Please don't put words in my mouth

Sometimes good, effective leaders have blind spots that get exposed without the right accountability or evolving protocols.

So you seem to be saying Kirk has more tang on the side than Tiger's Wood. Is that accurate?

Sorry, couldn't help myself, considering the title of this thread.;)
Or testifying at a rape trial, he coudlnt' know when he recruits a kid that he's capable of doing something like that, but I'm sure he still feels horrible.

Ummmmmm....yeah. Last I checked, the former player(s) in question were cleared of all sexaul assault charges.

Simple assault and 30 days in jail?

Oh, the horror.
Come on VH, you've never heard Steve call it the "Jihadic Wing of Hawkeye Nation" before now? And exactly how does giving the extreme wing of Hawkeye Nation a catchy AND funny moniker, confirm any kind of "parrotyness"...don't let your political differences blind you in this case!

Because its tired and was funny and clever like 10 years ago. It's similar to Rome doing his same ole schtick. What was once clever and funny is just dumb now. I don't have a problem with him not drinking the black and gold kool-aid just come up with a different act (double negative sentence, but you get the point).
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His son will be a Senior going into his 3rd year as the starting Center in 2012. No way Kirk misses that. You mean to tell me that he is going to miss the senior day ceremony because he's in Oakland or Jacksonville prepping his team for a Sunday game? Ridiculous. Plus his other son Steve I believe would be a senior at Iowa City High School during that school year.

Now 2013, maybe...



Mary Ferentz
I predict that KF will be around after the next season. One, for his son's final year. Two, i think he likes iowa city, and would like to see all his kids graduate from iowa city. Not sure how many are still in school. Three, i don't think his wife will pick up and move so easily. four, he has a lifetime contract. I realize that doesn't mean a lot, but i am sure he will be around for the next few years anyhow.
Because its tired and was funny and clever like 10 years ago. It's similar to Rome doing his same ole schtick. What was once clever and funny is just dumb now. I don't have a problem with him not drinking the black and gold kool-aid just come up with a different act (double negative sentence, but you get the point).

Pretty spot on. The problem is, just like the sports talk radio hosts in Iowa everybody can't stand, Rome, Cowherd...etc...all they have to do is stir up the crowd and laugh all the way to the bank. When trolls come to message boards...loads of people post pictures with slogans such as "obvious troll is obvious"...funny but the troll got the attention they were looking for ;)
Ummmmmm....yeah. Last I checked, the former player(s) in question were cleared of all sexaul assault charges.

Simple assault and 30 days in jail?

Oh, the horror.

Again your missing the point, whatever it turned out to be it was a shady situation that he couldn't enjoy having any part of.
U guys are missing Deace's points. No matter if the cops are out to get us or not, it doesn't matter it's happening. Who cares if other schools have same issues. Deace is saying KF can't enjoy any of this(Who would). No matter if you think he's right or wrong for not coming back for the press conference, he's saying he can't be enjoying any of this. I mean even if I felt like I was 100 percent justified for something I did and a parent, who's kid is in the hospital, is crying saying you sat in my living room and you told me you take care of him, got to weigh on your conscious. Or testifying at a rape trial, he coudlnt' know when he recruits a kid that he's capable of doing something like that, but I'm sure he still feels horrible. I agree KF isn't considering going anywhere before James graduates. You never know at some point he could just be like I don't want to deal with any of this anymore. I'm not saying he will leave, but what Deace is saying(KF possibly getting sick of everything that goes with college athletics) is a legitimate concern to me.
Well it matters that all colleges have the same problems meaning Iowa is not unique. As far as KF goes he may be getting tired of the BS but guys like Deace are the ones spreading largely unfounded BS and festering the wounds whenever posible. KF will do what is best for him when its best for him and I'm good with that. I am NOT good with Deace being one of the POS's working hard to try and make this worse for KF and acting like he has done nothing and pretending to be innocent about it.Then he has the balls to think we should still have interest in his TV evangelist sports squakings.
On top of that a new CBA will be in place in the NFL for 2012 and I believe he's always had an interest in coaching there, so with several openings in 2012 the timing could be right.

You are a uncultured guru but still a guru. I totally agree with you. You failed to mention the main reason he would leave is the fact that he has a child on the team that starts. We all know through and through how horrible it is to coach your own kid.
you are a wizard my uncultured wizard..but still a wizard..

Good stuff man.
You are a uncultured guru but still a guru. I totally agree with you. You failed to mention the main reason he would leave is the fact that he has a child on the team that starts. We all know through and through how horrible it is to coach your own kid.
you are a wizard my uncultured wizard..but still a wizard..

Good stuff man.

Ferentz would probably crawl thru glass to grab a spot in the NFL......
Ferentz would probably crawl thru glass to grab a spot in the NFL......

