Oliver Martin Transfer

Well just to clarify my position. My girl is not one of those “bargirls” or a “ladyboy.” When I go there, it will be to retire. Divorce is illegal over there. An anullment is the best they can do and that takes years. Not all pinays want to leave their country. Mabuti Salamat.( I’m good thank you ).

Forgive them, they don't have a clue buddy.
Oliver Martin would be shocked to learn what his thread has become. I hear he prefers mail order Ukrainians.
Actually I think he might find it hilarious. As long as no one is posting negative comments about him, we’re fine. On a lighter side, if he did prefer an Urkranian girl, after two years he may switch to a Moldovan girl. Lol!
Well just to clarify my position. My girl is not one of those “bargirls” or a “ladyboy.” When I go there, it will be to retire. Divorce is illegal over there. An anullment is the best they can do and that takes years. Not all pinays want to leave their country. Mabuti Salamat.( I’m good thank you ).

And you know this how? Because she told you she wasn't?

If you met her on a dating site targeting males from outside the PI then sorry but yes - she does want to leave her 3rd world existence and become a first worlder.

Ever heard of hypergamy?
Well just to clarify my position. My girl is not one of those “bargirls” or a “ladyboy.” When I go there, it will be to retire. Divorce is illegal over there. An anullment is the best they can do and that takes years. Not all pinays want to leave their country. Mabuti Salamat.( I’m good thank you ).
Mine sure acts like a ladyboy (you know what I mean) she would pad up or roller derby at the drop of a dime.
Rough rough life combined with a horrible horrible person and father has taken it's toll.
Not quite UFC fighter but pretty close.
It's taken some work to undo all the damage that men, including and maybe especially her father have done.
But I just keep loving her and we are getting there.
I am starting to see the ground work pay off. She is now starting to see and think about things I said 6-8 months ago.
How far she takes it? Well that's not up to me.
This morning it was about taking responsibility for yourself, your actions.
Granted it was projecting and that I needed to, but I know that she knows deep down.

It's not an easy ride. Relationships aren't.
The world is damaged. People are damaged.
But you can't fix a problem if you don't see one.
That is the hardest part. Seeing the problem.
Second is change.
Dropping people from your life and stuff like that is easy, everybody does, and has done that. I'm talking true change, from within.
How does my above post relate to OM?
Change of heart. Change from within.
Because if that is the case, I have no doubt that he will be a star.

"Cause the truth you might be runnin' from is so small
But it's as big as the promise, the promise of a coming day"
Probably not Philippine, but this little slut shows up on every thread. I'd say she needs some change from within.
Well just to clarify my position. My girl is not one of those “bargirls” or a “ladyboy.” When I go there, it will be to retire. Divorce is illegal over there. An anullment is the best they can do and that takes years. Not all pinays want to leave their country. Mabuti Salamat.( I’m good thank you ).
Suuuuuuuuure. LOL

I’m 100% convinced that she’ll be waiting for you at the airport and she won’t leave you hanging when you show up after all the money you’ve sent her like a dumbass.
Suuuuuuuuure. LOL

I’m 100% convinced that she’ll be waiting for you at the airport and she won’t leave you hanging when you show up after all the money you’ve sent her like a dumbass.

No reason to be cruel Fry. I'm sure he was aware of the pitfalls when he started down this road. Now that he has made a connection with someone it would be too late to turn back anyways. Just wish him luck and try to mean it.
Suuuuuuuuure. LOL

I’m 100% convinced that she’ll be waiting for you at the airport and she won’t leave you hanging when you show up after all the money you’ve sent her like a dumbass.

