Perrault on Miller & Deace

I HATE listening to Perrault, especially when it comes to his "knowledge" about Iowa Teams. Matt is an east coast guy and even admits that. He has no clue when it comes to expectations and traditions for Iowa teams. I have personally emailed Matt before during his show when they were talking about who should be the new basketball coach. It seems like he had a number of these emails at the time too and he was so razzled when they came back from break that they had to switch over and talk about something else and not take any phone calls for the rest of the show.
When Marty and Miller were on the air at kxno when they first started out, I would not miss a show! They reported everything how it actually was- they didn't go into hypothetical situations. When Marty and Miller started getting comfortable in their slot and with the show they started putting their own opinions in and really going after each others throats on the air. Then the show really took a nose dive, IMO, and I quit tuning in.
Now the Matt and Miller show started out the same way and its going down the same path as Marty and Miller did, except this time Miller lets Matt just run with it and you can just tell he just kinda hangs back and is like you dug your own grave here buddy.
So I am with the guy who posted before me when he says he only tunes in when there is big breaking sports news. I am loving Murph and Andy more and more daily!

P.S. I edited my post because I thought about it more, and for those who read what I put before this edit, I was totally serious, however, I don't want to be that guy. We will see how things play out

i quit reading your post after you said you "personally emailed matt" about your coaching input. you may have some structured opinions, but if you just let that arsebag ride off into the sunset... he might go away sooner rather than later.
I feel sorry for Jon. They both work at the same station, I understand. He is probably required to let that blow hard on his show from time to time. Maybe Jon should ask for a raise.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

I asked the question earlier last week if McDermott had never existed if Jacobsen would interest Iowa fans and they said NO. I thought that was a lie. I then asked if McDermott never existed AND UNI made the Sweet 16 if that would change anything and everyone said NO. I thought that was a lie too. I have to think that McDermott going to ISU has jaded everyone on Jacobsen. Not really a fair shake. But as noted above by matt that bridge has burned and when all the "hot" names say no and we're left with some no-name we will all be asking, "we could have had a shot at Jacobsen but we hired WHO?"
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

I wish that Ben would stay at UNI but for someone who is making 150K per year there is NO way he comes back to UNI next season. If Iowa does not go after him I would wager that Minnesota will. I just hope that if this happens we won't be sitting here 3 years from now wondering why we passed on this guy.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

No Matt. I am still not interested. My rationale is not based on emotional overreactions to an impressive upset win.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

Your a busy guy. You rub elbows with all these coaches around the country and know the full status of the Iowa program. Now your a recruiting guru and know where all these Iowa kids are going to college, without even knowing who the new Iowa coach is going to be. You have barely been in Iowa long enough for a few cups of coffee and now your an expert.
No Matt. I am still not interested. My rationale is not based on emotional overreactions to an impressive upset win.
+1 Iowa needs to look at the entire body of work for a coach - not just 2 wins in one NCAA tourney. Been there, done that. Twice.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

Did you wager your job on that bet? Hopefully.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

Time to walk away from the keyboard for awhile Matt, before your co-worker has to ban your east coast ***
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

Look at Matt...what a tool.

Thanks for the preview of the show tomorrow.
i quit reading your post after you said you "personally emailed matt" about your coaching input. you may have some structured opinions, but if you just let that arsebag ride off into the sunset... he might go away sooner rather than later.

Plano- Just for the record, when I emailed him it was to tear into him for some of the stupid names he was dropping for the Iowa job. At that time the firing was brand new and I had not had a chance to form an opinion about who we should get as a coach. Just FYI. But I agree with you, I hope he just does ride off soon.
I also have to agree COMPLETELY with Jon here too. I still would NOT take Jacobson for the Iowa job. And not to be a kiss@ss either but I think Jon nailed it when he mentioned Matt's "emotional overreactions". Not only is that what he is doing with the Jacobson thing but that is what he does with just about everything, from what I have heard.
On a side note- (and to the people in the 515) does anyone know if Cityview (or was it Juice?) that occasionally runs their "Get Out of Town!" section? If so, I think they need to throw Perrault in that issue- what about Murph and Andy's "Tool of the Week" can we recommend one of their own for that vote?!
Plano- Just for the record, when I emailed him it was to tear into him for some of the stupid names he was dropping for the Iowa job. At that time the firing was brand new and I had not had a chance to form an opinion about who we should get as a coach. Just FYI. But I agree with you, I hope he just does ride off soon.
I also have to agree COMPLETELY with Jon here too. I still would NOT take Jacobson for the Iowa job. And not to be a kiss@ss either but I think Jon nailed it when he mentioned Matt's "emotional overreactions". Not only is that what he is doing with the Jacobson thing but that is what he does with just about everything, from what I have heard.
On a side note- (and to the people in the 515) does anyone know if Cityview (or was it Juice?) that occasionally runs their "Get Out of Town!" section? If so, I think they need to throw Perrault in that issue- what about Murph and Andy's "Tool of the Week" can we recommend one of their own for that vote?!

It's Cityview, and usually the get out of town award goes to Steve Deace or Ed Wilson.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

No Thanks!!

As a UNI alum I would prefer he stays at UNI and as a Hawk fan I think we should NOT go after another Mid major coach that gets his team to the Sweet 16.

How do you know none of them will go to Iowa? Have to talked to all of them? Go to your Creighton board where people might actually care what you have to say
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

Yes, because he resume is SOOO much different than Alford or Lickliter when they took the Iowa job. Barta should be fired if he even goes in the direction of Jacobson. Not the right hire for Iowa, he is perfect for a mid major like Northern Iowa. He is a guy like Altman, nothing more, even with the Kansas win.
I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

This is a perfect example of the kind of thing I was referring to when I started the string. It's not an intelligent statement, it's not a knowledgeable statement. By definition it cannot have a basis in fact. The only purpose for making it is to try to inflame and incite.

Matt may think his approach is a smart way to build a career, but it's short-sighted. I listen to that time slot on KXNO far less than I would but for his presence. And apart from the question of whether it's a good tactic for building a career, I simply have no respect for someone who approaches his business that way.
Bet you'd take Ben Jacobson now....but he's not going to Iowa now - no way in hell. But I do hope he stays at UNI. He's the perfect fit and could continue to take instate and area players and win.

I'll say it again - look at the 2011 and 2012 classes ...none of them are going to Iowa or Iowa St...either UNI or out of the state.

Really? Do you know the kids in the 2011 and 2012 classes? I do. A lot of the top prospects are the Horner/Brunner type as far as being Iowa fans growing up. If the right hire is made, the ones the new coach wants will stay.

And I completely agree with Jon. I do NOT want Ben Jacobson. It is nothing personal as I think he is a terrific guy and a great coach. But as another poster said, we have been down this road before, twice. Barta will do the right thing, I hope... And I wish you would do the right thing and disappear from these message boards forever. You already make it impossible to listen to local sports radio at 4 PM every day when Keith and Andy go off the air. Don't eff up a good thing here too!

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