Like the Heat front office had nothing to do with it at all. Uh huh.. I don't get how people dog him for wanting a great supporting cast. I mean c'mon, he had one of thee worst supporting casts in Cleveland for years. When a way past his prime Antwan Jamison and Mo "I turn into a brick machine come playoff time" Williams are your best supporting players wouldn't you want to leave too!?! Not to mention a way past his prime Shaq, Ben Wallace (great move Cleveland front office, bravo!), Ilgauskas (no comment needed here), Delonte West, the list goes on of mediocre players. And if he had gone to Chicago people would still be hating for the same stupid reasons. And I'm not sure if it was you that mentioned it or not, but what off the court issues?? You don't hear about Lebron getting in trouble with the law or having to get disciplined by the NBA. Or picking up cheap shot flagrant fouls like Bynum's punk ***.

Let me ask you a question- Assuming you used to play pick-up basketball or still do, who do/did you pick? The best players? Oh wait, how did I forget? You're the guy who doesn't want the best supporting cast possible because you'd like to just do it all your own. That's right. Sure makes a lot of sense... And like Kobe hasn't had one of the best supporting casts the past few years to win his championships. This year being an exception, of course. Oh, and one of the greatest basketball coaches in the sport ever. That too.

So basically you hate Lebron for really wanting to win and not having to carry his team on his back the whole season. And because he's awesome at what he does. What a great reason to hate on somebody.

ok let me nitpick parts of your argument, the biggest problem i have with lebron was "the decision" and how he handled his announcement to take his talents to south beach. i feel it was very narcissistic and self absorbed. i consider this an off the court issue that also carries over to the game itself. What is your thoughts on that?

i would love to carry teams on my back in my pick up games at the rec if i was good enough. i am not an nba superstar competing against the best players in the world. i could really care less if i am the best player in the gym on whatever particular day i choose to go.

please do not compare my pick up games at the rec to the multi billion dollar business that is the NBA. I use the word business knowing that it is his right to bolt to whatever team he wants, it was the way he did it that rubbed me the wrong way, as i stated. the way the players orchestrated this is not the norm but sadly it probably will become that way. i know cleveland didnt make the best off season moves but they arent the first team to try and fail to put together championship teams.

People said Kobe couldn’t win a title without Shaq. They’ll certainly be saying that LeBron couldn’t win a title without Dwayne Wade.

if youre not THE GUY, you cant tattoo "chosen 1" on your back and refer to yourself as king james

the pistons won in 04 and 06 or something like that without any superstars.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but here are some of the reasons I think LittleBoy James is a detestable piece of crap.

"The Decision" in and of itself was one of the most disgusting, narcissistic things I have ever witnessed. That alone is enough for me to hate that kid for the rest of my life. That was cold beyond belief. I have ZERO issue with him leaving. Doing it in that fashion...

I was taught in sports, that sportsmanship means something. I was taught that I was not bigger than the team, or the sport. Stomping off the court like a petulant two year old when Orlando knocked them out was beyond pathetic. I shook many hands over the years when I wanted nothing more than to lay down and cry, or puke, or scream, or punch someone. PATHETIC...

Then we can move on to the numerous times this dolt has had to flip-flop over statements he made. Why is it so hard for him to be a man, and own up to his comments? LBJ on Tuesday, "The league is watered down, and I think they should contract." LBJ on Wednesday, "I do not even know what contraction means..."

He is an arrogant piece of crap, and he is everything that is wrong in sports today. He is certainly not the type of person I want my kids to grow up to be. Those are but a few of the reason I cannot stand LittleBoy James.

""The Decision" in and of itself was one of the most disgusting, narcissistic things I have ever witnessed."

So you don't like football or basketball recruits that announce in a fashion similar to this either? I know Lebron's was much more built up and I agree it was a bit over-the-top, but people were intrigued and wanted to know about it and the networks took advantage of it. Do you think Lebron contacted them to set up the whole deal and announcement? And was it really one thee most disgusting things you have ever witnessed? Really? I don't know if you watch the news or not, but I've seen much worse.

"hate that kid"

You can quit calling him a "kid". That's just dumb.

