Perrault on Miller & Deace

I promise you I understand "where Iowa is" better than you could ever dream of "understanding". I have forgotten more about Iowa athletics in 26 years, than you will ever know.
It boggles my mind how I have to resort to working at a Grain Elevator full time and deploying to war-torn countries every 3 years to make a living, when there are people like you getting paid to run your mouth's without having any idea of what you are talking about......never understood how complete idiots get jobs that require them to talk about things they are clueless about....
Matt, Who do you talk to in the coaching world? A few guys from the Missouri Valley once in awhile. Maybe you can fill me in as to how many teams they have in the tournament. Im not taking anything away from Ben Jacobson and your awesome Missouri Valley Conference and your blue birds, but maybe you need to re-evaluate the level of basketball being played in your conference. Iowa fans realize we have a poor situation currently but at least we have in the past and hopefully will in the future have success in the big leagues. Dont try to pop off and act like you know who we can or cant get and dont pretend your tied into some coaching network and have discussed the Iowa situation with any BCS level coaches.
Look, either you understand where Iowa is...or you don't. Iowa USED to be great....and could be great again - there is no question. But the program is a mess. You have to get a coach who is willing to see what it could be....not what it is. Recruiting is going to be very tough for the next coach. It's a football school for one thing...and in a conference that is very tough every year.

I have been listening over and over about how there is no way Iowa can hire a mid-major coach....but now Barbee is the hot name? Please. Now an assistant coach? Ok fine - but it's not exactly Bruce Pearl is it?

The job is not a good job right now and not many want it. It can be good again - but you have to find the guy who is willing to work hard to make it that way. Ben Jacobson would be a great hire...but you don't like his style....fine. But remember - his style wins in the Big 10 and his style is like the Iowa Football program.

You seem to like Kirk's approach a whole lot....Ben is very similar.

I suppose you could say "its a football school" NOW, but it wasn't the case when Alford took over. Iowa could be just like Ohio St, Florida,etc....not talent wise, but in the sense that both sports are equally good. I guess I just don't buy that argument.

I've gotten the feeling this week that a good number of Iowa fans realize the challenges that the new coach is going to face with this job. I think we all realize that it's no where close to where it once was, which was a relevant Top 30 program for nearly a quarter century before Alford arrived in 1999.

However, throwing out the 'what if Jacobsen would turn Iowa down' is akin to playing with matches ;)
I suppose you could say "its a football school" NOW, but it wasn't the case when Alford took over. Iowa could be just like Ohio St, Florida,etc....not talent wise, but in the sense that both sports are equally good. I guess I just don't buy that argument.

It was probably a football school then just had a basketball team that made the tournament regularly.

There are few true 'basketball schools' IMO. KU, Indiana, UNC from the major conferences.

Its hard to call Michigan State a basketball school when their football program brings in far more money...KU football brings in more money than KU basketball, for that matter...

What makes a school a 'football school' or a 'basketball school'? that would be tough to define.

Marquette is a hoop is Villanova.
It was probably a football school then just had a basketball team that made the tournament regularly.

There are few true 'basketball schools' IMO. KU, Indiana, UNC from the major conferences.

Its hard to call Michigan State a basketball school when their football program brings in far more money...KU football brings in more money than KU basketball, for that matter...

What makes a school a 'football school' or a 'basketball school'? that would be tough to define.

Marquette is a hoop is Villanova.

I think you define what type of school they are (basketball or football) by what the fan support is regardless of the product being put on the field (or court). For 20 years, the Iowa football team was in the sports equivalent of purgatory. However, the stadium was still 3/4 full. We're seeing what happens when the basketball team is in purgatory.....barely 1/3 full. Therefore, Iowa is obviously a football school.

Flip that around and look at Indiana. Their football team SUCKS and no one shows up. Indiana basketball team was arguably the worst team in the Big 10 this year and they still damn near sold out every game. Basketball school.

However, just because you're one type of school or another doesn't mean you can just neglect the other one. We did and we see the end result. At least Indiana can say that they sunk a crap load of money into their football program.

I've gotten the feeling this week that a good number of Iowa fans realize the challenges that the new coach is going to face with this job. I think we all realize that it's no where close to where it once was, which was a relevant Top 30 program for nearly a quarter century before Alford arrived in 1999.

However, throwing out the 'what if Jacobsen would turn Iowa down' is akin to playing with matches ;)

Maybe controversial, but what if?

Ben didn't grow up in Iowa...didn't grow up dreaming of the Hawks. I would take the Minnesota job over Iowa if I were Jacobson
How much money does Jacobson make at UNI? When Coach McD first got the UNI job he was quoted to have said he had gotten his dream job. After some success at UNI Iowa State came a calling offering sacks of cash and an opportunity to coach at the major college level. I don't know how much Jacobson makes at UNI but I bet if you offer him a chunk of change that it would be to great to pass up. In the 3 years TL was at Iowa he managed to walk away with 6 million dollars, it would have taken him 20 years to make that same amount of money at Butler. I cannot imagine Jacobson passing up that kind of money just because the Iowa program is a mess. The ONLY way Jacobson passes on Iowa is if Minnesota came a calling as he recruits well up there.
"What if Jacobsen turned down the Iowa job" is not an educated hypothetical to throw out. It is just plain stupid. Martyesque.

But I repeat myself.

Does KXNO require periodic drug testing? This Perrault might be due. He's got to be on something.
I HATE listening to Perrault, especially when it comes to his "knowledge" about Iowa Teams. Matt is an east coast guy and even admits that. He has no clue when it comes to expectations and traditions for Iowa teams. I have personally emailed Matt before during his show when they were talking about who should be the new basketball coach. It seems like he had a number of these emails at the time too and he was so razzled when they came back from break that they had to switch over and talk about something else and not take any phone calls for the rest of the show.
When Marty and Miller were on the air at kxno when they first started out, I would not miss a show! They reported everything how it actually was- they didn't go into hypothetical situations. When Marty and Miller started getting comfortable in their slot and with the show they started putting their own opinions in and really going after each others throats on the air. Then the show really took a nose dive, IMO, and I quit tuning in.
Now the Matt and Miller show started out the same way and its going down the same path as Marty and Miller did, except this time Miller lets Matt just run with it and you can just tell he just kinda hangs back and is like you dug your own grave here buddy.
So I am with the guy who posted before me when he says he only tunes in when there is big breaking sports news. I am loving Murph and Andy more and more daily!

P.S. I edited my post because I thought about it more, and for those who read what I put before this edit, I was totally serious, however, I don't want to be that guy. We will see how things play out
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