Mexico plays Brazil to stunning 0-0 tie!

3 things......

1) Don't read them...

2) I do this kind of stuff for a living so to tell you the Truth I can do it at any point in time in any setting on almost any topic with very little just flows out.

3) That is your own insecurity talking. I don't think I'm smarter than anyone, that's what you said, not me....

1) No worries, I really don't after the first few sentences anyway. You're awesome at losing me at least.

2) Ok, you just come across that way. I guess you can't help that. But you do seem to know everyone's feelings though. Quite the talent you have there.
Its not even remotely reminiscent of insecurity, as DP pointed out my post IS redundant and do you know why...its has to be. They are same arguments over and over and I don't care if people like the game. Out of town refuses to admit to see that his words and others are condescending and "defensive". I've explained it now "redundantly" 5 plus times...Its not me. I don't care, but to make fun of the game or people for liking it....go back and read all these posts with an open mind. You can see the derision so I shared it in kind...pretty simple concept really... My boss who I am great friends with isn't a soccer fan but he doesnt challenge its validity like you guys in here...its you, not me. I only refuted the belittling and then Out of town pointed his finger at me....

As I said before....I had the same opinions until I finally figured out what I was seeing. So don't tell me you do because you don' took me 2 maybe 3 years of watching my kids, trying to understand it and "help" them that it hit me like a ton of lead. Defense in soccer is exactly the same concept as it is in Basketball, Hockey and yes even football....stop the ball/puck first and foremost, be physical at the point of attack and frustrate them by being in their face constantly. In fact my two oldest are GREAT defenders and they are when they play pickup basketball as well. Can't shoot a lick, neither could I but they will D you up!!

And although defense is my thing and I actually love a 7-6 football game which isn't any more exciting than ANY soccer game, the offense is also conceptually the same, move the ball, spread people out and get the ball into the open...

Quite frankly and I'm trying to tone it down here...every corner kick, every deep run near the 18, every cross in front of goal IS exciting. It is soooo hard to score in soccer every possession paramount, every opportunity to be IS INTENSE, but you don't understand so you cant get that.

Finally when you have a player, running at full speed (and don't trick yourself they are very fast) loft a ball and bend it across the field 60 yards, to the foot of another player running full out and he deftly, with his head, shoulder chest or foot drops it in stride and keeps running or shoots a wicked 90 mile an hour shot, that twists, knuckles, bends, swerves even into the goalies hand it is AMAZING. When they jump 9 plus feet in the air and head it into goal it is amazing...So you'll have to excuse me when I say I KNOW you don't understand the game the way I used to "not" understand it, otherwise you wouldn't be so disparaging, just like I used to be disparaging. You'd simply say, its not my thing but I get why 30 Billion people do like it...

Is that a British accent you are typing with?
1) No worries, I really don't after the first few sentences anyway. You're awesome at losing me at least.

2) Ok, you just come across that way. I guess you can't help that. But you do seem to know everyone's feelings though. Quite the talent you have there.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3 things I have learned....[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This job makes you very good at discerning peoples thoughts and feeling by what they say......[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]People hate it when you tell them, especially when you are right. And they always deny it. Sometimes I'm even off base and lots of times I'm not.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]More importantly when people find themselves in an argument they don't know how to win, they resort to challenging peoples tone or arrogance or writing in general and then say they don't read them, usually after tossing something out about how it was boring and they got lost....yet they understood it or read it enough to make that judgement..all while calling the person judgmental.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And its because I point stuff like this out that makes people mad...and yes sometimes I do it in a crappy manner. But really people pi&* and moan about soccer all the time. I tossed it can see they don't like it! [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In my best 10 year old voice they started ..I get that I can be irriatating but to tell you the Truth. I rarely engae people and "irritate" them unless they are being"irritating" So they should either avoid me or quit being irritating...:cool:[/FONT]
I've always found it interesting that often times, not every time but still often enough. I find some of the most close minded people when it comes to our coaches and hostility towards them are also the same ones who are so bitter and petty towards Soccer......interesting correlation there. Moving on I just penned a piece in the other thread that I considered cutting and pasting but decided to attack it in a new manner.

I don't blame people for not liking soccer. Honestly I don't care but it's the manner in which they say things that just baffles me. Just like when they criticize the coaches. Soccer IS growing in United States, it grows every year exponentially. Soccer is the number one sport in the world and it's not because it's cheap to play or because these other countries don't have anything else. That is one of the absolute most Horrendous egotistical and lazy arguments I've ever heard.

Now because I too at one time was pretty boorish im my ideology about soccer I actually have a great memory bank of experience to draw from. If you like 9–7, 10-six, 12–14 heck even 21-14 football games then it's not much of a reach to like soccer. In fact if you like a fairly typical Big Ten/SEC slugfest the vintage style that's pretty similar to soccer. If you like a 1-0 or 2-1 baseball game then you shouldn't have much trouble Liking Soccer. If you like hockey you shouldn't have much trouble liking soccer.

