At this point all you can hope for is that they figure it out on the road before deviation to mean catches up to them at home. They're on pace to win more home games than they did in 2016 which is highly unsustainable.
It'll be interesting to see how they respond today. Do they lay down and die or find some fight and at least leave Philly with one W? I'm not too confident, but we'll see.

Now if they lose to Pittsburgh, who's been on the worst slide in all of MLB since the break, then I'm pretty much going to give up all hope.
When are the Cubs going to dump Strop!!!!!! They keep forcing him out to the mound to be somebody that he isn't!!!!!! JFC!!!!!
Harper is such a douche and Strop is that x 2. WTF Cubs. Let's give the Cards or the Brewers the crown..
Phillies definitely got even for last year. Jason Heyward hit a walk off GS in almost the same identical situation. But that was in June. This was in mid August in the middle of a three team division race.
When you start losing to teams that have been mailing it in for a month that doesn't bode well. If your ninth inning guy can't throw strikes, you won't win.

I don't care what the standings or the metrics say. The eye test doesn't lie. This is not a first place team. Or second place team. First or second place teams don't get walked off six times since July 1st.

They will get walked off tomorrow or Sunday. Book it.
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Worst bullpen in baseball.
Their late inning relievers allow way to many balls to be put in play. This will magnify more on the road where you don't get a chance to bat again if you get walked off. It goes a long way toward explaining the jeckyl and Hyde with this team in Wrigley vs on the road. Need to miss more bats. How many times have batters fouled mutiple pitches off our relievers and forced the walk, or forced the mistake that gets hit 450 feet?

Notice how many balls go up the middle for base hits on us? That's where you sorely miss Addison Russell at shortstop. Not even Javy Baez can go to his left the way Addy does. Baez strength is range to his right but with the Cubs not being a dominant power pitching staff more balls go up the middle.

Albert Almora never recovered from hitting that girl in the stands in Houston. A double shame, because not only was that tragic, Almora was also a hot hitter in May. I believe that stopped him cold and he still hasn't totally recovered.

Our everyday players have put up solid offensive seasons, but how many times has one of them stepped up and OWNED A SERIES! Like Harper did, or that rookie from Cincinnati. We need someone to do what Kyle Schwarber did in Milwaukee about three weeks ago and do for that for an entire series.

Rizzo at 30 is losing some bat speed and getting tied up inside. I also believe he is putting on some weight. He is fouling off or flying out on pitches he used to pulverize.

Maddon still doesn't have a contract. Think that isn't affecting the players? Russell finally had to get sent down because he admitted he was missing signs and wasn't always mentally engaged. I have seen Bryant, Baez, and Rizzo, the three best players on the team, settle for singles when they didn't run out fly balls and should have been on second and third.

The Cubs have sorely missed Willson Contreras behind the plate the second half of the season with his two DL stints.

End of rant. Go Cubs!
More rant. Jon Lester drew the short straw on that Friday about a month ago when it was close to 100 degrees and there was no lake breeze. Brutal conditions. He hasn't been the same since. He pulled himself out of a critical Milwaukee game when he had a shutout going, which the bullpen naturally pissed away. He has since gotten lit up by the arch heads and Oakland, got bailed out in Cincinnati.

OK, that's it. Go Cubs!

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