Perrault on Miller & Deace

Unhappy in Des Moines? Please don't talk about things you know nothing about - ie. ME.

I'm very happy - love it actually in Des Moines.

My opinion of the Iowa job has nothing to do with hate ... and I think you guys have a major league inflated opinion of your job. So you can pay big $$ - whoopie. That doesn't mean a good coach is going to run there. I'm a UMass guy - Tony Barbee would be great - I'd love. But is he a HUGE coach, a whale? Heck no. He's a Cal assistant and a guy who lost to Butler yesterday.

I'm not hating on Iowa - I'm giving a very educated opinion about the job from people I talk to in the coaching world. Sorry it sucks to hear but you should be realistic with your program. Ben would be a great hire - I have no idea, other than money, why he would go there right now.....but Iowa better call him cause he should be one of your top candidates.

Look, I underestimated him as well. I didn't believe it either for a long time - but I'm a big believer now

This is pretty much correct minus the BJ love. It is astounding how ignorant the Iowa fan base is in regards to Iowa basketball. If you let a radio talk show host offend you, well you need to grow up.
Who is offended? Or are you just making a blanket statement about the "ignorant" Iowa fan base as a whole?
Who is offended? Or are you just making a blanket statement about the "ignorant" Iowa fan base as a whole?

The fact that so many people get SO riled up over what one 30 something guy says about their favorite team comes across as people getting offended to me. Maybe I am wrong.
I heard the interview this morning, and I thought Matt was being just ridiculous. It was funny after he got off the phone, Miller and Dace pretty much thought the same. They were saying they like to get him all fired up and egg him on.

His whole argument is ridiculous, not because we have an overinflated view of Iowa, but rather Matt has an overinflated view of the MVC. No knock against them (I'm a UNI grad and love UNI). Rather it is about the money, and the fact that these coaches have to make a move when he iron is hot. See Mac, and see Keno as examples. You don't know if you will be hit with injuries, etc or what will happen next year. To turn down 4 or 5 times the money you make now, that will set you up for the rest of your life would just be idiocy.
This is pretty much correct minus the BJ love. It is astounding how ignorant the Iowa fan base is in regards to Iowa basketball. If you let a radio talk show host offend you, well you need to grow up.

Interesting. Look, if you hate Iowa and Iowa fans so much, why not just stick to Creighton? You claim to be a Hawk fan, but have yet to say anything positive in regards to them.
I don't think a lot of people are riled up here- could just be perception or maybe I'm wrong.

Although a blanket statement about the ignorance of Iowa fans might might get some people offended...
I heard the interview this morning, and I thought Matt was being just ridiculous. It was funny after he got off the phone, Miller and Dace pretty much thought the same. They were saying they like to get him all fired up and egg him on.

His whole argument is ridiculous, not because we have an overinflated view of Iowa, but rather Matt has an overinflated view of the MVC. No knock against them (I'm a UNI grad and love UNI). Rather it is about the money, and the fact that these coaches have to make a move when he iron is hot. See Mac, and see Keno as examples. You don't know if you will be hit with injuries, etc or what will happen next year. To turn down 4 or 5 times the money you make now, that will set you up for the rest of your life would just be idiocy.

HA, I can agree with this. Although I am hoping and praying that Jacobson isn't even considered here.
I don't think a lot of people are riled up here- could just be perception or maybe I'm wrong.

Although a blanket statement about the ignorance of Iowa fans might might get some people offended...

I shouldn't do that, you are correct. I let the vocal minority get to me to much.
Unhappy in Des Moines? Please don't talk about things you know nothing about - ie. ME.

I'm very happy - love it actually in Des Moines.

My opinion of the Iowa job has nothing to do with hate ... and I think you guys have a major league inflated opinion of your job. So you can pay big $$ - whoopie. That doesn't mean a good coach is going to run there. I'm a UMass guy - Tony Barbee would be great - I'd love. But is he a HUGE coach, a whale? Heck no. He's a Cal assistant and a guy who lost to Butler yesterday.

I'm not hating on Iowa - I'm giving a very educated opinion about the job from people I talk to in the coaching world. Sorry it sucks to hear but you should be realistic with your program. Ben would be a great hire - I have no idea, other than money, why he would go there right now.....but Iowa better call him cause he should be one of your top candidates.

Look, I underestimated him as well. I didn't believe it either for a long time - but I'm a big believer now

Yeah right! Money has no effect on people or their career decisions. LMAO! I have never had to listen to your nonsense, personally, but now I understand when people say you are a clueless hack. If a Russian radio station offered you that kind of raise, you'd be speaking sputnik by monday.
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I was listening to Hawkeyenation's second favorite pariah today, Colin Cowherd, and he said (to paraphrase), that it is good when people hate him. It doesn't matter if people love him, or if they hate him, as long as they react to him, then he has been successful. The easiest way to get fired is to have your core audience indifferent to you.

He said that hate mail is fan mail, because even if someone hates you, they are still listening to everything you say.

