How many future hall of famers did that team have? If you said zero, you win.

When did the qualification of a superstar become being a future hall of famer? With or without a "superstar" that Piston's team was all about the team. The way they played night in and night out without a true "superstar" is what made them great, they were 100% committed to playing as a team and as a result were able to win without a "superstar". However, IMO a number of those players could have become superstars, but refused to let their egos and individual success take away from the team mentality that made that team great.
Boston's management team actually had to do work by working out deals to get KG and Allen. They didnt just dump a bunch of contracts and let their star do all the recruiting and hit the lottery in the best free agent class ever.

Its 2 different ways to build a team. I like the way Boston did it and am happy with the results.

I see what your saying here, but in a sense they both built there team through free agency the same way. The only difference was Boston acquired there big 3 through trades and then purchased the majority of their team through free agency and Miami did theirs primarily through free agency.

I don't see anything wrong with doing it either way, but think its contradicting to vilify miami for doing it the way they did and praise Boston for essentially doing the same thing.
This will be my final response in the LBJ fan boy thread. I just do not care enough about this to keep going back and forth ad nauseam. You like him, and I do not expect to change that.

That is "news" huh? When exactly did I state that he should/does care about what I think of him? He also does not know who you are, nor does he care. Is that "news" to you? /smh

Read my first post. I did not say LBJ was alone in being a piece of crap.

That last chunk says a lot about you, and how shallow you are. Being rich, and having adoring fans does not make someone a good person. I would obviously love for my child to attain those things, if that is their goal. I would hope/expect that he/she would manage it with some humility, and grace though. LBJ is completely devoid of both.

I cannot believe I just wasted this much time talking about this puke.

The end.

You dont care enough to go back and fourth? You sure did care enough to post 4 times in a thread that you dont "care" about.

But I can understand, cause thats just what haters do. My daddy knew your dad and said he was a hater too.

I get it...you want to have LBJ's babies. :rolleyes: The KID can do no wrong in your eyes. So be it. I am not going to provide you with anything. Do your own research. Like Hawkeye11en1, I liked LBJ when he came into the league. He lost all respect I had for him over the years, and he will never have it again. You can go on being his #1 fan boy. I could not care any less. LittleBoy James is a joke, albeit a talented one...

I never say he could do no wrong. I just think your reasons for hating on him are pathetic and you obviously can't come up with any real good reasons ("I am not going to provide you with anything" - how convenient), but haters are gonna hate I suppose. Have fun with that.
its contradicting to vilify miami for doing it the way they did and praise Boston for essentially doing the same thing.

Also I consider Boston to have a Big 4 (including Rondo). They drafted and developed 2 out of those 4 (Pierce and Rondo). Technically got Rondo in a draft night trade, but that is pretty much the same as drafting him. 6 of the 15 players on Boston were drafted by the Celtics but Delonte West and Jeff Green played elsewhere before being back with the Celtics this year.

Eddie House, Dexter Pittman and Dwayne Wade are the only players drafted by the Heat.
Which puts him in the same class as everyone who has ever played in the NBA. Find me one example where one guy carried a subpar supporting cast to a title. It just doesn't happen. You can be like Magic and Bird and get drafted onto good teams. You can be like Jordan and have a quality team built around you, but you can't do it alone. The Cavs had seven years to build a team around him and they couldn't do it. So LeBron took matters into his own hands. It's funny how people respect KG and Ray Allen going to Boston because it shows all they care about is winning, but when LeBron does the same thing, he gets bashed for it.

Exactly! +1. Haters are gonna hate is what I've realized.
By no means am I saying he played with hall of famers in Cleveland, but didn't "one of thee worst supporting casts" help them become one of the top teams in not only the eastern conference, but the entire league prior to him leaving?

I'm honestly a huge Lebron fan, but to say that he didn't have any supporting cast in Cleveland is a joke. Bottom line, they couldn't get it done in the playoffs when it mattered, but you can't say that he had no supporting cast.

I can definitely say that he had a very weak supporting cast. Who was the best supporting player was throughout his whole time in Cleveland? And best supporting cast? Then ask yourself how that supporting cast stacks up against the ones Kobe has had or the ones that Pierce has had. Or even Duncan. Doesn't begin to become equal, at all.
Also I consider Boston to have a Big 4 (including Rondo). They drafted and developed 2 out of those 4 (Pierce and Rondo). Technically got Rondo in a draft night trade, but that is pretty much the same as drafting him. 6 of the 15 players on Boston were drafted by the Celtics but Delonte West and Jeff Green played elsewhere before being back with the Celtics this year.

Eddie House, Dexter Pittman and Dwayne Wade are the only players drafted by the Heat.

They signed Udonis Haslem and Joel Anthony as undrafted free agents, so they developed those two guys as well.
Who's going to slow down Rose ... surely not Chalmers or Bibby ... do you put Wade on him?
Who's going to slow down Rose ... surely not Chalmers or Bibby ... do you put Wade on him?

Chalmers would do a better job than Bibby, but you dont really have to worry about slowing him down. Let him take his 35 shots and let the heat transition begin. I know Chicago swept the heat in the reg season, but this is the playoffs and its a different ball game.

