you failed to address the fact that athletes sa well have a set of rules they are to play within and know what they can and cannot do. I'm pretty sure no where in the athletic code of ethics or unwritten rules of basketball does it say that it's ok to hip check a player to the extent that Zach did whether provoked or not. In the end he is still accountable for himself regardless of the external factors surrounding him.

I agree with you this should come back on the officials when the game is reviewed. Also agree agree that Zach did not put put Trice's arm under his armpit (but Zach didn't disengage either) all I'm disagreeing with is the fact that I think Zach is equally to blame for his actions equally or more so than everyone else involved.
I know! When I see this I totally think how much of a thug that Trice is and how he totally deserved what McCabe did!


Looks like Trice shoved his arm as deep as he could, and wanted to take a ride. Baiting didn't work out too well for the little grinning punk.
I know! When I see this I totally think how much of a thug that Trice is and how he totally deserved what McCabe did!


I watched the game, then watched the entire replay several times. Please explain how Trice is/was a thug in the game. I didn't see him do anything to anybody.

Overall I thought the first half was very fairly officiated. Competitive game, both teams were allowed to play some good offense and defense.

The second half went to hell in a hurry, with the Spartans being far more aggressive in use of their hands and arms, hand-checking pushing, shoving. One can only speculate on what Izzo told his boys at halftime.

I agree with this, but at the same time I think the difference between the two halves was MSU picked up the intensity level in the second half. I think they simply played harder and fought harder then we did. We lost intensity they gained it which is why they were more physical. I simply don't think we matched their intensity level and they took it to us.

I think it may have been more that they were beating us to the spot, playing more aggressively, and we were a step behind that led to the disparity in how the game was perceived to be officiated in the second half. I think Iowa played a passive second hand and ddin't match the intensity/aggression of MSU. I don't think it was MSU and the officials that were any different from the first half.
Looks like Trice shoved his arm as deep as he could, and wanted to take a ride. Baiting didn't work out too well for the little grinning punk.

Looks like McCabe bent and flexed his arm so Trice couldn't pull his arm out of he wanted to. Hip checking him didn't work out to well for McCabe when he was riding the bench and Trice was making free throws to pull further into the lead.

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