Please don't put words in my mouth

Yes, you are correct sir exactly my point. I was insuating Ferentz had something to do with the rape case, unreal. U seen my avatar WWKD....I believe he helps his players commit sexual assaults. My whole point was that he had to testify at the case and it couldn't be fun for him. Did you see the video????? Did he look comfortable??? Do you think he wanted his face on the 10 o'clock news in a sexual assault case for one of his players????? Unreal I'm just saying I could see Deace's point where at some point all these headaches he has to deal with got to be a pain. I'm not saying it'll happen. I hope he retires as the Hawkeye coach. I'm just saying I see another persons point, give it a try sometime.

Nobody likes to appear in court, yet it happens every single day throughout America, and very few if any of those people are so shook up that they have to quit their jobs and leave town.

You are really, really, not very bright.
Nobody likes to appear in court, yet it happens every single day throughout America, and very few if any of those people are so shook up that they have to quit their jobs and leave town.

You are really, really, not very bright.

I'm not sure what your problem is, I'm just speculating that Kirk might not enjoy all the headaches that goes with being a college coach. I don't think its inconcievable to think he might get sick with all them and go to the NFL. Add a 3rd really and a super before bright it'll put more emphasis on your sharp tongued insult.
guys......ole' guru Deace himself said that Harbaugh would crawl thru glass over glass, etc to get back to Michigan. you know....see what i did there.......??

he said that Ferentz would be fired in '08 due to the assault case.

he takes numerous shots at Iowa, when given the opportunity. and he makes numerous predictions about many things as well. make enough of 'em bound to get something right......

does anyone remember Deace from back in the Jock days? remember listening to him signing day 2002.....he was to have Coach Ferentz on as a guest, and Coach Ferentz 'stood him up'....(probably never had him scheduled).....the on-air meltdown Deace went through was EPIC radio....Ferentz is this, Ferentz is that......probably still bitter.......

here i am, 'a jihadic hawkeye fan' (imagine that, a hawkeye fan on a hawkeye board) posting that a self-professed hawk-hater (he has said it openly, freely, without hesitation back in his sports radio days) is predicting that Coach Ferentz would be done @ Iowa (it turns out next season) on the heels of Coach Ferentz being lambasted by the national media.....and now he is saying that people are 'putting words in his mouth' while at the same time calling people 'extremists' for calling him out....???!!!

never one to let an opportunity go to waste........

My bad for the sarcastic reply now that I know this back story. Good stuff and clever comment. I hope Deace understands the pandemic, epidemic, systemic problem he has on his hands
I have a sneaking suspicion that Iowa's arrests/problems have a lot more to do with the IC police dept and its no-nonsense approach to its job.
Most college teams have a very cozy agreement with the local police depts. Its a mutual understanding of dont bite the hand that feeds.

If you choose to believe that KF somehow guides his players into breaking the law, thats a YOU problem and pretty big one.
If you believe that KF scours the midwest looking for criminals to bring to IC, again, thats a YOU problem.
Just dont sit there and expect IOWA fans to buy your line of ********. Nobody in this state is as stupid as you hope they are. This isnt Michigan.

guys......ole' guru Deace himself said that Harbaugh would crawl thru glass over glass, etc to get back to Michigan. you know....see what i did there.......??

he said that Ferentz would be fired in '08 due to the assault case.

he takes numerous shots at Iowa, when given the opportunity. and he makes numerous predictions about many things as well. make enough of 'em bound to get something right......

does anyone remember Deace from back in the Jock days? remember listening to him signing day 2002.....he was to have Coach Ferentz on as a guest, and Coach Ferentz 'stood him up'....(probably never had him scheduled).....the on-air meltdown Deace went through was EPIC radio....Ferentz is this, Ferentz is that......probably still bitter.......

here i am, 'a jihadic hawkeye fan' (imagine that, a hawkeye fan on a hawkeye board) posting that a self-professed hawk-hater (he has said it openly, freely, without hesitation back in his sports radio days) is predicting that Coach Ferentz would be done @ Iowa (it turns out next season) on the heels of Coach Ferentz being lambasted by the national media.....and now he is saying that people are 'putting words in his mouth' while at the same time calling people 'extremists' for calling him out....???!!!

never one to let an opportunity go to waste........

Post of The Day.
I'm actually one of the rare Hawkeye fans that has to admit Deace really knows his college football. What he's (alleged) to have said re: Ferentz is off base by a pretty wide margin in my opinion, but not so wildly off base (compared to what others are running their mouths about) that I would have ever expected this number of posts.