I am a Wade fan and not a fan of the heat, but I think the team that they should be scared of is the Mavericks, because they will shoot 50 3s if they have to.
I can definitely say that he had a very weak supporting cast. Who was the best supporting player was throughout his whole time in Cleveland? And best supporting cast? Then ask yourself how that supporting cast stacks up against the ones Kobe has had or the ones that Pierce has had. Or even Duncan. Doesn't begin to become equal, at all.

I'm not saying that the guys were superstars by any means but you don't go 61-21 in the regular season with out any supporting cast. Did they choke miserably in the playoffs and just quit playing? Yes. But seriously I never realized a team could win 61 games in a regular season with one man.

And seriously only comparing that supporting cast to the Lakers, Boston, and San Antonio is kind of a stretch isn't it? I mean honestly I'm pretty sure his supporting cast was better than what New Jersey, Minnesota, and Sacremento had to work with. See I can single out the elite teams with the bottom feeders too.
Chalmers would do a better job than Bibby, but you dont really have to worry about slowing him down. Let him take his 35 shots and let the heat transition begin. I know Chicago swept the heat in the reg season, but this is the playoffs and its a different ball game.

I am a Wade fan and not a fan of the heat, but I think the team that they should be scared of is the Mavericks, because they will shoot 50 3s if they have to.

Miami matches up with Dallas a lot better than LA did. The Lakers don't have a good small ball line up. The Heat do, Wade and Chalmers aren't going to let JJ Barea blow by them, and LeBron and Wade are great at closing out on shooters.
Also I consider Boston to have a Big 4 (including Rondo). They drafted and developed 2 out of those 4 (Pierce and Rondo). Technically got Rondo in a draft night trade, but that is pretty much the same as drafting him. 6 of the 15 players on Boston were drafted by the Celtics but Delonte West and Jeff Green played elsewhere before being back with the Celtics this year.

Eddie House, Dexter Pittman and Dwayne Wade are the only players drafted by the Heat.

I couldn't agree with you more on throwing Rondo into the mix and calling it the Big 4. I'm by no means a Celtics fan, but I think he's become the heart and soul of the Celtics.
All I'm saying is that through free agency or trade, both teams emptied the cubbard to bring in these superstars and then used free agency to fill out the roster spots around them.
My point is that when Boston was first to do it, they were praised for instantly becoming a championship contender. However, when Miami does it they are looked down upon and instantly villified for how they went about business.
IMO both organizations should be commemorated for doing what is necessary to seperate themselves from the rest of the league by any means necessary. I think both organizations have revolutionized the sport, from a competitive standpoint (whether for the better or worse) but one gets praised and the other is labeled a vilian. It just doesn't make sense.
I'm not saying that the guys were superstars by any means but you don't go 61-21 in the regular season with out any supporting cast. Did they choke miserably in the playoffs and just quit playing? Yes. But seriously I never realized a team could win 61 games in a regular season with one man.

And seriously only comparing that supporting cast to the Lakers, Boston, and San Antonio is kind of a stretch isn't it? I mean honestly I'm pretty sure his supporting cast was better than what New Jersey, Minnesota, and Sacremento had to work with. See I can single out the elite teams with the bottom feeders too.

You're kidding, right? Do you know what all of those teams I listed have in common? Think about it..
I couldn't agree with you more on throwing Rondo into the mix and calling it the Big 4. I'm by no means a Celtics fan, but I think he's become the heart and soul of the Celtics.
All I'm saying is that through free agency or trade, both teams emptied the cubbard to bring in these superstars and then used free agency to fill out the roster spots around them.
My point is that when Boston was first to do it, they were praised for instantly becoming a championship contender. However, when Miami does it they are looked down upon and instantly villified for how they went about business.
IMO both organizations should be commemorated for doing what is necessary to seperate themselves from the rest of the league by any means necessary. I think both organizations have revolutionized the sport, from a competitive standpoint (whether for the better or worse) but one gets praised and the other is labeled a vilian. It just doesn't make sense.

I think some people think that it is ok to chase a ring when you're on the downside of your career, but not while you're in your prime. This thinking makes no sense to me. Why waste the best years of your career trying to carry a bad supporting cast?

The scary part for the rest of the league is that this Miami team is only going to get better, and possibly much, much better.
The primary difference between Boston 3 and the Miami 3 is that management was the seemingly primary catalyst in Boston (which makes it OK to most people) and the players were the seemingly primary catalyst in Miami (which makes them disloyal).

Also, if Bill Simmons' sources are to be believed (and a lot of NBA fans read what Simmons has to say as being gold), Wade, Bosh, and James decided to play together as early as 2008, which means two full seasons of basketball need to be questioned from a competitiveness standpoint.
Sorry. You lose. I don't want to get into a ******* match but try to google Isiah Thomas and see what you come up with. I'm not even a pistons fan.

I think the reference is to the '04-'06 group of Pistons that won a title, lost a Finals, and was on that level again in '06.

Chauncey Billups has a chance at being a HOFer. If Chris Mullin can make it in, Billups can too.
My bad if true. I should try to google myself. I thought they only won two titles with the bad boys and Thomas. Thanks for setting me straight.
LeBron = closer (tonight, anyways). I really want to see Bulls vs Heat in conference finals.

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