You're kidding, right? Do you know what all of those teams I listed have in common? Think about it..

GoHawks24, I knew exactly what you were talking about regarding championships. What I was getting at is that any team that wins 61 regular season games, and has the best record in the league, has a supporting cast. I agree with you, in the fact that Lebron's was no where near that of Boston, LA, and San Antonios. However, to say that Lebron had absolutely no one around him is a joke (feel free to disagree). What I'm saying is that maybe the problem wasn't necessarily his supporting staff, but management and coaches, catering to Lebron's ego and trying to hard to keep him happy (so that he'd stay) and not necessarily doing what was needed to win a championship.
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Last two games the Bulls played like they are the #1 overall seed. If the Bench Mob keeps producing,and they keep shooting well from 3, the Heat will struggle mightily in this series. Defense never sleeps. Rebounding is forever. Bulls are what we thought they were....solid. The Heat? Game 2 could be different,so long way to go,but I picked the Bulls in seven and am sticking with that call.
Here is one of my main issues with LeBron. Let me say, I am a huge Bulls fan (Went to Game 1 against Atlanta) and I was a LeBron fan prior to this year. In the off season I was really holding out hope for LeBron to come to Chicago and play with D. Rose.
The way that went down is what bothers me most about LeBron. He expected Rose and the Bulls to beg for him to come there. They didn't so he went elsewhere. I think it may have been the wrong decision but whatever. I was so bothered by the way LeBron handled the situation (Wanted the Bulls & Rose to beg for him) and then having "The Decision" is just wore me out on LeBron.
I still think he is a good player. But now I do want to see them lose. Not only because they are playing the Bulls, but I don't really like the team. I really do not like Bosh for whatever reason, but I do like Wade though.
I think the Heat will struggle in this series. They do not have the bigs to compete with the Bulls nor do they have the depth. The Bulls also have defenders that much up well with the Big 3. Boggans and Brewer on Wade, Deng on LeBron, and then Noah or Taj on Bosh. Then the rest of the Heat really do very little. Nobody can guard Rose or Boozer, then if you slide James onto Rose, nobody matches up with Deng. It should be a tough series, but I think you got to like the Bulls.
GoHawks24, I knew exactly what you were talking about regarding championships. What I was getting at is that any team that wins 61 regular season games, and has the best record in the league, has a supporting cast. I agree with you, in the fact that Lebron's was no where near that of Boston, LA, and San Antonios. However, to say that Lebron had absolutely no one around him is a joke (feel free to disagree). What I'm saying is that maybe the problem wasn't necessarily his supporting staff, but management and coaches, catering to Lebron's ego and trying to hard to keep him happy (so that he'd stay) and not necessarily doing what was needed to win a championship.

Please, LeBron had nothing around him. He had much less than what Rose has. He didn't have a Deng. He may have had a Noah. Just maybe. Delonte West was probably the best player throughout his Tenure and he barely plays for a team that doesn't have a lot of guards. They never did what was needed either. They had opportunities to go out and get guys and they didn't. I don't blame LeBron at all. He was there for a long time. They were good but there wasn't ever a move made to get them over the top. They went and got Shaq and Antwan Jamison. Seriously? Two guys way past their prime who weren't that good to begin with?

As for these playoffs, I am rooting for the Heat just because so many people hate them and are rooting against them.
Bosh was a total arse during the free agent show this summer....even bragging afterwards about how he could jerk fans around by tweeting misinformation.

Wade was a ***** when he requested a ''second'' meeting with the Bulls during the heighth of the frenzy,simply to gain info for Pat Riley on the Bulls bids for Wade and Lebron. Wade mentioned how important it would be to play close to his kids in chicago as a tease to keep the Bulls on the string....then immediately jumped back to Miami...kids less important than Lebron.

Lebron is just kind of lame,bailing on his hometown team without having the balls to tell them before he announced it on National TV....just weak,the kind of player who is great,but is not willing to fight his way to a title like Jordan,Bird,Magic...and hopefully Rose....with the team that picked them,not the other way around.

I admire Lebron's and Wade's bb skills,but not their character.
Please, LeBron had nothing around him. He had much less than what Rose has. He didn't have a Deng. He may have had a Noah. Just maybe. Delonte West was probably the best player throughout his Tenure and he barely plays for a team that doesn't have a lot of guards. They never did what was needed either. They had opportunities to go out and get guys and they didn't. I don't blame LeBron at all. He was there for a long time. They were good but there wasn't ever a move made to get them over the top. They went and got Shaq and Antwan Jamison. Seriously? Two guys way past their prime who weren't that good to begin with?

As for these playoffs, I am rooting for the Heat just because so many people hate them and are rooting against them.

I'm with you that management never got them over the top, but to say that they didn't make an effort? Are you kidding me? It's hard to load up on younger players who are most likely looking for long term contracts or have years remaining on their current contracts, when you're goal is to sit on as much money as possible to resign Lebron and hopefully another superstar or two to help keep him there. IMO management struckout with Jamison and Shaq, had decent results with Mo Williams but couldn't put them over the top.

Again, I'm still a believer that coaching and management spent too much time kissing the king's *** then they did trying to win a championship. I'm a huge Lebron fan, but IMO his me first attitude had as much to do with not winning a championship as his supporting cast.

I wish him luck, but it takes more than 3 players to win a championship, and I think in the end it's the team that does the dirty work like rebounding and playing defense that comes home with a championship when it's all said and done, and I don't think that's Miami.
My bad if true. I should try to google myself. I thought they only won two titles with the bad boys and Thomas. Thanks for setting me straight.

They did only win two titles with the bad boys. The year prior to their first, they lost to the lakers. The year after the second, they got swept by the Bulls in the conference finals.
They did only win two titles with the bad boys. The year prior to their first, they lost to the lakers. The year after the second, they got swept by the Bulls in the conference finals.

I think he meant, "I thought that in their history they had only won two titles: the ones with the bad boys. I didn't realize they had won in 2004 as well."
Hawkeye in Ohio

I have been a cavs fan since Austin Carr came to Cleveland in the early seventies. Lebron was huge to the Cleveland community and then turned into the piece of **** that left town. I am a Lebron hater now and was formerly a huge fan. What he did was one thing, how he did it was another. One of many spoiled, prima donna uber rich athletes I can't stand now. I will say though that even as a cavs fan I cheered for the bulls when BJ and Bobby Hansen played for them.

1-0 and going to be a great series! GO BULLS!
1-1. Great win. Wasn't looking good for the first half. Now the seed of doubt has been planted... Go Heat.

Haslem's finally healthy. Huge lift for Miami. What Miami has done this year minus Haslem and Miller has been extremely impressive, they are going to be much better next year when both of those guys are healthy.
Haslem's finally healthy. Huge lift for Miami. What Miami has done this year minus Haslem and Miller has been extremely impressive, they are going to be much better next year when both of those guys are healthy.

Yup. All the heat need is one role player to step up each night. Not all are needed...just one. One guy steps up and makes his WIDE OPEN shots, and the Heat will be in the Finals. Haslem did it last nigh(thank you God), and the result was a win. If nobody steps up(like game 1), the Bulls will likely win.

Need Jones to step up in Game 3. Unless Haslem decides to beast it again.

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