Why? Is the pressure to succeed less?
Is the local media support greater for NFL teams?
Do NFL players get into less trouble?
Are coaches held less accountable?
Do NFL coaches have more control over their jobs, than CFB coaches?
Are the fans more supportive in the NFL?
There aren't too many programs with the sheer volume of arrest/citation rate Iowa has had (two involving the coach's son who is currently on the team) in his tenure, let alone the Section 8 housing scandal (which Ferentz's other son was involved in when he played here) and this current story which are unlike anything I've seen in collegiate sports.

Unlike anything in collegiate sports? Deace that statement is complete bullsh*t.

From 2002 to 2008 46 Penn State football players faced 163 criminal charges, according to an ESPN analysis of Pennsylvania court records and reports. How does that compare to Iowa's record? And if Iowa is truly so unrivaled in the history of college sports criminality why have they never won the infamous "Fulmer Cup"?

"The Fulmer Cup is a tongue-in-cheek award given each year in the United States to the Division I FBScollege football program whose players collectively have the worst criminal record"
All-time Fulmer Cup standings
Again your missing the point, whatever it turned out to be it was a shady situation that he couldn't enjoy having any part of.

What the hell was his "part" in the situation?

The very same thing happens countless times on every campus in America each semester, including the sainted and pure UNIVERSITY OF IOWA.

What a joke to imply that he was somehow involved or bears some culpability. Hell, even the freaking jury thought that the victim was just as culpable as the accused players in this case. I'm sure Kirk was somehow responsible for drugging her and making her drink booze, too.

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What the hell was his "part" in the situation?

The very same thing happens countless times on every campus in America each semester, including the sainted and pure UNIVERSITY OF IOWA.

What a joke to imply that he was somehow involved or bears some culpability. Hell, even the freaking jury thought that the victim was just as culpable as the accused players in this case. I'm sure Kirk was somehow responsible for drugging her and making her drink booze, too.


Yes, you are correct sir exactly my point. I was insuating Ferentz had something to do with the rape case, unreal. U seen my avatar WWKD....I believe he helps his players commit sexual assaults. My whole point was that he had to testify at the case and it couldn't be fun for him. Did you see the video????? Did he look comfortable??? Do you think he wanted his face on the 10 o'clock news in a sexual assault case for one of his players????? Unreal I'm just saying I could see Deace's point where at some point all these headaches he has to deal with got to be a pain. I'm not saying it'll happen. I hope he retires as the Hawkeye coach. I'm just saying I see another persons point, give it a try sometime.
Ferentz would probably crawl thru glass to grab a spot in the NFL......

Yes, because NFL coaches/coordinators generally stick around in the same job for ages and don't have boat loads of problems to deal with.

Yeah things aren't great at the moment, but to suggest the NFL would be a de-stresser. Come on man
Unlike anything in collegiate sports? Deace that statement is complete bullsh*t.

From 2002 to 2008 46 Penn State football players faced 163 criminal charges, according to an ESPN analysis of Pennsylvania court records and reports. How does that compare to Iowa's record? And if Iowa is truly so unrivaled in the history of college sports criminality why have they never won the infamous "Fulmer Cup"?

"The Fulmer Cup is a tongue-in-cheek award given each year in the United States to the Division I FBScollege football program whose players collectively have the worst criminal record"
All-time Fulmer Cup standings

How dare you bring actual facts to this forum. Unbelievable!
Ferentz would probably crawl thru glass to grab a spot in the NFL......

guys......ole' guru Deace himself said that Harbaugh would crawl thru glass over glass, etc to get back to Michigan. you know....see what i did there.......??

he said that Ferentz would be fired in '08 due to the assault case.

he takes numerous shots at Iowa, when given the opportunity. and he makes numerous predictions about many things as well. make enough of 'em bound to get something right......

does anyone remember Deace from back in the Jock days? remember listening to him signing day 2002.....he was to have Coach Ferentz on as a guest, and Coach Ferentz 'stood him up'....(probably never had him scheduled).....the on-air meltdown Deace went through was EPIC radio....Ferentz is this, Ferentz is that......probably still bitter.......

here i am, 'a jihadic hawkeye fan' (imagine that, a hawkeye fan on a hawkeye board) posting that a self-professed hawk-hater (he has said it openly, freely, without hesitation back in his sports radio days) is predicting that Coach Ferentz would be done @ Iowa (it turns out next season) on the heels of Coach Ferentz being lambasted by the national media.....and now he is saying that people are 'putting words in his mouth' while at the same time calling people 'extremists' for calling him out....???!!!

never one to let an opportunity go to waste........
Respectful post and one man's opinion. At least Steve provides rationale behind his comments versus the KXNO idiots in the afternoon. They simply go for the shock value. At least Steve is pretty even centered.

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