"Stomping off the court like a petulant two year old when Orlando knocked them out was beyond pathetic."

Like no other athletes have ever walked off the court without shaking the oppositions hands. I don't like it at all either, but it happens all the time. Get over it.

"LBJ on Tuesday, "The league is watered down, and I think they should contract." LBJ on Wednesday, "I do not even know what contraction means...""

Can you please provide a link to this? I do not know what you are referring to exactly and would like to read about it.

So.. from what I've gathered, considering your standards, you should hate about 50% of all NBA players, but you especially hate Lebron because he's just that damn good.
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I really liked Lebron when he came to the league. Thought he was intelligent and very mature for his age. Seems to me he has gotten more immature throughout his years. I won't go into every detail (because I don't care enough), but when he played against Orlando and they would be down 10 going into the 4th...he would just pass it off to his teammates and stand around. Give up. Then in the press conference he would basically say "I can't do it all". Don't give me the 'his teammates sucked' bit, cause I have heard it before. They did suck. But he gave up and then blamed THEM.
ok let me nitpick parts of your argument, the biggest problem i have with lebron was "the decision" and how he handled his announcement to take his talents to south beach. i feel it was very narcissistic and self absorbed. i consider this an off the court issue that also carries over to the game itself. What is your thoughts on that?

i would love to carry teams on my back in my pick up games at the rec if i was good enough. i am not an nba superstar competing against the best players in the world. i could really care less if i am the best player in the gym on whatever particular day i choose to go.

please do not compare my pick up games at the rec to the multi billion dollar business that is the NBA. I use the word business knowing that it is his right to bolt to whatever team he wants, it was the way he did it that rubbed me the wrong way, as i stated. the way the players orchestrated this is not the norm but sadly it probably will become that way. i know cleveland didnt make the best off season moves but they arent the first team to try and fail to put together championship teams.

People said Kobe couldn’t win a title without Shaq. They’ll certainly be saying that LeBron couldn’t win a title without Dwayne Wade.

if youre not THE GUY, you cant tattoo "chosen 1" on your back and refer to yourself as king james

the pistons won in 04 and 06 or something like that without any superstars.

Kids announce everyday on TV shows, over the internet and on the news where they are going to play their college ball. What is so wrong about a player who HAS proven himself at that level to announce where he is going to be playing while also helping raise over $2 million for the boys and girls clubs in the process?

Also you are comment on players orchestrating the get together, that is called recruiting. You know the same tactic used to get players to come to iowa. Players communicate and network with each other. How do you think we got a lot of those guys in the DC Maryland area this past year?

Also calling him a narcissist and self absorbed? He turned down 15 million dollars over the life of his contract for the team.

The pistons non "superstar" team won 1 title in 04 and have 23 all star appearances between them.

I get it...you want to have LBJ's babies. :rolleyes: The KID can do no wrong in your eyes. So be it. I am not going to provide you with anything. Do your own research. Like Hawkeye11en1, I liked LBJ when he came into the league. He lost all respect I had for him over the years, and he will never have it again. You can go on being his #1 fan boy. I could not care any less. LittleBoy James is a joke, albeit a talented one...
I like LeBron. I cheer against the Heat on principle, but if they win, it will be exciting. A few things that turned me off to an extent:

The Decision. It seemed deceitful, especially the parts about waking up and choosing a team that morning. I just don't buy that. I thought that was disrespectful and insulting to the organizations that courted him and especially to the Cavaliers.

This article and the fact that ESPN pulled for seemingly no reason. Note: I don't think that the attitude LeBron shows is in any way unique to him. I think it is consistent of many NBA players.
Read ESPN's Spiked Story About LeBron Among The Naked Ladies In Vegas

His comments on contraction were simply misinformed.
LeBron James: Contraction 'would be great for the league' - ESPN
LeBron James: I never said I advocated contraction - ESPN

Also, I don't like that he announced he would participate in the slam dunk contest and never did. I also don't think he has a good understanding of NBA history. Saying he thinks MJ's number should be retired across the league is an example of this.

