No way Paterno survives this if he knew.

Paterno 'shocked'

According to the statement released Saturday by Pennsylvania attorney general Linda Kelly, the grand jury found that in March 2002, a then-graduate assistant (Mike McQueary, a former Nittany Lions quarterback who is now a fulltime assistant), witnessed Sandusky sexually assaulting an underage boy in the showers in the Lasch Football Building. According to Kelly, the graduate assistant went to Paterno's home "to explain what he had seen."

But Paterno said in his statement that McQueary had not been specific with him.

"As my grand jury testimony stated," Joe Paterno said in the statement, "I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report. Regardless, it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky. As Coach Sandusky was retired from our coaching staff at that time, I referred the matter to university administrators."

This is horse sh!t. McQueary says he witnessed a sexual assault of an underaged boy in the shower of your locker room and he wasn't specific with YOU Joe? Give me a frickin' break. This is really starting to p!ss me off. McQueary is a disgraceful human being for just walking away.

Dude, you still think that people are going to hold Joe Pa to a reasonable standard.

Wake UP.

Please go back and google Iran Contra and Reagan.

This is the EXACT same situation.

Joe Pa will be given the benefit of the doubt because he is seen as a senile old man who hasn't really been running the program for ages.

Seriously, there are enough Ollie North's here to take the fall.
CAARHawk, I had the exact same thoughts about Reagan last night. It's already starting. There will be a circling of the wagons to protect Paterno and his image at all costs. There will be all kind of stories, factual or not, about Paterno's memory loss, general confusion and lack of involvement with the daily workings of his program.

Dude, you still think that people are going to hold Joe Pa to a reasonable standard.

Wake UP.

Please go back and google Iran Contra and Reagan.

This is the EXACT same situation.

Joe Pa will be given the benefit of the doubt because he is seen as a senile old man who hasn't really been running the program for ages.

Seriously, there are enough Ollie North's here to take the fall.

This is wrong, but you might be correct. But I think we will see Paterno "retire" at the end of this year.

Dude, you still think that people are going to hold Joe Pa to a reasonable standard.

Wake UP.

Please go back and google Iran Contra and Reagan.

This is the EXACT same situation.

Joe Pa will be given the benefit of the doubt because he is seen as a senile old man who hasn't really been running the program for ages.

Seriously, there are enough Ollie North's here to take the fall.

I'm not saying he is going to jail but if you think he is coaching there next year you are nuts.
This is such a disgusting story. Penn State will take a hit for this in recruiting the next couple of years. I would never send my kids to that school after reading about this cover up.

Dude, you still think that people are going to hold Joe Pa to a reasonable standard.

Wake UP.

Please go back and google Iran Contra and Reagan.

This is the EXACT same situation.

Joe Pa will be given the benefit of the doubt because he is seen as a senile old man who hasn't really been running the program for ages.

Seriously, there are enough Ollie North's here to take the fall.

You're correct, CAAAAR, but how will the PSU spin machine be able to convince the world that Paterno was senile/confused in 2002 and previously? Everyone associated with sandusky HAD to know he was rapey and perverted well before '02. A team of decent lawyers (I know, contradiction in terms) should be able to construct a timeline of sandusky's behavior, including when he was still employed by Paterno/PSU...and well before they can reasonably invoke the Reagan Defense Strategy.
Looks like PSU fans are already noticing a recruiting hit. Noah Spence, 5* will definitely sign elsewhere now. They're already worried about losing a few of the commits they have.

I'm literally filled with rage and disgust at what these men, by virtue of covering it up, have done to the University, and all those who love it. Not even the fact that we are going to lose recruits over this, it is that I have had coworkers all day come into my office and ask me about the situation. It's making it really hard right now to be proud of that degree hanging on my wall.

And then there's this. This situation is going to seriously impact the University in some way, whether it be football recruiting, or national appearance, or both. There is no way anybody involved will be on campus next year.
You're correct, CAAAAR, but how will the PSU spin machine be able to convince the world that Paterno was senile/confused in 2002 and previously? Everyone associated with sandusky HAD to know he was rapey and perverted well before '02. A team of decent lawyers (I know, contradiction in terms) should be able to construct a timeline of sandusky's behavior, including when he was still employed by Paterno/PSU...and well before they can reasonably invoke the Reagan Defense Strategy.

If they can't use the Reagan Defense Strategy, they can always go to the Chewbacca defense as a last resort. I don't think even that will work. Joe Pa will probably get to fade into the sunset after the season, but in my opinion, he deserves a ton of heat for this despite what he's done for football, and I NEVER thought I would say that about him. I guess covering up child rape can change a person's perspective.
a lot of people here have obviously never been faced with a shocking, life or death situation. you just have to understand that not everyone acts in the manner that seems appropriate in retrospect.

i would like to think that i would be a hero but if i stumbled upon a situation like that involving someone i know well i would be more inclined to think that i was hallucinating or that i was being set up on Punk'D

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you would have done the right thing, which would have included calling the cops right away.
If I were a graduate assistant or whatever he was, I don't think I would confront the guy either. Maybe some of you guys have kids and have a inherent protection instinct that comes in, so maybe you wouldn't think twice about laying the law down right then and there.

In my mind, if you catch someone red handed like that, it doesn't seem like an easy position to be put in as someone in your early to mid 20's. That's the type of thing a guy would kill you over because you caught him, that guy had a lot to lose by being caught.

Maybe I'm naive too, but I would think Joe Pa would do the right thing. I was under the impression he was a good guy and a smart guy, guess not.

Come to Penn State? I think not Joe.
Paterno 'shocked'

According to the statement released Saturday by Pennsylvania attorney general Linda Kelly, the grand jury found that in March 2002, a then-graduate assistant (Mike McQueary, a former Nittany Lions quarterback who is now a fulltime assistant), witnessed Sandusky sexually assaulting an underage boy in the showers in the Lasch Football Building. According to Kelly, the graduate assistant went to Paterno's home "to explain what he had seen."

But Paterno said in his statement that McQueary had not been specific with him.

"As my grand jury testimony stated," Joe Paterno said in the statement, "I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report. Regardless, it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky. As Coach Sandusky was retired from our coaching staff at that time, I referred the matter to university administrators."

This is horse sh!t. McQueary says he witnessed a sexual assault of an underaged boy in the shower of your locker room and he wasn't specific with YOU Joe? Give me a frickin' break. This is really starting to p!ss me off. McQueary is a disgraceful human being for just walking away.

I almost threw up in my mouth when I read this statement. What self-serving, CYA bullsh!t. Obviously vetted in many quarters, including lawyers and the university administration. Many people, including Paterno, should have done much more when this became known and possibly avoided the abuse of more children.

Instead, it has all the appearances of covering up to protect the reputation of the program.

Paterno needs to be encouraged to retire immediately. If not, he needs to be fired. His continued presence as head of Pedo State football will continue to raise questions and damage the program.

I wonder how he can sleep at night?

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