Please Read: I am interested in your opinion on this matter

How much money makes you unbannable?:p

Maybe that's how you make you money....when you ban people for being a-holes or saying ostrich in the sports forums, you charge them money to get back on! You could lower your BST and ban more people for lesser offenses and violá! Cha-Ching.
Jon I would be all in to donate....More substance is important....I was growing tired before DC was announced reading the forums.
Toooooo lazy to read through all of this, so I'm sorry if stuff like this has already been mentioned. A cycling forum that I used to frequent did something like this in order to keep the site free from advertising. Unlike this site, it was run by several people as social forum for the mountain biking community in central Texas. Once the site reached a size where it was becoming too expensive for the founders to keep footing the bill, they all had day jobs and the site was for fun, they asked the users what they thought about donations. Some people didn't like it, but others preferred to pay so they could keep advertisers out of it. What they came up with was various levels of "membership" that got you extra privileges. Depending on your level of membership you could get post pictures directly albums on the site, get expanded PM capacity, email, and a couple of other features that I can't recall at the moment as it's been a few years since I was on there. Oh, and there was a store at cafepress that sold stuff with the forum logo on it.
I've got it. We will have a series of fundraisers where each of us contributes some service and then we sell it. For instance, we could have a bake sale and Spliff45 could bake brownies. When Iowa plays NIU and NU in Chicago and Evanston, I could host a pajama jammy jam at my place and charge for admission. racerhawk could win the Tour de France and donate the funds to HN. Maybe we could have a dance marathon or a race for the cure type event, too. There are a lot of possibilities here, guys. Anyone else got any?

maybe justin can get many kegs of homebrewed beers and sel them for cup and im sure they comes for second one but the problem is i dont know beer. i dont drink
Knowing how much many here hate having ISU fans on the site, I'm willing to take pledges for being banned. How much would you pay to keep me or fellow Cyclones away, per week?

Might just make Jon a rich man.
How much money makes you unbannable?:p

Maybe that's how you make you money....when you ban people for being a-holes or saying ostrich in the sports forums, you charge them money to get back on! You could lower your BST and ban more people for lesser offenses and violá! Cha-Ching.

No No No ...........Jon and me are going to be the only unbannable ones.

Hell Vintage just got banned, again, so maybe Jon's not even safe.
Jon, I have never paid for my Hawkeye info, but I would seriously consider a donation. I could not do a lot as I choose to have my significant other stay home to raise our son, so we are a single earner family. It is all going to depend on how you set it up...I like the PBS/NPR model as well...

I still visit and even comment on the other sites, but HN is the best site out there and I do not want to see it go away! Thanks for all you do, Jon!
Suggestion: Maybe you could sell shirts or something that say "I support" or some form of HN apparel.

I just have a feeling that having a separate forum may cause clique-iness behavior. People already berate/bash other posters unnecessarily. If you separate posters by having a special forum for donors... I just fear that people would either:

A) Use that as a way to bash non-donors. (i.e.: "I am a donor, you aren't. I am more important than you.) Most likely the only people who would do that are those people that already feel they are superior because they have thousands of posts more than everyone else. Like their post count = their e-peen. (If you catch my drift)


B) All informational threads and discussions would take place in the donor forum and people that can't afford to pay/donate would be SOL. I'm assuming that would eventually decrease the overall traffic on the site.

This question/topic makes me think a little bit of the move "Social Network," when they are discussing putting ads on the site. I think this site gets a lot of traffic because it is "cool" and free, which makes it, IMO, more popular than the paid sites.

Of course, I am just speculating and I don't know if any of these things would happen, but just something to think about and I thought I would give my 2 cents. :)
I'm game, no clothing needed, I could use a babysitter though every now and then.

Kids are 5, 3 and 4 months, I trust John Miller with my kids!

Seriously, I don't mind chipping in quarterly or sumthin.
I still visit and even comment on the other sites, but HN is the best site out there and I do not want to see it go away! Thanks for all you do, Jon!

Thanks, but the site, and it's financial footing, is just fine. I tried to make it clear to start this that I had thought of a possible idea that combined three things that people often email me about...this wasn't born out of some great financial need...

I certainly would love to cover business expenses through something like this, but the ads pay the bills. It's all good.
Oh and I have an IP ban from Kakert, my choices are limited but HN has been the more mature of the hawk sites recently.
The only way I will donate money is if you agree to grow a mustache Jon.

Lando agrees

I would like a seperate forum for clone fans within HN. This way they can keep up on hawk nation news but when they post they will be among their own and won't cause problems for serious hawk fans.

Jon - you could call the forum "spew Cycrap here"
Jon, as you can see my post count is incredibly low, but I am on this site as much or more than most people on here. I prefer to read and chime in only when I feel I add a completely different perspective than what has already been brought up.

That being said I love the idea. I have never been one to pay for premium access or anything like that but this donor forum could work. What I would suggest would be keeping it a little more structured (deleting duplicate threads and having a tighter leash on some of the outlandish remarks that are frequently made). I guess I am saying more supervision to keep it strictly about productive comments/insightful debate/interesting conversations to happen. On of the reason that I post so little is it takes me long enough to weed through the pointless crap that is inserted by many users, to read the productive comments. By that time I have to do some actual or make some dinner. Crazy I know, living a life outside of Hawkeye Message Boards.

I could be way off base but that is my 2 cents.

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