Final thoughts: I don't think LeBron has very good PR people and advisors. I don't think LeBron's attitude is unique. His talent is unique, so the media focuses on his attitude more than on the attitudes of other athletes. Finally, LeBron's image can be fixed; just look at Kobe. In '03, Kobe fell further, faster than LeBron has in the past year. Within 5 years, Kobe was back to being the most popular player in the league. LeBron will get back there as well.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but here are some of the reasons I think LittleBoy James is a detestable piece of crap.

"The Decision" in and of itself was one of the most disgusting, narcissistic things I have ever witnessed. That alone is enough for me to hate that kid for the rest of my life. That was cold beyond belief. I have ZERO issue with him leaving. Doing it in that fashion...

I was taught in sports, that sportsmanship means something. I was taught that I was not bigger than the team, or the sport. Stomping off the court like a petulant two year old when Orlando knocked them out was beyond pathetic. I shook many hands over the years when I wanted nothing more than to lay down and cry, or puke, or scream, or punch someone. PATHETIC...

Then we can move on to the numerous times this dolt has had to flip-flop over statements he made. Why is it so hard for him to be a man, and own up to his comments? LBJ on Tuesday, "The league is watered down, and I think they should contract." LBJ on Wednesday, "I do not even know what contraction means..."

He is an arrogant piece of crap, and he is everything that is wrong in sports today. He is certainly not the type of person I want my kids to grow up to be. Those are but a few of the reason I cannot stand LittleBoy James.

The Decision- Like i posted before it helped raise over $2 million dollars for the boys and girls club. I guess that is just cold and narcissistic then.

Who cares about him not shaking hands, he's there to play basketball, not make friends or make you feel better about what you learned growing up cause I got news for you buddy, he doesnt know who you are nor does he care.

As far as flip-flopping comments, almost every player that does an interview gets caught in a situation where they have to later go and re explain a comment that they previously stated. Dont just single out one player single them all out in your hate rant.

If you dont want your son to be a rich, successful, professional who many may not like, but millions more love and look up to then be my guess. I'm sure you will be more than happy with him becoming a spiteful old man filled with hate just itching for a reason to hate someone just like his old man.
Kids announce everyday on TV shows, over the internet and on the news where they are going to play their college ball. What is so wrong about a player who HAS proven himself at that level to announce where he is going to be playing while also helping raise over $2 million for the boys and girls clubs in the process?

Also you are comment on players orchestrating the get together, that is called recruiting. You know the same tactic used to get players to come to iowa. Players communicate and network with each other. How do you think we got a lot of those guys in the DC Maryland area this past year?

Also calling him a narcissist and self absorbed? He turned down 15 million dollars over the life of his contract for the team.

The pistons non "superstar" team won 1 title in 04 and have 23 all star appearances between them.

i never said he was a narcissist and self absorbed, i said "the decision" was. Lebron even stated that it wasnt the best decision he ever made and wished he had handled it better. and as far as raising money for the boys and girls, he could have written a check for $2 million and not used them to push his own brand. fact of the matter is either you love "the decision" or you dont.

also 17 and 18 year old kids getting an entire day on espnU to display their hats, pretend to put on one hat and choose another, rubbing it in to the schools that they dont choose is of the same "class" as lebron and his decision. kids get a pass for this immaturity and apperantly professionals do too. does this mean i dont want them playing for my school, not at all. its the media circus that surrounds it and the attention the kids are drooling over.

what superstars did the pistons have on their championship team?
The Decision- Like i posted before it helped raise over $2 million dollars for the boys and girls club. I guess that is just cold and narcissistic then.

Who cares about him not shaking hands, he's there to play basketball, not make friends or make you feel better about what you learned growing up cause I got news for you buddy, he doesnt know who you are nor does he care.

As far as flip-flopping comments, almost every player that does an interview gets caught in a situation where they have to later go and re explain a comment that they previously stated. Dont just single out one player single them all out in your hate rant.

If you dont want your son to be a rich, successful, professional who many may not like, but millions more love and look up to then be my guess. I'm sure you will be more than happy with him becoming a spiteful old man filled with hate just itching for a reason to hate someone just like his old man.

