Well-Known Member
March of 2012...or 13?
Well played.
March of 2012...or 13?
I've got it. We will have a series of fundraisers where each of us contributes some service and then we sell it. For instance, we could have a bake sale and Spliff45 could bake brownies. When Iowa plays NIU and NU in Chicago and Evanston, I could host a pajama jammy jam at my place and charge for admission. racerhawk could win the Tour de France and donate the funds to HN. Maybe we could have a dance marathon or a race for the cure type event, too. There are a lot of possibilities here, guys. Anyone else got any?
maybe justin can get many kegs of homebrewed beers and sel them for cup and im sure they comes for second one but the problem is i dont know beer. i dont drink
How much money makes you unbannable?
Maybe that's how you make you money....when you ban people for being a-holes or saying ostrich in the sports forums, you charge them money to get back on! You could lower your BST and ban more people for lesser offenses and violá! Cha-Ching.
I still visit and even comment on the other sites, but HN is the best site out there and I do not want to see it go away! Thanks for all you do, Jon!
The only way I will donate money is if you agree to grow a mustache Jon.
I would like a seperate forum for clone fans within HN. This way they can keep up on hawk nation news but when they post they will be among their own and won't cause problems for serious hawk fans.
The only way I will donate money is if you agree to grow a mustache Jon.