I think you've managed to offend politically, socially and religiously in one post. Ignorance is bliss.
Balance includes up tempo vs. traditional. Why on Earth didn't KF balance the tempo w/ 1:47 and 2 TOs? I really think lineup and run one then switch to the no huddle on the 2nd down and catch PSU getting into position. Coaching decisions like this are going to cost us this game. You want balance Kirk!
Iowa shouldn't be having any issues with this Penn State team. Dude wake the hell up. Iowa is the better team and most Penn State fans say that as well.

This Penn State team is not good!

I'm not saying were playing great...just not gonna say it's over, like most on here. If anyone has watched Iowa football they know this is not anything new to be in a position like this and it certainly doesn't mean we will lose.
Just another reason why I dont think Ferentz has any desire to go to the NFL

no 2:00 min offense crap in the NFL wouldnt fly for long - unless he was going to take all the same coordinators with him....

Stuff will never fail to NOT get old

KF looks like the coach who is 84 y/o
I think you've managed to offend politically, socially and religiously in one post. Ignorance is bliss.

He's p*ssed. But he's right, even if the way he said it isn't. It's hardly ignorant to think that we should be trying to get points in that scenario.
there are points in a game where people need to make plays. Neilsen should have had a pick in their opening series...Derby has to make that Catch down the middle.

Someone has to step up and make the play at a critical juncture.
He's p*ssed. But he's right, even if the way he said it isn't. It's hardly ignorant to think that we should be trying to get points in that scenario.

No, but its IS ignorant the way he said it. Being mad is one thing, being offensive is quite another.
I'm not saying were playing great...just not gonna say it's over, like most on here. If anyone has watched Iowa football they know this is not anything new to be in a position like this and it certainly doesn't mean we will lose.

A good portion of the people that you're arguing with aren't saying that the game is over. They're saying that it was stupid to not try and get points at the end of the half.
whatever you say. Down 3 on the road in the big 10......yep, time to jump off the bridge. I'm the one who doesn't know.....uh okay.;)

Umm, yep, pretty much. Your post here just shows that. You offer no evidence as to how this game is going well. We shouldn't even be down 3 right now. Who is saying anything about jumping off the bridge? The play calling was terrible the last two drives. There was no reason to sit on the ball with 1:42 to go in the half, and two timeouts. On top of that PSU gets the ball first in the second half so that's another reason not to sit on the ball. Our offense did very well on their first 2 drives utilizing the shotgun set. For some reason we went back to the pro set the last 2 drives, and we did absolutely nothing. I'm not sure why that's so hard to grasp for you.

-We need to be blitzing McGloin. If he has time he is very accurate. He has had plenty of time.
-We need to go back to the shotgun. Their defense is not a top 10 defense. Their competition has been weak thus far outside of Alabama. We should be throwing downfield. We can expose their defensive backs.
-We need to play more man coverage. Some of their guys have been so wide open it's disgusting. Notice how our guys haven't been that open.

I will say that it's not all our fault. Literally everything that could go right for them has gone right. The pass off the ref's leg/foot. Several bobbled passes that would not be caught 90% of the time, but are being caught. Blatant holding calls missed by the refs that have extended their drives.

It's OK to criticize the playcalling without it being "jumping off the bridge". It's ridiculous that you think someone can't criticize Ferentz. He's human. He makes mistakes. He should be criticized if he makes a poor decision. I find it funny that you think everything is all fine and dandy because we're only down 3 points, and that no one should say anything even remotely negative about Ferentz.
You aren't going to last very long on here if you keep this up.

Who cares dude I only check this out during football season when I dont have a baby sitter for my kids figure I might as well hope on with all you tough guys and through some F bombs around ity wont bother to much.
Lady Luck smiles on Penn State today, and the Hawks are hanging in there very well. We pancake the QB and he completes the passes, yet we are only a FG behind. This game is ours to lose.....
No, but its IS ignorant the way he said it. Being mad is one thing, being offensive is quite another.

Yet you didn't bother to address his point at all. Probably because there is no defense that is even remotely logical for sitting on the ball.

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