This will be my final response in the LBJ fan boy thread. I just do not care enough about this to keep going back and forth ad nauseam. You like him, and I do not expect to change that.

That is "news" huh? When exactly did I state that he should/does care about what I think of him? He also does not know who you are, nor does he care. Is that "news" to you? /smh

Read my first post. I did not say LBJ was alone in being a piece of crap.

That last chunk says a lot about you, and how shallow you are. Being rich, and having adoring fans does not make someone a good person. I would obviously love for my child to attain those things, if that is their goal. I would hope/expect that he/she would manage it with some humility, and grace though. LBJ is completely devoid of both.

I cannot believe I just wasted this much time talking about this puke.

The end.
This will be my final response in the LBJ fan boy thread. I just do not care enough about this to keep going back and forth ad nauseam. You like him, and I do not expect to change that.

That is "news" huh? When exactly did I state that he should/does care about what I think of him? He also does not know who you are, nor does he care. Is that "news" to you? /smh

Read my first post. I did not say LBJ was alone in being a piece of crap.

That last chunk says a lot about you, and how shallow you are. Being rich, and having adoring fans does not make someone a good person. I would obviously love for my child to attain those things, if that is their goal. I would hope/expect that he/she would manage it with some humility, and grace though. LBJ is completely devoid of both.

I cannot believe I just wasted this much time talking about this puke.

The end.

ok let me nitpick parts of your argument, the biggest problem i have with lebron was "the decision" and how he handled his announcement to take his talents to south beach. i feel it was very narcissistic and self absorbed. i consider this an off the court issue that also carries over to the game itself. What is your thoughts on that?

i would love to carry teams on my back in my pick up games at the rec if i was good enough. i am not an nba superstar competing against the best players in the world. i could really care less if i am the best player in the gym on whatever particular day i choose to go.

please do not compare my pick up games at the rec to the multi billion dollar business that is the NBA. I use the word business knowing that it is his right to bolt to whatever team he wants, it was the way he did it that rubbed me the wrong way, as i stated. the way the players orchestrated this is not the norm but sadly it probably will become that way. i know cleveland didnt make the best off season moves but they arent the first team to try and fail to put together championship teams.

People said Kobe couldn’t win a title without Shaq. They’ll certainly be saying that LeBron couldn’t win a title without Dwayne Wade.

if youre not THE GUY, you cant tattoo "chosen 1" on your back and refer to yourself as king james

the pistons won in 04 and 06 or something like that without any superstars.
Without any superstars?
I can't imagine there are too many Heat fans in the Hawkeye Nation, but I know there are a few.

1) Is the Boston series over on Wed.?

2) How many games will the Bulls series go?

3) Who's our best match up in the west?

4) What excuse will the Lebron haters have, when he gets his ring?

1) - Heat better hope it ends Wednesday cause I don't think they can win game 6 back in boston and game 7 would be a toss up even in Miami.

2) - Bulls win it in 6

3) - Mavs seem to be playing best ball right now

4) - only way he will have got his rings is to join up with Wade and Bosh he has proven he doesn't have what it takes to win one on his own.
1) - Heat better hope it ends Wednesday cause I don't think they can win game 6 back in boston and game 7 would be a toss up even in Miami.

2) - Bulls win it in 6

3) - Mavs seem to be playing best ball right now

4) - only way he will have got his rings is to join up with Wade and Bosh he has proven he doesn't have what it takes to win one on his own.

Which puts him in the same class as everyone who has ever played in the NBA. Find me one example where one guy carried a subpar supporting cast to a title. It just doesn't happen. You can be like Magic and Bird and get drafted onto good teams. You can be like Jordan and have a quality team built around you, but you can't do it alone. The Cavs had seven years to build a team around him and they couldn't do it. So LeBron took matters into his own hands. It's funny how people respect KG and Ray Allen going to Boston because it shows all they care about is winning, but when LeBron does the same thing, he gets bashed for it.
Which puts him in the same class as everyone who has ever played in the NBA. Find me one example where one guy carried a subpar supporting cast to a title. It just doesn't happen. You can be like Magic and Bird and get drafted onto good teams. You can be like Jordan and have a quality team built around you, but you can't do it alone. The Cavs had seven years to build a team around him and they couldn't do it. So LeBron took matters into his own hands. It's funny how people respect KG and Ray Allen going to Boston because it shows all they care about is winning, but when LeBron does the same thing, he gets bashed for it.

