Please don't put words in my mouth

Are there numbers that say that we have a lot more (if any) arrests/charges than other major D1 programs? If there are, then I agree. I just find it hard to believe that Iowa is the school that is head and shoulders above everyone else in that regard. If you think Iowa has major problems, I hate to know what you think of your own school right now. That's gotta be brutal.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Iowa's arrests/problems have a lot more to do with the IC police dept and its no-nonsense approach to its job.
Most college teams have a very cozy agreement with the local police depts. Its a mutual understanding of dont bite the hand that feeds.

If you choose to believe that KF somehow guides his players into breaking the law, thats a YOU problem and pretty big one.
If you believe that KF scours the midwest looking for criminals to bring to IC, again, thats a YOU problem.
Just dont sit there and expect IOWA fans to buy your line of ********. Nobody in this state is as stupid as you hope they are. This isnt Michigan.

Ummmmmm......I don't think so.
Being a cop in a midwest college town, I've never heard such a thing. Been doing it for 24 years and have had very few contacts with athletes. But when I have, the sporting administrators have not tried to interfere. On the contrary, they've usually been cordial.
One case I remember involved a domestic violence incident with a star basketball player. After his arrest, the coaches showed up at the PD, and while showing support for the player, they were understanding about what I did, as well as why I did what I did. I wish some parents reacted like these coaches did.
I think the cops out to get players sentiment is overstated I think the cops do there job. It's just possible that other schools(SEC) they may give them way more breaks then they deserve. Police forces that treat players like everyone else(like they should) get the out to get them label.
I think the cops out to get players sentiment is overstated I think the cops do there job. It's just possible that other schools(SEC) they may give them way more breaks then they deserve. Police forces that treat players like everyone else(like they should) get the out to get them label.

I agree with this. People shouldn't cast a negative light on the police for simply doing their job. I do believe however, that a lot of other campus' around the nation have a more lenient approach toward athletes when they commit minor offense's. Paula's, public urination, public intox, type charges.
My prediction was that this coming season would be Kirk Ferentz's final season, not that he had coached his last game at Iowa.

I am making that prediction based on my belief that there have been so many off-field problems over the years and a lot of water under the bridge with those in policy or bureacratic positions that have little patience for such things, or high-priced coaches in general. Not to mention I'm guessing that Ferentz is growing increasingly impatient with such people himself.

On top of that a new CBA will be in place in the NFL for 2012 and I believe he's always had an interest in coaching there, so with several openings in 2012 the timing could be right.

I have no idea where the idea I said Iowa was evil and corrupt institution or program came from, and I haven't even said it myself. Some of you people are ridiculous, and it's good to see the Jihadic Wing is still alive and well after all these years.

Now, that said, if an SEC program had experienced all of these issues there's no question all of us here in salt of the earth Iowa would have no hesitation referring to them as a renegade program, and the Shadow would be the first one pointing it out.

I like Ferentz, he was always good to me, and I think he's a great coach. However, you don't have to be a Hawk hater to come to the conclusion there is a systemic problem within this program when it comes to issues, because this has been a problem for years going all the way back to the early days of my sports talk radio career. There aren't too many programs with the sheer volume of arrest/citation rate Iowa has had (two involving the coach's son who is currently on the team) in his tenure, let alone the Section 8 housing scandal (which Ferentz's other son was involved in when he played here) and this current story which are unlike anything I've seen in collegiate sports.

On the other hand, it should be noted that even given the higher than normal offense rate, these players still represent a fraction of the whole who have played under Ferentz over the years.

Kirk Ferentz is not a victim. He's the highly-paid CEO of Iowa football, and ultimately the captain is responsible for everything that happens on his ship on his watch. It's not as simple as he walks on water or he's a scoundrel. Sometimes good, effective leaders have blind spots that get exposed without the right accountability or evolving protocols.

This appears to be one of them.

P.S...and for the record, I predicted Iowa to win the Big Ten title the last two years in a row, which is probably as optimistic if not more optimistic than Jon Miller was heading into those seasons.

