More suspensions on the way

I hope you send letters to each country in the rest of the world and chastise them for their disenfranchising people of all races, creeds and colors for hundreds of years before America even existed. In fact, the type of disenfranchisement you are speaking of stopped because Americans came to the full realization it was morally wrong. My ancestors on both sides were "disenfranchised" also.

If you want to know the truth about why inner cities exist, go read and listen to Thomas Sowell. He will turn the light on for you. You can't "manufacture" a successful society. You cannot apportion success TO a given set of people. People must earn their success and by suppressing the opportunity for some at the benefit of others, regardless or irrespective of personal merit, is simply the a watered down reverse of the disenfranchisement you speak of.

Every citizen of America has the same rights and they must be protected and fought for and preserved for all. And all means all. Success is based on each individuals ability and willingness to sacrifice and persevere and to reach for more through individual effort. Removing obstacles that choke the quantity of opportunities is what allows ALL to have the same chance. Government is not the almighty who "gives" opportunity.

The greatest chance of ALL PEOPLE being enslaved, for those who live in a socialist society. Go look it up. The facts are out there.

Better dead than red, ya we get it. The all or nothing mentality around here is terrible. The problem is that those like you can't have an intelligent conversation with anyone about this without name calling and flag waving I doubt you have a more conservative voting record that me btw, I just doubt that. See below the list of hotbed nations of socialism. I'm not going to defend China as the abuses are well known. It is a dictatorship which is what you are really trying to say. What you are really trying to define is Marxist/Leninist. The US has a number of socialist programs and frankly you wouldn't want to live here w/o some of them. You probably bitch about socialized medicine, but are you a small business owner. If you have a family you are likely to shell out 24K for a family for health insurance and deductibles. You likely have coverage through your employer which gets tax breaks that small businesses don't. You also get some of that tax break on health coverage. Under Trump tax laws, many small businesses lost their health insurance deductibles and a number of families actually have taxes go up. Have you actually traveled much outside of N America?

Ya know on

Here are the most socialist nations in the world:

Top 10 Most Socialist Countries in the World
By Peerform · On December 6, 2012

The term socialist has been thrown around quite a bit in the past few years. Not since the cold war has the term garnered so much attention in the press and from politicians. But when you look at countries who actually have a socialist economic structure, you can see some similarities to the United States – but there are some really stark differences.

Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:

  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
Despite popular myths, there is very little connection between economic performance and welfare expenditure. Many of the countries on this list are proof of that, such as Denmark and Finland. Even though both countries are more socialistic than America, the workforce remains stronger.

Back to HG
Here are the state rankings on federal in and out dollars. ND? Oil. Virginia? Govt. IL which you would probably bitch about due to "socialist" Chicago? Texas? Oil.

Iowa? Farmer subsidies. Want to yank the socialist subsidies out of Iowa (ethanol)? Liberal California?

If you are going to be an ass try and do it with intelligence
^LOL at calling China socialist. China has licensing requirements to get the Party's approval before taking an action and they have state owned enterprises because they wanted to put Japan's export driven mercantilist economic strategy on hyperdrive, but that place is absolutely a laissez-faire economy. Stealing IP? Go ahead. Polluting? Go ahead. Crapping on your employees til they commit suicide? No problem, we'll round up some more peasants from the countryside. The reason they'll become the largest economy in the world is they have foreclosed the opportunity for proles to vote themselves benefits from the treasury.
You ought to see what the kids are driving around Iowa City, in particular the Asians. Go drive around in the Old Capitol Mall Clinton St ramp someday and take a look. Porshes, Beemers, Maseratis, Audis, Jaguars, etc.. I ain't a kidding or exaggerating. I've even seen a Bentley or two. All young Asian college students.
I don't need to, I work down there everyday. It's been like that for the last 5-10 years and more exotics keep showing up. Their parents have a loooot of money
I don't need to, I work down there everyday. It's been like that for the last 5-10 years and more exotics keep showing up. Their parents have a loooot of money

About any dictatorship isn't about an ideology, it's about benefiting the rulers or ruling class. The Chinese are no different. The Soviets were no different.

