Perrault on Miller & Deace

Ok I have to be honest. I travel the state for work and looked forward daily to listening to Matt and Travis on 590. I do think Matt is smart and provides good insight. It is my opinion that his style changed when he came to DM. Sure alot of Hawk fans drink to koolaid, but find one passionate fan base that does not. Coming from Big Red country I am sure he has seen it before. I clearly remember discussions recently when Iowa was 9-0 that were horribly negative about BCS games he did not want to see that included Iowa because they were not a good football team. I heard this throughout the year. I also heard from him how bad the Big 10 was in football, and the bowl season facts just did not support his opinion on this. I think it is good to have a devil's advocate that keeps us real. I think it could be done is a less hating manner.
Unhappy in Des Moines? Please don't talk about things you know nothing about - ie. ME.

I'm very happy - love it actually in Des Moines.

My opinion of the Iowa job has nothing to do with hate ... and I think you guys have a major league inflated opinion of your job. So you can pay big $$ - whoopie. That doesn't mean a good coach is going to run there. I'm a UMass guy - Tony Barbee would be great - I'd love. But is he a HUGE coach, a whale? Heck no. He's a Cal assistant and a guy who lost to Butler yesterday.

I'm not hating on Iowa - I'm giving a very educated opinion about the job from people I talk to in the coaching world. Sorry it sucks to hear but you should be realistic with your program. Ben would be a great hire - I have no idea, other than money, why he would go there right now.....but Iowa better call him cause he should be one of your top candidates.

Look, I underestimated him as well. I didn't believe it either for a long time - but I'm a big believer now

Just think, if Farokmanesh doesn't stroke that 25 footer and UNI loses, noone today is even bringing up that Jac should be a top candidate. And that game could have gone the other way. Just astonishing how fickle and foolish we can be about the result of one tournament game. Now, Jac is the man, and Barbee and Stallings are on the outs. Ridiculous.
While I didn't hear exactly what he said I'm sure there is some merit to it. The fact of the matter is a coach from UNI wouldn't necessarily see the UI job as a huge step up at the moment. 20 years ago that wasn't the case. At this point I could see an up and commer from a mid major pause before accepting the Iowa job, especially if he has career aspirations to be a coach at a national power. Someone with those goals might wait a year for a better opportunity.

At the same time I don't see too many people with over inflated opinions about the Iowa program. Most importantly we are easily relevent enough to get a high quality coach here. The luster we might lack as a program can easily be overcome by overpaying a bit which I am comfortable with.
Unhappy in Des Moines? Please don't talk about things you know nothing about - ie. University of Iowa athletics.

I fixed it for you Matt, now take your own advice and leave this talking to your guest that you have on - ie. Rob Howe.

And for the record: we all know this program is a train wreck and the $$ thing we talk about is because it will take a lot of money for someone to come in and clean up this mess, but you know what there is a coach out there that has more experience than Ben and would be willing to get a sizeable raise and do just that.
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Wow... does this "Matt" have a sports talk show... really? Can someone fill me in, I live in TX. And is he REALLY this sparked by chatter on the message board?!
Wow does this guy really have a job on the radio in Iowa? It sounds like he would be lucky to be on the air in Creston.

I dont care what job is open in the Big Ten. It would be a step up for 80% of the schools in division one basketball.
I don't get to listen to kxno that much (only on iphone here in AZ), but when I have listened more often than not I completely disagree with what he says. However, it's pretty entertaining to see how riled up everyone gets regarding his opinions. I'd rather a talk radio host take strong opinions on one side of an issue over one that stays in the middle and keeps everyone feeling all warm and fuzzy.

I was listening to Hawkeyenation's second favorite pariah today, Colin Cowherd, and he said (to paraphrase), that it is good when people hate him. It doesn't matter if people love him, or if they hate him, as long as they react to him, then he has been successful. The easiest way to get fired is to have your core audience indifferent to you.

He said that hate mail is fan mail, because even if someone hates you, they are still listening to everything you say.

This entire thread is just a big Matt love fest. Congratulations.
This is all true. However, I only really hear him anymore on other shows. I quit listening to his show quite some time ago because I think he is very uninformed and it gets old. It sucks though because I really like Ken Miller a lot. And if anyone has disdain for the U of I it is Ken Miller which further shows that the reason I dislike Perrault has nothing to do with his feeling on the hawks. I just flat out don't think he is a good radio show host. Period.

I'm not hating on Iowa - I'm giving a very educated opinion about the job from people I talk to in the coaching world. Sorry it sucks to hear but you should be realistic with your program.

An educated opinion? In whose mind? yours. Why dont you fill us in who the h--- you know in the coaching world. I tuned in this morning and caught it a little after it started. I didnt recognize your voice at first and thought who the heck is this idiot. Were you still drunk this morning?
If Jacobsen wants to coach at a national power he would have to take over a program like Iowa and be successful there. National Programs don't hire mid-major coaches so coaches like Jacobsen need jobs like Iowa's. Hopefully we can get at least one of the big time conference coaches to bite otherwise we will get a mid-major which means a bigger risk for us.
Lots of other threads for this, but I really think that Barbee would be a phenomenal choice regardless of status- He's a good recruiter (with looks to be good recruiting ties), current head coaching experience, high energy guy with an aggressive game plan. Although the loss to Butler makes him look a little less sexy to the masses- I think could help us land him if that's the direction we went. If he can sell kids to El Paso, he can sell kids to Iowa City.
Lots of other threads for this, but I really think that Barbee would be a phenomenal choice regardless of status- He's a good recruiter (with looks to be good recruiting ties), current head coaching experience, high energy guy with an aggressive game plan. Although the loss to Butler makes him look a little less sexy to the masses- I think could help us land him if that's the direction we went. If he can sell kids to El Paso, he can sell kids to Iowa City.

The problem is that the kids he's selling to El Paso probably wouldn't qualify at Iowa.
Unlike others, I don't think Perrault is uninformed. He seems about as informed as the average local sports talk guy. The issue for me is the avenue some of these guys choose to get noticed--rag on the home team. Matt can swear all day long that he's only being objective, and there is plenty of room to be critical of the home teams in certain areas. However, it's all about the frequency and the delivery. He never misses a chance to dump on the home teams and his tone and inflection go from zero-to-sixty when he gets started on it.

So please, don't try to say it isn't part of the plan. And "the plan" generally keeps me away from that time slot on that station unless there's some thing major in the news and there's no choice.
I was listening to Hawkeyenation's second favorite pariah today, Colin Cowherd, and he said (to paraphrase), that it is good when people hate him. It doesn't matter if people love him, or if they hate him, as long as they react to him, then he has been successful. The easiest way to get fired is to have your core audience indifferent to you.

He said that hate mail is fan mail, because even if someone hates you, they are still listening to everything you say.

This entire thread is just a big Matt love fest. Congratulations.


Stop listening to him and he stops having a job.

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