The Overarching point being… people don't want to like soccer just like I used to not want to like soccer. Now just to be clear it's okay that you don't like it as there are lots of sports and not everybody likes everything. But we don't have people jumping in threads and continually criticizing basketball or baseball or hockey or whatnot why I ask?! Here is why....we don't play elite level soccer it's the worlds sport, we are pompous were arrogant, we don't really understand it and we refuse to accept it.

Case in point this offsides comment ..... The offsides call opens the game up and increases the scoring opportunities not the other way around. A neophyte looks at the game and says OH gee they penalize the guy for getting behind the defense, not so.... Without offsides the defense would camp one or two players just like safeties outside the box all day.... To ensure that nobody gets deep on them, it would grossly bog the game down.

The truth is if you don't want to like soccer you're not going to. Youll make up all the reasons in the world why it's a dumb game. How do I know because I was you… because of my kids I had to get behind it and now last night…I found myself watching Mexico/Brazil, in a scoreless tie I knew the outcome of, watching the whole game on replay and being mesmerized!

If you wanted to like it it's easy to like. But you don't and that's fine but quit calling people stupid or the game stupid because they truly is a beautiful game. If I, who used to be like you, can find the beauty in it and come to truly love it as my second favorite sport anybody just don't want to!

I didnt read this whole book but you start by calling people who dont like soccer close minded. Then you call Americans arrogant because we dont like soccer.

You should look in the mirror bub. You say you dont care but you do. You say name calling is the lowest form of arguing but look how you started. quack quack chad
I didnt read this whole book but you start by calling people who dont like soccer close minded. Then you call Americans arrogant because we dont like soccer.

You should look in the mirror bub. You say you dont care but you do. You say name calling is the lowest form of arguing but look how you started. quack quack chad

No Bub you started it............anything else?!?!
I didnt read this whole book but you start by calling people who dont like soccer close minded. Then you call Americans arrogant because we dont like soccer.

You should look in the mirror bub. You say you dont care but you do. You say name calling is the lowest form of arguing but look how you started. quack quack chad

These are attributed to you long before I showed up....

""""Naw Id say the super trendy people are all the dopes that act if they are big soccer fans right now. """

""Now almost all of my friends are huge soccer fans now yet I doubt 90% of them could name one player"""
No Bub you started it............anything else?!?!

Um how so? Also didnt you say you were done with this? Are you coming back now to prove to me what my favorite sport is? Chad you are too busy writing these long winded post to read what was written. Unbunch your soccer panties and start over.
These are attributed to you long before I showed up....

""""Naw Id say the super trendy people are all the dopes that act if they are big soccer fans right now. """

""Now almost all of my friends are huge soccer fans now yet I doubt 90% of them could name one player"""

Welp this is in reference to facebook and you sir are not one of my friends. It also refers to people who act like they are huge fans of any sport in which they are definately not.
By the by out of town, I have to thank you. That thought you quoted of mine...I said a log time ago. I appreciate you taking me so seriously you bothered to remember. You'll also note I said I find "some of the most closed minded"..I did not call YOU close minded. Semantics I know but still relevant. And I said it is an arrogant American attitude and it is...your own words condemn you and Go Hawks..not mine.

You'll also note I called my own previous attitude pompous and arrogant..because ironically I have a mirror, do you?!?!
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Welp this is in reference to facebook and you sir are not one of my friends. It also refers to people who act like they are huge fans of any sport in which they are definately not.

You are correct, we are not friends and that was a checkmate. Be careful what you say...I am watching. All you had to do was stay out of a soccer thread but you couldn't. You got what you gave, anything else?!?
I came back because I live for these debates. You think I care about soccer. I enjoy painting people into corners. Now I do sometimes get upset with myself when I get to acting like an arse but I haven't got there yet. People are so quick to point out what I said but they always forget how it all got
Chad what kind of price can you do for me on a 2008 Ford Taurus?

Its interesting you ask. My Grandma has an 08 with 42K on it, Limited, Chrome wheels, Silver very nice......would that work?! Its really my wifes Grandma but she likes me...go figure. My own Grandmas didnt like me...doh?!?!

Thought I'd lob one out there for my critics....:p
Its interesting you ask. My Grandma has an 08 with 42K on it, Limited, Chrome wheels, Silver very nice......would that work?! Its really my wifes Grandma but she likes me...go figure. My own Grandmas didnt like me...doh?!?!

Thought I'd lob one out there for my critics....:p

Mostly city or highway miles?
Soccer doesn't need any of you.

I can't stand the NBA, but I don't go around starting threads about it. I don't do this because it wouldn't matter, and I'm not a d0uche.

Soccer is massively ascendant in this country, both with it's national team and MLS. It literally doesn't need any of you. All you are accomplishing is making yourselves look like close minded fogeys, and emboldening the millions of fans in this country.

Keep it up, though.