Parker is D-Coordinator

I'm sure it'll be fine and not much drop off if any, but idk.. I guess I need to give the guy a chance before I go off the deep end... You know he'll be talking to pops quite a bit I'm sure :)

You know Phil Parker is not related to Norm Parker right?
So let me get this straight...

The guy who has coached the unit on our team with the most consistent success, with a ton of NFL veterans is a bad choice.

The guy who turned coached a 1 Star Recruit into the NFL MVP is a bad choice?

If you got handed his resume without a name on it, you'd be urinating down your leg with excitement, and then you'd poop for good measure.

But because, he has the career suicide of working for Kirk Ferentz on him, this is a bad hire?

Yeah, *******, right.
The only reason people are mad is because it wasnt announced on their schedule. I dont understand the delay either but we didnt lose any recruits because of it and if KF interviewed a bunch of guys before making his decision, how is that a bad thing?
So let me get this straight...

The guy who has coached the unit on our team with the most consistent success, with a ton of NFL veterans is a bad choice.

The guy who turned coached a 1 Star Recruit into the NFL MVP is a bad choice?

If you got handed his resume without a name on it, you'd be urinating down your leg with excitement, and then you'd poop for good measure.

But because, he has the career suicide of working for Kirk Ferentz on him, this is a bad hire?

Yeah, *******, right.

There is only one kind of good blood Boss, and it's new blood.

Football teams are like vampires, if they don't get new blood, they die. It doesn't matter how good the old blood was, or how much success it had, it is old, and therefore bad.
Wow, the avalanche of stupid is accumulated much faster than I anticipated.

Kirk better hope this works out cuz if the next two seasons are like the last two, KF won't be making any more decisions with Iowa fb program.

More truth to what tksirius is saying than one might think. Some serious pressure right now, but Kirk probably gets another 5 years.
So let me get this straight...

The guy who has coached the unit on our team with the most consistent success, with a ton of NFL veterans is a bad choice.

The guy who turned coached a 1 Star Recruit into the NFL MVP is a bad choice?

If you got handed his resume without a name on it, you'd be urinating down your leg with excitement, and then you'd poop for good measure.

But because, he has the career suicide of working for Kirk Ferentz on him, this is a bad hire?

Yeah, *******, right.

Agree with this 100%, but I want Haiku full time.