I can see your point in comparing Boston's Big 3 coming together and Miami's Big 3 being the same. I would argue that it is a little different because Boston had to make trades for both KG and Ray Allen. They didnt just pony up a bunch of cash to sign 2 of the top free agents in an absolutely loaded free agent class.
Like the Heat front office had nothing to do with it at all. Uh huh.. I don't get how people dog him for wanting a great supporting cast. I mean c'mon, he had one of thee worst supporting casts in Cleveland for years. When a way past his prime Antwan Jamison and Mo "I turn into a brick machine come playoff time" Williams are your best supporting players wouldn't you want to leave too!?! Not to mention a way past his prime Shaq, Ben Wallace (great move Cleveland front office, bravo!), Ilgauskas (no comment needed here), Delonte West, the list goes on of mediocre players. And if he had gone to Chicago people would still be hating for the same stupid reasons. And I'm not sure if it was you that mentioned it or not, but what off the court issues?? You don't hear about Lebron getting in trouble with the law or having to get disciplined by the NBA. Or picking up cheap shot flagrant fouls like Bynum's punk ***.

Let me ask you a question- Assuming you used to play pick-up basketball or still do, who do/did you pick? The best players? Oh wait, how did I forget? You're the guy who doesn't want the best supporting cast possible because you'd like to just do it all your own. That's right. Sure makes a lot of sense... And like Kobe hasn't had one of the best supporting casts the past few years to win his championships. This year being an exception, of course. Oh, and one of the greatest basketball coaches in the sport. Ever. That too.

So basically you hate Lebron for really wanting to win and not having to carry his team on his back the whole season. And because he's awesome at what he does. What a great reason to hate on somebody.

By no means am I saying he played with hall of famers in Cleveland, but didn't "one of thee worst supporting casts" help them become one of the top teams in not only the eastern conference, but the entire league prior to him leaving?

I'm honestly a huge Lebron fan, but to say that he didn't have any supporting cast in Cleveland is a joke. Bottom line, they couldn't get it done in the playoffs when it mattered, but you can't say that he had no supporting cast.
I can see your point in comparing Boston's Big 3 coming together and Miami's Big 3 being the same. I would argue that it is a little different because Boston had to make trades for both KG and Ray Allen. They didnt just pony up a bunch of cash to sign 2 of the top free agents in an absolutely loaded free agent class.

I think leaving by free agency is better than asking for a trade. LeBron fulfilled his contractual obligation to Cleveland, he didn't bail in the middle of a contract.
I think leaving by free agency is better than asking for a trade. LeBron fulfilled his contractual obligation to Cleveland, he didn't bail in the middle of a contract.

Boston's management team actually had to do work by working out deals to get KG and Allen. They didnt just dump a bunch of contracts and let their star do all the recruiting and hit the lottery in the best free agent class ever.

Its 2 different ways to build a team. I like the way Boston did it and am happy with the results.
The thing that bothers me about Lebron's situation is how everyone seems to turned off all of a sudden by his ego. And hold him solely responsible for this. We forget that everybody in the media, the fans, and the basketball community has been kissing his *** since he was in highschool and done nothing but fed into his ego. So let's be honest, we're as much to blame as he is for the monster he's become. Like many other athletes he's never had to grow up and has never had to deal with reality, because everythings been handed to him from day one.

Was the "decision" a bad idea? Sure it was! But let's be honest, he helped put Cleveland on the map and single handedly made the Cavs one of the hottest commoditities in sports. If they didn't spend all their time coddling him and actually coached him rather than letting him and his ego run the franchise there was no telling what they could have done. The way his former organization threw him under the bus when he announced his decision was a complete joke and the Cavaliers got exactly what they deserved. The only thing that I found to be more pathetic than the "decision" was listening to the Cavs front office come unraveled the moment he announced he was leaving.

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