Then there are others...The American Oligarchy....the NCAA.... I digress...
Or: "Dumb*** f****** white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants."
I mean this one is pretty accurate about everyone as a whole - just because she didn't mention other races doesn't mean she's excluding them ;)
I don't need to, I work down there everyday. It's been like that for the last 5-10 years and more exotics keep showing up. Their parents have a loooot of money
Bro, if you think IC is crazy, you should have seen Evanston. A Chinese guy who has a daughter enrolling this coming year offered me $280k cash sight unseen for my condo with closing in 10 days. I have a friend who just graduated from Champaign, she said it is like 10% Chinese and they don't interact with anyone outside of their groups and that most of them don't even speak English but that cheating on the tests is so rampant there that there is no way to tell if they can even read English until they arrive, but that since they all pay rack rate out of state tuition the school bends over backwards to keep them in.

Back when I was in school most Asian students were from Japan and they were hellbent on meeting Americans and learning English. I had a Japanese guy across the hall who me and a kid from Palo taught everything there is to know about America. The kid went on to run the export division of a big Japanese company and we're still homies today. He also introduced me to my wife. We thought the Japanese were rich back when they were coming over, but they were peasants compared to the Chinese. With the one-child policy, those kids have the exclusive financial resources of their parents and two sets of grandparents.
I don't need to, I work down there everyday. It's been like that for the last 5-10 years and more exotics keep showing up. Their parents have a loooot of money

We did a little researching on this. It turns out these cars are as cheap as they will ever get them as they are outrageous in Asia. So they take advantage of that & get them when they are here and mom & pop pay for their college. They can take them back home and sell them for a great chunk of $$, virtually getting their investment back. These are the top 5% of the wealthy people's students that I think come over. It is really freaking amazing, though, what they are driving around. Most of them.
Bro, if you think IC is crazy, you should have seen Evanston. A Chinese guy who has a daughter enrolling this coming year offered me $280k cash sight unseen for my condo with closing in 10 days. I have a friend who just graduated from Champaign, she said it is like 10% Chinese and they don't interact with anyone outside of their groups and that most of them don't even speak English but that cheating on the tests is so rampant there that there is no way to tell if they can even read English until they arrive, but that since they all pay rack rate out of state tuition the school bends over backwards to keep them in.

Back when I was in school most Asian students were from Japan and they were hellbent on meeting Americans and learning English. I had a Japanese guy across the hall who me and a kid from Palo taught everything there is to know about America. The kid went on to run the export division of a big Japanese company and we're still homies today. He also introduced me to my wife. We thought the Japanese were rich back when they were coming over, but they were peasants compared to the Chinese. With the one-child policy, those kids have the exclusive financial resources of their parents and two sets of grandparents.

There are 2 types of students from China (maybe more). Those who are rich and those who pay their own way. The latter is an amazing accomplishment as even getting into college in China is a huge task due to population/openings. The latter group typically come after a BS in China. The first group is highly spoiled and not much different than privilege here. It's just that the really rich here don't do Big Schools.

The Chinese study in groups so they cut down figuring out problems ( a lot of engineering majors). Going to class at places like U IL is getting to be a joke as they have so many international TA's and even profs that have marginal English and no teacher training. U IL is probably close to 20 percent Asian with many from China and a lot from S Korea. The state budget is so broke the U wants the international tuition. US students who do well in Engineering where I would guess 2/3 of the students to be international or more are the one's who do group projects. One Chinese student smashed his Maserati by accelerating harder than he could handle..

China isn't a socialist country but a Dictatorship with Oligarchy. Kleptocracy. This has always been the case around the world, it's just that info is more available but hard to sort the fake from real.

What is really difficult is that around the world the Oligarchy class really don't care about those who aren't.
Corrected: "Listen, we, minus Steve Garvey1, disenfranchised an entire race of people in this country for over 100 years, and it's only started evolving to a more level playing field in the last 50 years...but it's not there yet."

The "we" was in reference to the "United States". I think most people would surmise that the post wasn't referring to anyone alive today implementing the policies dating back 150 years, but I'm happy to clarify it for you Steve. Facts are facts and unfortunately it sometimes takes generations to overcome this type yes Steve, whether you like it or not, you are a part of the aftermath of this issue. I'm glad you are doing your part by helping people.