This entire thread is just a big Matt love fest. Congratulations.

I used to believe that but I cant even listen to Colin anymore. I dont hate him by any stretch. I happen to think his opinions are worthless. I wouldnt listen to this Perrault clown either. Even if I lived in DM.
I used to believe that but I cant even listen to Colin anymore. I dont hate him by any stretch. I happen to think his opinions are worthless. I wouldnt listen to this Perrault clown either. Even if I lived in DM.

I tuned in today to listen to Jon and he throws this joker on the phone.

Matt, Im glad you enjoy the DM area. Do you think you will stick around when you lose the radio job?
Unhappy in Des Moines? Please don't talk about things you know nothing about - ie. ME.

I'm very happy - love it actually in Des Moines.

My opinion of the Iowa job has nothing to do with hate ... and I think you guys have a major league inflated opinion of your job. So you can pay big $$ - whoopie. That doesn't mean a good coach is going to run there. I'm a UMass guy - Tony Barbee would be great - I'd love. But is he a HUGE coach, a whale? Heck no. He's a Cal assistant and a guy who lost to Butler yesterday.

I'm not hating on Iowa - I'm giving a very educated opinion about the job from people I talk to in the coaching world. Sorry it sucks to hear but you should be realistic with your program. Ben would be a great hire - I have no idea, other than money, why he would go there right now.....but Iowa better call him cause he should be one of your top candidates.

Look, I underestimated him as well. I didn't believe it either for a long time - but I'm a big believer now

soooo follow your own advice and quit talking about Iowa Sports?
Look, either you understand where Iowa is...or you don't. Iowa USED to be great....and could be great again - there is no question. But the program is a mess. You have to get a coach who is willing to see what it could be....not what it is. Recruiting is going to be very tough for the next coach. It's a football school for one thing...and in a conference that is very tough every year.

I have been listening over and over about how there is no way Iowa can hire a mid-major coach....but now Barbee is the hot name? Please. Now an assistant coach? Ok fine - but it's not exactly Bruce Pearl is it?

The job is not a good job right now and not many want it. It can be good again - but you have to find the guy who is willing to work hard to make it that way. Ben Jacobson would be a great hire...but you don't like his style....fine. But remember - his style wins in the Big 10 and his style is like the Iowa Football program.

You seem to like Kirk's approach a whole lot....Ben is very similar.
Look, either you understand where Iowa is...or you don't. Iowa USED to be great....and could be great again - there is no question. But the program is a mess. You have to get a coach who is willing to see what it could be....not what it is. Recruiting is going to be very tough for the next coach. It's a football school for one thing...and in a conference that is very tough every year.

I have been listening over and over about how there is no way Iowa can hire a mid-major coach....but now Barbee is the hot name? Please. Now an assistant coach? Ok fine - but it's not exactly Bruce Pearl is it?

The job is not a good job right now and not many want it. It can be good again - but you have to find the guy who is willing to work hard to make it that way. Ben Jacobson would be a great hire...but you don't like his style....fine. But remember - his style wins in the Big 10 and his style is like the Iowa Football program.

You seem to like Kirk's approach a whole lot....Ben is very similar.

We are a Big Ten program and the only names that I have heard are really interested in the job are BJ Armstrong and Steve Forbes. Neither have any head coaching experience. I do think there are many hawkeye fans that don't realize the national perspective of our program.
This has been said many times before. Matt is a ginat tool who needs to walk into an open manhole on the streets. He offers no insight into anything, he just throws crap against the wall and hopes it sticks. Unfortunately I need my sports talk fix on the way home from work and he's 100 times better than Marty. I will say this though, for those who think he's a Hawk hater, go over to CyFanatic and look at all the threads they have over there pissin and moanin about him, they hate him as much as we do.

LOL it's been awhile since we've had a "Hatin' on Matt" thread here. It is quite impressive though, how he's gotten 2 dedicated (3 if you count Nebraska) fan bases to hate him equally.
Look, either you understand where Iowa is...or you don't.

… and you DON’T my friend. Comparing the style of play of the Ferentz program to that of the Jacobson program is laughable. Do you know where the FB program was before Hayden Fry stepped into the picture? The Iowa job may not be a great job, but it is definitely a good and desirable job… the right hire can turn the losing into winning fairly quickly. If you don't believe that, use your stupid FB reference and see how a style of change can alter an entire conference.

I’m willing to take my chances that the AD will not make the same mistake twice… something you do before a complete sentence leaves your mouth.
LOL it's been awhile since we've had a "Hatin' on Matt" thread here. It is quite impressive though, how he's gotten 2 dedicated (3 if you count Nebraska) fan bases to hate him equally.

I have boycotted his show for 5 months now and will continue to do so until he is gone. I listen to all the other local shows on 1460 but immediately change the channel when he comes on. I even changed the channel from Jon's show this morning when he came on.

I refuse to deal with his view that he is the most knowledgeable person in every single situation and conversation, even with his guests and he is blessing us with his presence.

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