I think starting pitching is the Cubs best trade commodity right now. IMO, the recent losing streak has to have the Cubs management breathing a sigh of relief as no way were the Cubs meant to win this season. I think the last thing Cubs management wanted to see was the Cubs get closer to the division lead and get the fans thinking they are buyers at the trade deadline.
LaHair - The time to trade him was 2 weeks ago, now I think you ride him out and see how well he does in left field after Rizzo comes up. You will not get much in return for him and if he pans out you have him under control for a long time. He is not eligible to be a free agent until 2018.
Castro - Still only 22 years old and can drive odd pitches for base hits. He is maturing and will only get better. My asking price would be high if I look to move Castro.
Soriano - Cross your fingers and hope the hot streak continues. A couple more home runs and hitting around .280 will at least get some AL team interested in him as a DH. The Cubs will be stuck paying for 80 to 90% of his salary but perhaps they get a B level prospect out of the deal. They cannot keep wheeling him out in left field as his legs cannot do it anymore on a daily basis. If no one bites then he ends up platooning with LaHair in left.
Soto - He will be back in a couple of weeks, hopefully he can make a decent return for the Cubs to be able to move him for a couple of prospects. Soto is a free agent after next season and I think the Cubs want to see what they have in Castillo and Clevenger. He just needs to help us out a little and get his average up.
Dempster - As a 10 & 5 guy no trade clause limits the moves you can make with him but I think a contending team would be interested. He is 35 years old and is not part of the long term solution, with each quality start the Cubs lose should make being traded more appealing to him as well.
Garza - The asking price should still be high for him and you might be able to get a contending team to overspend. Everybody needs good starting pitching and I am glad the Cubs did not pull the trigger to soon this spring. Come July I think the offers become more attractive.
Samardzija - Think about it for a second. If you ever thought to trade him you could sell high right now. Is he part of the long term plans?
R Johnson - If he can get his average back up there you might get a little something for him. Once Rizzo comes up either he or Mather will be the odd man out in the outfield if they are unable to move Soriano. Good hitting bench player could be of interest to a contending team. He is 35 years old so no way is he part of the Cubs long term plans.
Barney - I don't know what you would get for him but he is cheap and I cannot imagine he is part of the long term plans.
Koyie Hill - Once Clevenger and Castillo come back he will be the odd man out. With his hitting abilities and strong defensive skills some team will want him and give up big time prospects to get him. Or he ends up being the bullpen catcher.