Oliver Martin Transfer

Wonder what he thought about being listed behind a true freshman? Not a good sign.

That FR WR is also listed as a starter above Peoples-Jones and Nico Collins who both had 600 yards receiving and 8 and 6 TDs in 2018 respectively.

Talk to any Michigan fan and they'll tell you Peoples-Jones is going pro early after this season and he can't even start over Martin even though he's been starting when healthy since he got Michigan. Nico Collins starter all year last year and Martin has moved above him too.

That tells me that this FR at Michigan and Oliver Martin are probably off the charts.
Not at all, you are way off base, his waiver has nothing to do with his spot on the depth chart. Martin can say he gave the new OC and new offense a chance, but that isn't what he signed up for. He went to Michigan wanting to play in a pro style offense, NOT a spread offense, and now a spread offense has been forced upon him.

I would place bets he is not going to get a waiver if OC change is the reason and he was still on the depth chart after spring with said OC in place. A spread is more pass happy and I would say easier to get open, which is why they spread everything out. If there is some other reason they use then maybe, but this OC change given he doesn't appear to have been destined to basically a benching would not be a good enough reason. I don't even know whether they make public the reason listed on the application, and then also how much investigation who this group is actually does to verify or corroborate what is stated.
I would place bets he is not going to get a waiver if OC change is the reason and he was still on the depth chart after spring with said OC in place. A spread is more pass happy and I would say easier to get open, which is why they spread everything out. If there is some other reason they use then maybe, but this OC change given he doesn't appear to have been destined to basically a benching would not be a good enough reason. I don't even know whether they make public the reason listed on the application, and then also how much investigation who this group is actually does to verify or corroborate what is stated.

Go ahead and take the bets. It's legal now...I think. I definitely want that action. My info says the Athletic Department is bullish on the grounds of the waiver. It would be a suprise to Iowa if the waiver was denied. So what is your betting line?
What difference does it make where you are listed? Because what you are all trying to say is, it has nothing to do with philosophy or any other of numerous factors when a coaching change happens, but solely on "I dropped out of the lead or starting job, so I'm going to take my ball and go somewhere else".
The exact same thing coaches try to break kids of and NOT teach since they are children.
I'm losing at Monopoly, so I just knock the board on the floor.

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