As far as "my liberal guilt" being imposed upon you...that's a bit of a leap Steve. It's possible to understand the economics of something without being a far left liberal, despite what Fox News will tell you. I'm not pushing reparations or anything...what I'm saying is that earmarking first class education funds to inner cities and poor areas is the answer...and making the financial commitment as a nation to do it is necessary.

Heres hoping the aliens capture you first.

How do you know I'm part of the aftermath of this issue? That's my whole point WinOne, it's all so over-generalized. Nobody has ever given me anything because I'm white. Stop assuming you can speak for all people and what they may have experienced. The whole point of a lot of the people touting this racial stuff is to make white people feel guilty for what happened, even though they had nothing to do with it and haven't necessarily gained anything from it.

We all know the history of slavery and Jim Crow and I know African-Americans have more to overcome, generally speaking. I also know 300,000 white Union soldiers paid the ultimate price helping to end slavery.

I have no problem with funds being used to help inner cities, if used in a smart way. But I also think the African-American community can do more to help itself such as tackle the issue of why 70% of AA children are born out of wedlock and how that affects arrest and incarceration rates.

Yeah, I watch Fox News sometimes, but I also watch CNN to try and get both perspectives. I might advise that kind of thing for you.
When we don't act when we see it, when we dismiss issues, when we dismiss concerns brought about by minorities, WE becomes obvious.

Even the attitude that you have by your statement makes it obvious. It isn't a liberal position, it's a human kindness and dignity position. Guarantee you have benefits today from "we" from the past. That doesn't mean everything is reset like in S Africa. It does involves not having an entitled attitude. Your whole adult life... I doubt it. Done some things? Highly likely.

Some of the stupid statements here are just that. You'd think that big fans of a university sports team might have some smarts to go along with it.

Well I've worked with the poor virtually my whole adult life, of which probably 40-45% have been black so you would be wrong about that.

It's human kindness to help the poor and disenfranchised. It's not human kindness to do it a way that attempts to cast guilt on an entire group of people for what some of them did in the past, which is what I was responding to. That is how WinOne's post was worded.

I've been passed over a job because I am white. I've been passed over for a job because I'm male. Don't try to tell me how I've benefited from what some terrible people who share the same race as I am did in the past.
We did a little researching on this. It turns out these cars are as cheap as they will ever get them as they are outrageous in Asia. So they take advantage of that & get them when they are here and mom & pop pay for their college. They can take them back home and sell them for a great chunk of $$, virtually getting their investment back. These are the top 5% of the wealthy people's students that I think come over. It is really freaking amazing, though, what they are driving around. Most of them.
Most of them sell them back to the dealer after they graduate. I worked in the car business and the banking business and I experienced it first hand many times. Had somebody sell a Porsche Cayanne and took $40,000 cash back to China with them. Fun stuff.
Don't try to tell me how I've benefited from what some terrible people who share the same race as I am did in the past.
Assuming most of us are multi-generational native Iowans, odds are that our ancestors weren't even Americans when slavery was still legal. Iowa has large German, Hungarian, Dutch and Scandinavian populations that didn't start migrating to America until the late 1860's. I would wager that most 3rd+ generation Iowans have American ties that are less than 150 years old. You had to be pretty damned desperate to leave Europe to break the ground in a place like Minnesota, Iowa or Wisconsin 150 years ago.
Better dead than red, ya we get it. The all or nothing mentality around here is terrible. The problem is that those like you can't have an intelligent conversation with anyone about this without name calling and flag waving I doubt you have a more conservative voting record that me btw, I just doubt that. See below the list of hotbed nations of socialism. I'm not going to defend China as the abuses are well known. It is a dictatorship which is what you are really trying to say. What you are really trying to define is Marxist/Leninist. The US has a number of socialist programs and frankly you wouldn't want to live here w/o some of them. You probably bitch about socialized medicine, but are you a small business owner. If you have a family you are likely to shell out 24K for a family for health insurance and deductibles. You likely have coverage through your employer which gets tax breaks that small businesses don't. You also get some of that tax break on health coverage. Under Trump tax laws, many small businesses lost their health insurance deductibles and a number of families actually have taxes go up. Have you actually traveled much outside of N America?

