Noah Fant 'Officially' NFL Bound / No Bowl Game

Not a popular reply, but the fact that he is skipping the bowl game proves he was never ALL IN with the team first philosophy.
The boss man was never all-in on him, either.

To think any players are expected to come in here and go into total submission mode when they aren't getting a fair shake is dumb. Like it or not it's a two-way street and I doubt highly whether any of his teammates would feel like he's quitting on them. It's the goddamn Rubber Ducky Bowl presented by Dentu Creme for god's sake, not the Cotton Bowl. Stop acting like he's Tom Brady saying he won't play in the Super Bowl.

I guarantee you most if not all of those guys would do the same thing if they were projected first round.
1. The fant vs hock narrative is bs because even tho they play the same position, we run multiple right end sets. We could have easily had both in at the same time. Fans were never angry that TJ was getting PT over fant. They were angry wieting was in on 2 TE looks or we were using a 3 WR set with max cooper or Kyle G. in.

2. I’ll give you the northwestern drop last year. Give me the 3 others that were on the top of your head.

At Wisconsin last year. JJ had just cut the lead to 3 with his 2nd pick 6 and Iowa stopped Wisconsin on the next drive and got the ball back. On 3rd down Stanley hit Fant in stride on a slant pattern. Fant would have scored easily but he dropped it.
HIs family hasn't thought Ferentz treated him right. Football is a brutal sport so why wouldn't he want to take care of himself and his family. Ferentz goes out of his way to take care of his family.
Freshman year in the endzone; drop. Two point conversion; all by himself; drop. Critical 3rd down, more than once, drop; all good passes. I wish that I could recall the exact games, but I am getting old. If anyone else remembers the specific games, please chime in.

Lol great examples Captain Specific.
Safe to assume. My guess is guys who declare early like that don't want to take finals and now they don't have to keep up the charade of going to school. So no bowl game. After what happened to Thorson in last year's game against Kentucky, I can't say I blame them.

Exactly. If he plays in the bowl game, good for him. If he doesn't, good for him. If the Hawks were playing in this Saturday's game, it's prolly a different story. But we're not, so no reason for him to play in bowl game if he doesn't want to. Get his agent, do his workouts, kill it at the combine.
At Wisconsin last year. JJ had just cut the lead to 3 with his 2nd pick 6 and Iowa stopped Wisconsin on the next drive and got the ball back. On 3rd down Stanley hit Fant in stride on a slant pattern. Fant would have scored easily but he dropped it.

Now that is an actual example. Thank you
One of my good buddies is the hugest Hawkeye fan I know. Hits the bowl games, couple road games a year, drives back to IC from Chicago almost every week, etc. He was on the flight back with Noah's family after the bowl game Noah's freshman year and he actually apologized to them on behalf of the program for Noah's lack of reps in the bowl game. He knew Noah was gonna be a helluva baller. He said the family was nice, but were basically like "dude, if a casual fan can see how good he is, what in the ever living fvck is wrong with the coaching staff?" My guess is they aren't going to be the best ambassadors for the program going forward, but if Noah gets drafted high and makes a lot of money, that money can smooth over the wound pretty well.

His family is NOT an indication of what a quality kid Noah is, that's for damn sure.
Fant will be the first Hawkeye drafted in 15 years that I will not be buying their jersey. I'm so over the name Fant.
And furthermore, there have been exactly 60 Hawkeye players drafted in the last 15 years. If you're saying you've bought 60 jerseys since then,

1) I'm calling bullshit

2) If you really did spend $6,000-$7,000 on Hawkeye jerseys you're a fucking idiot.
Does anyone have any specific examples of where Noah's blocking was a liability?
I'm tired of hearing about that.
Show me an example of where Noah blew a block.

