Noah Fant 'Officially' NFL Bound / No Bowl Game

I still don't see what's wrong with being disappointed? I am to. I am sure they all are. What's wrong with it? Should Kirk have said "We are elated with Noah leaving the team before the season is officially over, we couldn't more proud"? No way, he's disappointed. Why wouldn't he be?
Yeah, the U said let's type up Noah's statement consisting of 276 words and decided Kirk's should be "We're disappointed and good luck, kid!"
This is kind of how I feel to. Again, we really can't blame him, but I think moving forward he will not thought of in the same light as other past great past players like Dwight, Banks, Long, Greenway, Clark, Gallery, etc. From a team perspective, from a fan perspective, it is disappointing. But, you have to let him go if that is what he wants.

Yup again I totally expected Fant to skip the bowl and I support the idea. It's a rather meaningless game that he will be used sparsely in. My problem is the timing of the announcement.
So it is your claim that in no way does this embarrass or hurt our program?
No, you're totally correct. Everybody's doing this to us now.

How many times has Iowa not fully utilize their TE’s? I think Moeaki and Fiedorowicz could have been targeted more in years past. Same thing occured with Fant. He will always be one of my favorite Hawks. I can understand him skipping the bowl game. Why get injured when you got a big payday awaiting you? If he gets injured, then he’d have no choice but return and go through another similar year of being underused. He’s making an intelligent move and I fully respect that. I wish him nothing but good luck with his future in the NFL. Hopefully the team that drafts him uses him to his full potential. Thank you for being a Hawkeye Noah!
The way he was kept off the field this season and replaced with the likes of Cooper and Weiting is unforgivable. Any fan with half a pulse could see this. Pretending this wasn't a complete coaching debacle is indefensible. Ferentz doesn't know how to use his talent, and he holds petty grudges against his players. These grudges manifest as shitty in-game decision-making.

What exactly was the 'grudge' he had against Fant? I guess I missed this. I get that he didn't get as many snaps as everyone would've liked but it's not like this was a DJK situation.
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How many times has Iowa not fully utilized their TE’s? I think Moeaki and Fiedorowicz could have been targeted more in years past. Same thing occured with Fant. He will always be one of my favorite Hawks. I can understand him skipping the bowl game. Why get injured when you got a big payday awaiting you? If he gets injured, then he’d have no choice but return and go through another similar year of being underused. He’s making an intelligent move and I fully respect that. I wish him nothing but the best of luck going forward in the NFL. Hopefully the team that drafts him uses him to his full potential. Thank you for being a Hawkeye Noah!
Good for Fant, he made the right decision. But I think that Hock was and is a better TE. All of the noise about Stanley not getting Fant the ball is BS, how many drops in critical situations has Fant had over the last three years. I can think of four off the top of my head, and there were probably more. I hope he does well in the NFL, but if one stays and the other goes, I'm glad it is Hockenson that may stay.

1. The fant vs hock narrative is bs because even tho they play the same position, we run multiple right end sets. We could have easily had both in at the same time. Fans were never angry that TJ was getting PT over fant. They were angry wieting was in on 2 TE looks or we were using a 3 WR set with max cooper or Kyle G. in.

2. I’ll give you the northwestern drop last year. Give me the 3 others that were on the top of your head.
How many times has Iowa not fully utilized their TE’s? I think Moeaki and Fiedorowicz could have been targeted more in years past. Same thing occured with Fant. He will always be one of my favorite Hawks. I can understand him skipping the bowl game. Why get injured when you got a big payday awaiting you? If he gets injured, then he’d have no choice but return and go through another similar year of being underused. He’s making an intelligent move and I fully respect that. I wish him nothing but the best of luck going forward in the NFL. Hopefully the team that drafts him uses him to his full potential. Thank you for being a Hawkeye Noah!
Fant will be the first Hawkeye drafted in 15 years that I will not be buying their jersey. I'm so over the name Fant.
If you're an adult male who spends money on replicas of teenagers' sports jerseys, you have problems greater than being mad at Noah Fant.

Jerseys of players not related to you and autographs are for people 12 and under, man. Jesus.

Do you play Pokemon Go and still have your gauges in from high school?
Not a popular reply, but the fact that he is skipping the bowl game proves he was never ALL IN with the team first philosophy. He was a great receiving tight end, never an above average blocker. In fact, he completely whiffed more than a few times, leading to TFL. TJ is flat out a better overall tight end. His emergence took reps away.

He also had the concussion, which took away a half and then I think limited snaps the following week.

He is a great weapon. I wish Stanley would've thrown more passes his way. Or been more accurate. I wish we would've thrown a fade to him inside the 5 yard line. I wish a lot of things that didn't happen. Ultimately, to me this is a selfish move, hurting the chances of victory for the guys he's been sweating with for years. Again, I know the old-school "team over me" approach isn't popular any more, but I will remember him as much for quitting on his teammates than for his amazing talent at catching the football.

Best of luck, Noah. Here's hoping to many TDs in the NFL.
1. The fant vs hock narrative is bs because even tho they play the same position, we run multiple right end sets. We could have easily had both in at the same time. Fans were never angry that TJ was getting PT over fant. They were angry wieting was in on 2 TE looks or we were using a 3 WR set with max cooper or Kyle G. in.

2. I’ll give you the northwestern drop last year. Give me the 3 others that were on the top of your head.

Freshman year in the endzone; drop. Two point conversion; all by himself; drop. Critical 3rd down, more than once, drop; all good passes. I wish that I could recall the exact games, but I am getting old. If anyone else remembers the specific games, please chime in.
Does anyone have any specific examples of where Noah's blocking was a liability?
I'm tired of hearing about that.
Show me an example of where Noah blew a block.
Damn should read like this.

Barta statement: "“We are not disappointed Kirk will not be finishing his life long contract. He is a great man but a subpar coach and we wish him the best as he pursues his retirement"
Damn should read like this.

Barta statement: "“We are not disappointed Kirk will not be finishing his life long contract. He is a great man but a subpar coach and we wish him the best as he pursues his retirement"
Kirk would never quit on the team, that would be morally wrong.