So you gave your opinion and people gave their opinion of your opinion. So instead of understanding a difference in opinions you call peole part of a "Jhidac Wing".

Wow I can't understand why people aren't clamoring to hear more of your knowledge. Did the I am rubber you are glue argument fail last time? You hear differing opinions and you come out whining and name calling. This is why many are commenting on the sad state of the media. Kick the heat out but bail when it scalds your toes.
Our track record with arrests is actually better than most, or at least most top programs. There are sites that track such things. I suggest looking them up.

Publicity over such things is a different story. This is a case of public perception not matching reality. In and of itself, that is certainly something I'd be frustrated with were I Ferentz.

That said, the entirety of the initial post is flawed and should be reworked to reflect facts instead of perception. As a member of the media, I'm sure you'll get right on that due to your sense of personal responsibility.
"Jihadic Wing"??
Thanks for confirming my suspicions that you are nothing more than a rinky dink limbaugh-parrot.

Come on VH, you've never heard Steve call it the "Jihadic Wing of Hawkeye Nation" before now? And exactly how does giving the extreme wing of Hawkeye Nation a catchy AND funny moniker, confirm any kind of "parrotyness"...don't let your political differences blind you in this case!
Steve have tried very hard to listen to you many times over the years and keep an open mind and remember my own values to everyone's opinions. But you are fooling no one but yourself if you think your renditions of how things have gone down in numerous Hawkeye situations over the years is anything less than shock jock BS to improve your ratings.
You have made me recently understand that you are nothing more than a TV evangelist that happens to have a job in sports radio.
Right...because everything we know about Ferentz indicates that he is going to leave right before his son's senior season.....


His son will be a Senior going into his 3rd year as the starting Center in 2012. No way Kirk misses that. You mean to tell me that he is going to miss the senior day ceremony because he's in Oakland or Jacksonville prepping his team for a Sunday game? Ridiculous. Plus his other son Steve I believe would be a senior at Iowa City High School during that school year.

Now 2013, maybe...
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Ummmmmm......I don't think so.
Being a cop in a midwest college town, I've never heard such a thing. Been doing it for 24 years and have had very few contacts with athletes. But when I have, the sporting administrators have not tried to interfere. On the contrary, they've usually been cordial.
One case I remember involved a domestic violence incident with a star basketball player. After his arrest, the coaches showed up at the PD, and while showing support for the player, they were understanding about what I did, as well as why I did what I did. I wish some parents reacted like these coaches did.

It may not be something that the coaches or AD has set up. More like an unwritten rule or agreement. Kind of like when cops dont write fellow, off-duty cops, tickets. Or like letting a fellow (off duty)cop drive drunk, or giving him a ride home vs arresting him like anyone else.
There's no rule saying thats what cops do for each other, but I know they do.
Just like I know of several instances where D-1 football players were let off the hook, when they would have been charged, if they were in IC.
When I was tending bar, I used to have off duty cops come up to the locked bar door, after hours, to buy beer to go.
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First of all, no one would want to put anything near your mouth for fear of losing a finger.

Second nothing you said made a bit of sense. The BS in the pro game is probably 10x what it is in the college game. I just don't see how any sane person (I know that disqualifies you automatically) could possibly site "NFL" as a reason for leaving at this point.

Lastly... you know what, I'm a big fan of giving people what they earn and deserve and you really don't deserve much other than....

You are a poopy faced fat headed idiot and you lie about your football handicapping record.
Wow...we rule...fighting back with "fat" comments...I'm pretty sure those automatically void any argument and make us sit out recess...
I don't dislike Deace like a lot of people but the Jihadic comment is more stupid than the people he is ascribing it to. Also, there have been numerous stories and posts in the papers and on the internet in the last several years talking about schools with arrest problems worse than Iowa's. Schools such as Florida, Penn State, Michigan State, etc. Florida had 27 arrests in a one year period of time and some mentioned that was at least one of the reasons UMeyer retired. How Ferentz has handled these problems has been quick and consistant. Players getting arrested is not on the coach unless he takes no action such as suspension or dismissal. Michigan State let a player play a few days after he was released from jail. Michigan coaches cheated on practice time requirements. When players get arrested that is on the player. When coaches cheat that is on the coach. I am not criticising the IC police but I bet there are a lot of other places where a known underaged athlete in a car with unopened beer or an athlete peeing in an alley would not be arrested.
While I agree with Deace re his SEC comments, I would take issue with the comment about the rate of legal problems surrounding the team under KF's tenure. To say that Iowa's volume of legal issues is as high as any in the country without having supporting facts is pretty much a worthless statement.