That one game a few years ago or maybe last year, he’ll could have been this year.First or second down... could have been third down... I am pretty sure it wasn’t fourth down...we ran a stretch play to the right.. or left ....fant tried to block his guy (I can’t remeber what team he played for) and totally missed. That guy tackled Wadley... or Daniels... or iKM.. or Sargent... or young for like a 2-3 maybe even more yard loss....
I think that probably summed him up pretty well. I think he's matured quite a bit since coming to Iowa because some may remember when he first committed to us. He went on a local Omaha sports radio station and just punked them. I think he had either a Nebraska or maybe a neutral hoodie on and took it off and had an Iowa one on. They felt he was leading on the locals to think he was going to Neb but didn't. I doubt he'd do that again if he were to do it over.

He's obviously a good kid that's had a lot tugging at him from all sides. Between how the coaches used him and how his family ran their mouths he's done nothing but play hard when his # was called and said all the right things and cheered on his teammates. I can only hope I'd have handled things the way he did if I were in his shoes. I mean as the year went on he was never thought of as anything less than a 1st round pick for next yr right? How hard would that be to not let get to your head? I don't blame him a bit for shutting it down now and making the decision he has. He's protecting the lottery ticket he has in his hand the best he can. Good for him. I've been a fan and always will be of his.

Exactly. It might be different if the Hawks were playing this Saturday. If we were in B1G CG, I would bet he plays. But...why risk it for the damn Holiday Bowl?
HIs family hasn't thought Ferentz treated him right. Football is a brutal sport so why wouldn't he want to take care of himself and his family. Ferentz goes out of his way to take care of his family.
And furthermore, there have been exactly 60 Hawkeye players drafted in the last 15 years. If you're saying you've bought 60 jerseys since then,

1) I'm calling bullshit

2) If you really did spend $6,000-$7,000 on Hawkeye jerseys you're a fucking idiot.

Totally agree with you. Not every jersey is $100+ and people waste money on much dumber things in this world.
It proves nothing. By Kirk's own words, Noah was a team player. Was Kirk lying? Would Kirk lie?

Do you think everything said publicly is what a person or coach truly believes? It's not a good look to throw somebody under the bus. I'm NOT saying Kirk's comment was not genuine, just pointing out that just because it's said publicly doesn't mean it's truth.
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Yeah, I think there might have been a little bit of that in the last few games of the season. Can't really blame him.

Uh, it was the case throughout his career. On the other hand, he's also come a long way. He improved in most phases of his game, if not all phases. But he has the tendency for a big drop here and there, and he does makes some mental mistakes. Still, nobody can say he wasn't all-in each game he played for the Hawks.
One of my good buddies is the hugest Hawkeye fan I know. Hits the bowl games, couple road games a year, drives back to IC from Chicago almost every week, etc. He was on the flight back with Noah's family after the bowl game Noah's freshman year and he actually apologized to them on behalf of the program for Noah's lack of reps in the bowl game. He knew Noah was gonna be a helluva baller. He said the family was nice, but were basically like "dude, if a casual fan can see how good he is, what in the ever living fvck is wrong with the coaching staff?" My guess is they aren't going to be the best ambassadors for the program going forward, but if Noah gets drafted high and makes a lot of money, that money can smooth over the wound pretty well.

Yeah and we also had kittle and a couple other really good TEs on that team.
Do you think everything said publicly is what a person or coach truly believes? It's not a good luck to throw somebody under the bus. I'm NOT saying Kirk's comment was not genuine, just pointing out that just because it's said publicly doesn't mean it's truth.
So, are you saying Kirk lied or was he telling the truth?
And furthermore, there have been exactly 60 Hawkeye players drafted in the last 15 years. If you're saying you've bought 60 jerseys since then,

1) I'm calling bullshit

2) If you really did spend $6,000-$7,000 on Hawkeye jerseys you're a fucking idiot.

I’ve always felt weird when grown men spend money to have another mans name on their back... but who am I to judge how others spend their money
Why even say the disappointed part. Why not just wish him luck on his future in the NFL and thank him for attending the school.

Between this and how Dolph situation, it just shows how out of touch our coaches really are. I blame Barta for putting them up on such a pedestal that both KF and Fran think their shit don't stink.

The "disappointed" part if because they wish they had him for the bowl game. Sheesh, people read WAY too much into each and every sentence.