Ya know on

Here are the most socialist nations in the world:

Top 10 Most Socialist Countries in the World
By Peerform · On December 6, 2012

The term socialist has been thrown around quite a bit in the past few years. Not since the cold war has the term garnered so much attention in the press and from politicians. But when you look at countries who actually have a socialist economic structure, you can see some similarities to the United States – but there are some really stark differences.

Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:

  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
Despite popular myths, there is very little connection between economic performance and welfare expenditure. Many of the countries on this list are proof of that, such as Denmark and Finland. Even though both countries are more socialistic than America, the workforce remains stronger.

Back to HG
Here are the state rankings on federal in and out dollars. ND? Oil. Virginia? Govt. IL which you would probably bitch about due to "socialist" Chicago? Texas? Oil.

Iowa? Farmer subsidies. Want to yank the socialist subsidies out of Iowa (ethanol)? Liberal California?

If you are going to be an ass try and do it with intelligence
View attachment 3873
None of those countries are socialist. The European ones have fairly strong, productive free market economies which are levied with high taxes to enable generous government welfare programs. "Those productive economies, generating good incomes for their workers, allowed the governments to raise the tax revenue needed to pay for the social benefits. It was not the government benefits that created wealth, but wealth that allowed the luxury of such generous government programs."
Socialism is government control or ownership of businesses, which would help destroy the very prosperity which enables those countries to extract high taxes.
None of those countries are socialist. The European ones have fairly strong, productive free market economies which are levied with high taxes to enable generous government welfare programs. "Those productive economies, generating good incomes for their workers, allowed the governments to raise the tax revenue needed to pay for the social benefits. It was not the government benefits that created wealth, but wealth that allowed the luxury of such generous government programs."
Socialism is government control or ownership of businesses, which would help destroy the very prosperity which enables those countries to extract high taxes.

You really don't understand the definition. The policies that those screaming socialism on here are a part of those economies. Per your definition there are so few countries that are socialist there is nothing to worry about.
Most of them sell them back to the dealer after they graduate. I worked in the car business and the banking business and I experienced it first hand many times. Had somebody sell a Porsche Cayanne and took $40,000 cash back to China with them. Fun stuff.

Wow. so, do they use college grant or loan money to initially buy them?
I just hope that our starting offensive line screwing the pooch is not the cause of our starting QB to get hurt in our first game because of lack of protection. Gracias dummies!

This is my biggest concern, if Stanley gets hit and injured because a backup lineman blows an assignment, that’s going to make this season hell for Iowa.
You really don't understand the definition. The policies that those screaming socialism on here are a part of those economies. Per your definition there are so few countries that are socialist there is nothing to worry about.
Governmental control/ownership of the means of production is part of the definition of socialism. The government doesn't own the businesses in those countries, and the government doesn't create wealth. They still have private property, and the government redistributes the wealth, which would be partial socialism, I guess.
Wow. so, do they use college grant or loan money to initially buy them?
Dude, most exchange students from Asia are not getting grant money. They're paying full freight. There are exceptions for the people who are insanely smart who we let in to steal our intellectual property, but your average undergrad kid is here on family money. That's why the schools want them so badly. They pay full rate out of state tuition. Illinois is so broke that 10% of their incoming freshman class each year is Chinese paying full tuition. It used to be 90%+ in state in the undergrad school there, but it is dropping like a rock and the taxpayers are PISSED.

Remember, China has a one child policy so those kids get sole and exclusive access to all family assets for their college, so their families spare no expense in providing for education. When that kid's 40, he's probably gonna have to shoulder the burden of his own parents and probably at least 2 of his grandparents. I'll take the '82 Buick I drove in college over that deal any day.
Governmental control/ownership of the means of production is part of the definition of socialism. The government doesn't own the businesses in those countries, and the government doesn't create wealth. They still have private property, and the government redistributes the wealth, which would be partial socialism, I guess.

huh? the last part,yes and so is the US.In what countries does the government own all businesses?

The Govt doesn't create wealth? What happened in the Great Recession? The Govt paid off the debt of many business and took over GM. The Govt monetized debt which basically made debt for investors and owners/stock holders disappear which ultimately is a tax on everyone.

When you look at your 401K or pension remind yourself that socialism is why it's as high as it is.

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