I would say that I need to see the numbers, Steve, before I will believe that.
My prediction was that this coming season would be Kirk Ferentz's final season, not that he had coached his last game at Iowa.

I am making that prediction based on my belief that there have been so many off-field problems over the years and a lot of water under the bridge with those in policy or bureacratic positions that have little patience for such things, or high-priced coaches in general. Not to mention I'm guessing that Ferentz is growing increasingly impatient with such people himself.

On top of that a new CBA will be in place in the NFL for 2012 and I believe he's always had an interest in coaching there, so with several openings in 2012 the timing could be right.

I have no idea where the idea I said Iowa was evil and corrupt institution or program came from, and I haven't even said it myself. Some of you people are ridiculous, and it's good to see the Jihadic Wing is still alive and well after all these years.

Now, that said, if an SEC program had experienced all of these issues there's no question all of us here in salt of the earth Iowa would have no hesitation referring to them as a renegade program, and the Shadow would be the first one pointing it out.

I like Ferentz, he was always good to me, and I think he's a great coach. However, you don't have to be a Hawk hater to come to the conclusion there is a systemic problem within this program when it comes to issues, because this has been a problem for years going all the way back to the early days of my sports talk radio career. There aren't too many programs with the sheer volume of arrest/citation rate Iowa has had (two involving the coach's son who is currently on the team) in his tenure, let alone the Section 8 housing scandal (which Ferentz's other son was involved in when he played here) and this current story which are unlike anything I've seen in collegiate sports.

On the other hand, it should be noted that even given the higher than normal offense rate, these players still represent a fraction of the whole who have played under Ferentz over the years.

Kirk Ferentz is not a victim. He's the highly-paid CEO of Iowa football, and ultimately the captain is responsible for everything that happens on his ship on his watch. It's not as simple as he walks on water or he's a scoundrel. Sometimes good, effective leaders have blind spots that get exposed without the right accountability or evolving protocols.

This appears to be one of them.

P.S...and for the record, I predicted Iowa to win the Big Ten title the last two years in a row, which is probably as optimistic if not more optimistic than Jon Miller was heading into those seasons.

Jihadic wing? Nice. Please go away.
U guys are missing Deace's points. No matter if the cops are out to get us or not, it doesn't matter it's happening. Who cares if other schools have same issues. Deace is saying KF can't enjoy any of this(Who would). No matter if you think he's right or wrong for not coming back for the press conference, he's saying he can't be enjoying any of this. I mean even if I felt like I was 100 percent justified for something I did and a parent, who's kid is in the hospital, is crying saying you sat in my living room and you told me you take care of him, got to weigh on your conscious. Or testifying at a rape trial, he coudlnt' know when he recruits a kid that he's capable of doing something like that, but I'm sure he still feels horrible. I agree KF isn't considering going anywhere before James graduates. You never know at some point he could just be like I don't want to deal with any of this anymore. I'm not saying he will leave, but what Deace is saying(KF possibly getting sick of everything that goes with college athletics) is a legitimate concern to me.
Come on VH, you've never heard Steve call it the "Jihadic Wing of Hawkeye Nation" before now? And exactly how does giving the extreme wing of Hawkeye Nation a catchy AND funny moniker, confirm any kind of "parrotyness"...don't let your political differences blind you in this case!

Thankfully, Steve Doughboy is not broadcast in my region, nor on XM. Even if he was accessible to me, I wouldn't listen. I am allergic to hyper-partisan right wing christian ideologues.

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