BTW, the thought Deace labeling anyone or any group as "extremist" (or a facsimile thereof) makes me LOL so hard a little pee comes out. "It takes one to know one", as we would have said in the 3rd grade.
Steve Deace, you are unbelievable. Not once have I ever heard you mention Iowa's graduation rate (one of the highest in the country and 12th among 70 bowl teams this year). If you point out the negative, you should also report the positive. But, of course, you can never be accused of being an objective journalist. that is just not your style.

If Ferentz leaves, it will be because of complete journalistic idiots like you who are incapable of reporting in a balanced way. You have to evaluate the Iowa program in its totality, instead of focusing only on the negative. Your approach is tedious, at best.
I'm not sure what your problem is, I'm just speculating that Kirk might not enjoy all the headaches that goes with being a college coach. I don't think its inconcievable to think he might get sick with all them and go to the NFL. Add a 3rd really and a super before bright it'll put more emphasis on your sharp tongued insult.

Yes, because the NFL has very few "headaches."

You are really, really, really not super bright.
If Ferentz leaves, it will be because of complete journalistic idiots like you

I highly doubt that KF loses any sleep over the likes of Deace, Perrault, Terrell etc. You don't build a strong, winning program at Iowa by worrying about the shock media's twisted perception.
Yes, because the NFL has very few "headaches."

You are really, really, really not super bright.

Bright enough to know not to start two exact same threads back to back in different forums.

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Steve, you are playing the part of bomb-thrower here, nothing more. I feel you can't honestly believe what you said or wrote. Kirk will be around next season and the season after that. He's not a quitter, unlike the last guy you had in your beloved Ames.
"there is a systemic problem within this program ... There aren't too many programs with the sheer volume of arrest/citation rate Iowa has had"

No doubt the rate is higher than anyone would prefer, enough for prominent mention in the tongue-in-cheek Fulmer Cup (Fulmer Cup Dynasty - SAS Wiki). But that would mean by your own argument Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Missouri, Penn State, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Marshall, Nebraska and Florida State have "systemic problems" also. Not to mention Oregon and MSU's recent arrest epidemics. Is that your belief, Steve, that they have systemic problems? Because I don't recall hearing that from you.

And as others mention, you don't look at one factor in isolation to judge a program's character. Graduation rate, avoidance of NCAA sanctions, community and charity work all matter. The full story paints a very different picture.
Is this a lead pipe lock prediction? If so, we have nothing to worry about :)

This. Deace's opinion is worth nothing more than what any other poster on here. Despite what he thinks, he doesn't know anything more and is not any more connected than the average poster here. I'm sure most of you are jealous of his ability to correctly predict 40% of college football games and give us all the inside information on the Michigan coaching search but really we shouldn't be getting all worked up over his posts.
This. Deace's opinion is worth nothing more than what any other poster on here. Despite what he thinks, he doesn't know anything more and is not any more connected than the average poster here. I'm sure most of you are jealous of his ability to correctly predict 40% of college football games and give us all the inside information on the Michigan coaching search but really we shouldn't be getting all worked up over his posts.

When it comes to the history and tradition of college football he knows more than most, but from an X and O standpoint and other stuff you are probably right.
Bright enough to know not to start two exact same threads back to back in different forums.


But obviously not smart enough to figure out that the subject matter overlaps the two forums that it was posted in.

Keep it up, though. Sooner or later you'll eventually get the hang of this whole Internet thing.

BTW, nice picture of yourself. Most people would be embarrassed to put themselves out there like that, but you have obviously accepted who you are, and I respect that.
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Deace -

Don't let the facts get in your way.

The core talking points upon which you support your arguments are shakey at best ... and are applicable in some shape or form nearly every other year. Every few years there are A TON of coaching openings in the NFL ... and yet Ferentz remains at Iowa. Every few years a bunch of crap hits the fan due to foolish and/or criminal behavior by current and/or former Iowa players .... and yet Ferentz remains at Iowa.

The most important points are the following:

- FAMILY. Family is still a pull that likely keeps Ferentz at Iowa through AT LEAST through the 2012 season ... and, as others have indicated, there's also the issue of Steven finishing off his high school career in Iowa City too. Lastly, if Steven proves to be a D1 caliber player ... that could further "glue" Ferentz to Iowa even longer.

- FERENTZ IS PICKY ABOUT NFL OPPORTUNITIES. It is well known that Ferentz has no intention of indiscriminantly working for ANY NFL program. Ferentz wants to work for management whom he already has a great relationship with. Ferentz also wants A LOT of control ... moreso than most NFL owners are willing to give. Thus, it won't just take ANY NFL opportunity to lure Ferentz to the NFL ... it will take a VERY PARTICULAR one.

