Presser Update Thread

he is the king of "coachspeak". Harder Questions need to be asked. He always preceeds an answer with something positive from the past.
On another note, Kirk appears to have recovered well from the sideline tackle in the bowl game.

Now he's talking about the football secretaries.....
Hawknick is most definitely a troll.'s actually more funny now realizing the joke.

Funniest poster on here. Everyone in this thread is freaking out, then there's the occasional "can't wait for next year!" post. He made me lol twice in this thread.
On depth chart:
"I am not totally tone deaf. Coming out of the last two games was very dissappointing."

"I thought it was important for us to create a starting point ... It was important to make it public as fast as possible."

Good to hear this at least. He's said for years that he doesn't listen to radio/internet/newspaper or media in general in regards to his team. Good to see he might start to look outside of his golden egg for ideas or thoughts on the program. Well...this or...he's been lying to us the entire time and fully aware of everything "media" and is now proven to be trolling the fan base and university.

Wonder which is more likely...Kurt suddently became self aware and will make great strides in taking all information in when making decisions or...he's the same old lying stealing troll he's always been.
Good to hear this at least. He's said for years that he doesn't listen to radio/internet/newspaper or media in general in regards to his team. Good to see he might start to look outside of his golden egg for ideas or thoughts on the program. Well...this or...he's been lying to us the entire time and fully aware of everything "media" and is now proven to be trolling the fan base and university.

Wonder which is more likely...Kurt suddently became self aware and will make great strides in taking all information in when making decisions or...he's the same old lying stealing troll he's always been.

It's the latter.

We are going to do nothing different.

Apparently the only change is that KF is going to focus more on football, versus fundraising.
These questions are dumb. Please ask him some more lame questions he can flip into back in the day...
I love how recruiting takes years. Yet a new coach is hired at other programs and their recruiting jumps up immediately.

If Seth can't get our recruitment going now, it's hard to say he'll get it going in another two to three years.
Barta is going to save the day and mutter those words we've so longed to hear and all will be forgiven...


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