Parker is D-Coordinator

Dude, give it a rest. "The Donors" do not think as one. Just because you claim to know one doesn't mean you have insight into how everything works all the time. There isn't a donor out there bigger than KF. I am glad that KF runs the program, and the donors can suck it, because they don't.

Agree. This guy seems to relish stirring the pot.

Hey,Golfer...not going after you! Have a nice day!
As evidenced by the recruiting class that was ranked third in the conference by Sporting News and ESPN, without one of our 4 star commitments signed on the dotted line yet.

Clearly, the affronts suffered on the recruiting trail were significant and upsetting.

We would have had a top 10 class if Kurt would have done the right thing and let message boards fans know who the DC would be. Then, in turn, they would have Twitter spammed every 5 star recruit in the midwest, and they would be so over-whelmed they would be Hawkeyes today.

But no, Kurt had to sit on his *** and count money rather than do his job.
We would have had a top 10 class if Kurt would have done the right thing and let message boards fans know who the DC would be. Then, in turn, they would have Twitter spammed every 5 star recruit in the midwest, and they would be so over-whelmed they would be Hawkeyes today.

But no, Kurt had to sit on his *** and count money rather than do his job.


My bad dude.
I'd like to know all of the reasons he won't be a good DC. What I've read so far is not persuasive.
We're definately headed in the right direction. I think Phil is probably a step up from Norm. Norm's defenses were carried by our ball control offense so the numbers were never accurate. The big loss is O'keefe. I really felt like he was coming into his own. Just had a QB drafted to the NFL and churned out a great season from our junior QB. He was pushing all the right buttons. I just hope we can keep the continuity at offense. We don't need explosive offenses. We need offenses that keep the ball from the other offenses and keep our defense fresh. Let the punting game and tackling decide it. This is where we dominate.

The hire is just fine. I think we're headed back to glory and I predict an Alamo bid. I also predict Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa st, mich st, and Penn St won't be any better than last year. Meanwhile, we just reload.
PP or not, I don't get why this was so delayed. I think this was Plan B, or C. I think ok4p is on to something with the lack of dollars offered for the position. I would have preferred new outside blood, but we are not there nor privy to all/any of the internal workings. All we pretty much care about are W's on Saturdays.

KF knows best, and surely has his reasons for his way of thinking. We hopefully got some new good talent this and last year and that will help make the difference this fall. The OC position came late enough in the game that maybe KF didn't want to take as much risk with the DC hire. It will be interesting to see who and how long it takes for the OC hire. Either way, we will have something to look forward to this fall.
Because of the mystical outside hire?

I don't doubt that there are some donors who are upset with Kirk.

I just doubt that it is because of this decision, or any that are forthcoming this offseason.

It is not because of this decision. There was pressure on the KoK situation however, and I don't believe this move was 100% voluntary. It seems to have worked out ok for everyone involved.

I am a donor by the way, Kinnick Society level. I'm not talking about guys like me, I'm talking about the ones that get to eat with Kirk and Mary at the Levitt Center. There are four I talk to regularly. One is very outspoken, and I believe he is a major reason we have a new basketball coach. That rumor has been going around for ever. I'm just suggesting, although he wasn't the deciding factor, he did have his input.

I'm responding to you, and not the other guy, because at least you were respectful in your post.

Take it for what it's worth. We all talk to each other, some at much higher levels. I'm just fortunate to do business with these guys, and the board of regents, so I get to hear their perspective on a regular basis.
It is not because of this decision. There was pressure on the KoK situation however, and I don't believe this move was 100% voluntary. It seems to have worked out ok for everyone involved.

I am a donor by the way, Kinnick Society level. I'm not talking about guys like me, I'm talking about the ones that get to eat with Kirk and Mary at the Levitt Center. There are four I talk to regularly. One is very outspoken, and I believe he is a major reason we have a new basketball coach. That rumor has been going around for ever. I'm just suggesting, although he wasn't the deciding factor, he did have his input.

I'm responding to you, and not the other guy, because at least you were respectful in your post.

Take it for what it's worth. We all talk to each other, some at much higher levels. I'm just fortunate to do business with these guys, and the board of regents, so I get to hear their perspective on a regular basis.

I lol'd
It is not because of this decision. There was pressure on the KoK situation however, and I don't believe this move was 100% voluntary. It seems to have worked out ok for everyone involved.

I am a donor by the way, Kinnick Society level. I'm not talking about guys like me, I'm talking about the ones that get to eat with Kirk and Mary at the Levitt Center. There are four I talk to regularly. One is very outspoken, and I believe he is a major reason we have a new basketball coach. That rumor has been going around for ever. I'm just suggesting, although he wasn't the deciding factor, he did have his input.

I'm responding to you, and not the other guy, because at least you were respectful in your post.

Take it for what it's worth. We all talk to each other, some at much higher levels. I'm just fortunate to do business with these guys, and the board of regents, so I get to hear their perspective on a regular basis.

Your boys better hope I don't win PowerBall tomorrow or I'll go T. Boone up in nyah and their measly donations will be laughed at.

The donor list will be:
1) OK4P
2) Krause
3) The estate of the guy from Heartland Express
The reason I dont like the hire is because we will have the same exact defense that has been fading the last few years run by someone who isnt as masterful with it as the person who just left.

Thats my initial reaction. Hopefully it turns out better than I think it will.
Your boys better hope I don't win PowerBall tomorrow or I'll go T. Boone up in nyah and their measly donations will be laughed at.

The donor list will be:
1) OK4P
2) Krause
3) The estate of the guy from Heartland Express

I didn't think Powerball was part of your investment strategery...:p

Now...mine...that's another story. When I win, my donations will let me stand with the team and I'll flip off whoever is sitting down watching the game. (unless you have a handicap sticker)
Your boys better hope I don't win PowerBall tomorrow or I'll go T. Boone up in nyah and their measly donations will be laughed at.

The donor list will be:
1) OK4P
2) Krause
3) The estate of the guy from Heartland Express

Just invite this random guy who fancies Springsteen from the message board to sit in your Kinnick suite from time to time.
I didn't think Powerball was part of your investment strategery...:p

Now...mine...that's another story. When I win, my donations will let me stand with the team and I'll flip off whoever is sitting down watching the game. (unless you have a handicap sticker)

Toots, when it hits two fitty it is.
Just invite this random guy who fancies Springsteen from the message board to sit in your Kinnick suite from time to time.

Ain't getting a suite - will demand a segment of Row 79 be cleared of proles with a velvet rope put around it and 2 star stan guarding it. Will also demand it be retrofitted with a porta john so I don't have to leave during the game to take a leak.
In my mind Aiken was clearly the #1 choice but the Cards offered more $$.

Not a coincidence that the search was extended around the time news broke of Aiken penning a deal w/ the Cards.

All the new hires look like they will be at the position level except maybe BF at OL. Remember we are still down 3 bodies.

Makes perfect sense in KF's mind. Wonder now if the KOK situation actually caught KF off guard?

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