- COACHING FAMILY AT IOWA. Ferentz has a terrific deal at Iowa. He has impressive job security ... very few college coaches can claim to have such security. And, furthermore, he's able to leverage that security to help protect his coaching staff. Thus, he gets to work with people whom he truly respects and enjoys to be around. It's hard to beat a deal like that.

- COACHING YOUNG PEOPLE IS MORE FUN. This may surprise folks, however, most of the time college players are more malleable than NFL players. Thus, this makes it a bit more rewarding as a coach in the college game. You get to "shape" players even more in the college game in many respects ... and, all the while, the egos of the players tend to not get in the way quite as much. There is a reason why JoePa remained in the coaching game so long ... heck, that is the same reason why Norm has remained in the game so long too.

- BIG DONORS AT IOWA STILL LOVE FERENTZ. These are the folks who are capable of leveraging administrators who are above Ferentz the most. If the majority of the donors love Ferentz ... then that nearly renders Ferentz "untouchable." And, to my knowledge, there is still plenty of love for Ferentz out there. Donors may not like the news about DJK or like that 13 kids dealt with kidney issues .... however, those same folks also pay attention to what past and current Iowa players say about Ferentz and the program. The very fact that guys like Angerer and Ballard steadfastly stick by their coach (among many, many other players) ... and the fact that such guys have suggested that many of the guys impacted negatively by the workout hadn't done precisely what Doyle had told them to do prior to the workout ... the donors already know who they should believe/trust.

My prediction was that this coming season would be Kirk Ferentz's final season, not that he had coached his last game at Iowa.

I am making that prediction based on my belief that there have been so many off-field problems over the years and a lot of water under the bridge with those in policy or bureacratic positions that have little patience for such things, or high-priced coaches in general. Not to mention I'm guessing that Ferentz is growing increasingly impatient with such people himself.

On top of that a new CBA will be in place in the NFL for 2012 and I believe he's always had an interest in coaching there, so with several openings in 2012 the timing could be right.

I have no idea where the idea I said Iowa was evil and corrupt institution or program came from, and I haven't even said it myself. Some of you people are ridiculous, and it's good to see the Jihadic Wing is still alive and well after all these years.

Now, that said, if an SEC program had experienced all of these issues there's no question all of us here in salt of the earth Iowa would have no hesitation referring to them as a renegade program, and the Shadow would be the first one pointing it out.

I like Ferentz, he was always good to me, and I think he's a great coach. However, you don't have to be a Hawk hater to come to the conclusion there is a systemic problem within this program when it comes to issues, because this has been a problem for years going all the way back to the early days of my sports talk radio career. There aren't too many programs with the sheer volume of arrest/citation rate Iowa has had (two involving the coach's son who is currently on the team) in his tenure, let alone the Section 8 housing scandal (which Ferentz's other son was involved in when he played here) and this current story which are unlike anything I've seen in collegiate sports.

On the other hand, it should be noted that even given the higher than normal offense rate, these players still represent a fraction of the whole who have played under Ferentz over the years.

Kirk Ferentz is not a victim. He's the highly-paid CEO of Iowa football, and ultimately the captain is responsible for everything that happens on his ship on his watch. It's not as simple as he walks on water or he's a scoundrel. Sometimes good, effective leaders have blind spots that get exposed without the right accountability or evolving protocols.

This appears to be one of them.

P.S...and for the record, I predicted Iowa to win the Big Ten title the last two years in a row, which is probably as optimistic if not more optimistic than Jon Miller was heading into those seasons.
"Jihadic Wing"??
Thanks for confirming my suspicions that you are nothing more than a rinky dink limbaugh-parrot.

I agree. His comments utilize a variety of rather dramatic terms. I guess that gets attention.

I don't live in Iowa, so I have no idea who this Deace character is. However, he must have a history of making his bones by riling up Iowa fans. It appears to be his M.O. I don't know him though, so that's just an outsider's viewpoint. I suppose it's par for the course in today's modern media circus. If he's anything like Limbaugh, well...
I agree. His comments utilize a variety of rather dramatic terms. I guess that gets attention.

I don't live in Iowa, so I have no idea who this Deace character is. However, he must have a history of making his bones by riling up Iowa fans. It appears to be his M.O. I don't know him though, so that's just an outsider's viewpoint. I suppose it's par for the course in today's modern media circus. If he's anything like Limbaugh, well...

he definitely made his bones p.o.'ing iowa fans. that is/was his schtick. he'd throw bombs and the calls would come a rollin' in.

it is why i am dumbfounded as to why so many people think it's great when he posts on this website......well, i guess i know of one person who thinks it's great......
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