Why u r so skeptical and especially cynical? Did u get burned in the past? You don't know his situation [or mine!] Stop being an asshole. Saying EVERYONE who takes a Phil woman is getting catfished is painting with a pretty damn wide brush! Yes, most Phil w women want to leave the Phil, just like the woman in Central America, Mexico China, Vietnam, and 5 dozen other nations. They seek nothing more than a chance to come to America and WORK, so they can send $$ back to their starving families back home! Would you not do the same? Most Phil men are lazy and uneducated and can't even spell a c complete sentence, while over 63% of Phil women are educated past high school. The men won't work and the country is one of the poorest in the world! I told my soon to ber finance that after selling my home and with my income and savings I would move to the Phil to be with her and we would have over 6 million pesos, we'd be rich over there. She, like SO MANY OTHER PHIL WOMEN, said she didn't care about the $, she wants to come to the US to WORK. Quit being a shit head and try opening your mind to other possibilities!
Why u r so skeptical and especially cynical? Did u get burned in the past? You don't know his situation [or mine!] Stop being an asshole. Saying EVERYONE who takes a Phil woman is getting catfished is painting with a pretty damn wide brush! Yes, most Phil w women want to leave the Phil, just like the woman in Central America, Mexico China, Vietnam, and 5 dozen other nations. They seek nothing more than a chance to come to America and WORK, so they can send $$ back to their starving families back home! Would you not do the same? Most Phil men are lazy and uneducated and can't even spell a c complete sentence, while over 63% of Phil women are educated past high school. The men won't work and the country is one of the poorest in the world! I told my soon to ber finance that after selling my home and with my income and savings I would move to the Phil to be with her and we would have over 6 million pesos, we'd be rich over there. She, like SO MANY OTHER PHIL WOMEN, said she didn't care about the $, she wants to come to the US to WORK. Quit being a shit head and try opening your mind to other possibilities!

First of all...I've read alot of Fryowa's posts on a wide range of topics. I'm not sure he would be my first choice to listen to in regard to women. I'm pretty sure he would have a pretty old fashioned attitude about relationships in general. You know...you do women things...I'll do man things kind of attitude.

Here's my advice though...you should live with her in another country for a few years if you can. Test drive the relationship...that will tell you if its the real deal. If you suggest it...and she balks and wants to come to the US...well, that would tell you something. If you spend a few years on neutral turf...you know if it works or it doesn't.
I would like to make a confession. I watched the Lady's Football League every week...you know...the league where they play in basically bikinis...but it's pretty physical.

I always cheered wardrobe malfunctions and prayed for more them.
Well the saying you can take the girl out of the trailer park..........
Is true more often than not.
Sometimes the lap dance is better when the stripper is crying.
But not always. :)
I haven’t sent her a dime. When these girls look at my profile they see that that is in my statements that I won’t send money. That alone is grounds for me to block them. Maybe you are just a little envious because either you can’t get a woman or your stuck in a loveless and boring marriage with no possible escape but death. Either way, Godspeed.
I would like to make a confession. I watched the Lady's Football League every week...you know...the league where they play in basically bikinis...but it's pretty physical.

I always cheered wardrobe malfunctions and prayed for more them.
Yeah, I, uh, I just watch it for the football too.

Also I watch porn for the plot.
And you know this how? Because she told you she wasn't?

If you met her on a dating site targeting males from outside the PI then sorry but yes - she does want to leave her 3rd world existence and become a first worlder.

Ever heard of hypergamy?
Listen, I talk to her face to face daily on Skype. She sends me pictures of her, her family, and co-workers all the time. She’s a very hard worker, working from 9am-7pm, 6 days a week. It also takes her an hour just to get to and back from work. And btw, I also have a couple of photos that she has sent that are...of a personal nature if you catch my drift. So ladyboy she ain’t. And before anybody asks for pics, the answer is no!
First of all...I've read alot of Fryowa's posts on a wide range of topics. I'm not sure he would be my first choice to listen to in regard to women. I'm pretty sure he would have a pretty old fashioned attitude about relationships in general. You know...you do women things...I'll do man things kind of attitude.

Here's my advice though...you should live with her in another country for a few years if you can. Test drive the relationship...that will tell you if its the real deal. If you suggest it...and she balks and wants to come to the US...well, that would tell you something. If you spend a few years on neutral turf...you know if it works or it doesn't.
I totally agree with you. But as I stated in an earlier post, that is my retirement destination. You never know what the future holds, if things work out then great! If things go south, I’ll still be in a country with an unlimited supply of beautiful women wanting their foreign guy. A win-win situation. At least I will no longer have to deal with these American women that have turned this country into a toxic environment for men.
Weirdest thread change topic ever?
Not about sports, beer, Kirk, or the weather
Car deal call-girls thru 1-800-Love
holy bejesus, bejoseph and heaven above
Polynesian pimpin, porkin, and pull cartin
Let's talk the prospects of Oliver Martin

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