Mexico plays Brazil to stunning 0-0 tie!

Chad are you arguing to make people think soccer is not boring because your post are too boring to finish? From what I am reading you are trying to belittle anyone that opposes you and so you have proved one thing to me.

I think soccer is boring. I like baseball. However I understand when people think baseball is boring. Its not really anything you can debate.
Soccer has lots of action that appeals to those who can relate to it. However, there is no comparison in terms of strategy in baseball, football, and basketball in which there are unique sets on offense and defense for every play. Football is awesome because it combines incredible amounts of offensive and defensive planning with all the free-flowing realities of 22 incredible athletes trying to implement their strategy and reacting to the strategy of the others . . . on each and every play.

Well for what's its worth you nailed it..."for those that get its nuances". American football is not very complicated. In fact I have had that argument in here with those who constantly critique the coaches. I can watch a football game, for a team I don't know, running any offense and with regularity guess what is happening and will happen. There is no "magic", secret, unpredictability factor like our fans continually pine for. There is such a thing as keeping people off balance, but interestingly enough and I love this about comes in the form of "being balanced" and running seemingly simple sets that you can run LOTS of things out of...all things people hate about And interestingly enuff because of its seeming simplicity is lost on non-soccer fans.

I cant explain it in this thread and only you could prove it to yourself...but the complexities and nuances and strategy of soccer is as deep as you see on a baseball field, but if you don't embrace it, you are correct, you wont see it...

Again this is an "American" superiority complex... there are 30 billion soccer fans in the world. Manchester united has 330 million confirmed Internet followers alone....they don't like the sport because its is "boring" or "simple". Most of these aforementioned fans live in countries that also play high level Basketball or Baseball....tell them that the strategy in soccer is below those sports. They could way more succinctly point out your folly than I...I'm a neophyte and even I can see its complexity.
Soccer consists of two 45 minute halves in which play is constant. The game is reliably played in under 2 hours with no commercial breaks other than halftime. Yet, the game is boring because it is difficult to score goals.

Baseball, on the other hand, consists of a moderately athletic man throwing a baseball approximately one every thirty seconds on average for over 3 hours. Nothing happens in between throws. People just stand and wait. The games often end with score below 5 and shutouts and single run games are not uncommon. There is also commercials after every three outs.

Hockey similarly is low scoring. And it has two halftimes.


Are you serious. In most NHL games there are a combination of 60 shots on goal by both teams which works out to one a minute, the players are flying and hitting, with quick line changes. There are also probably another 100 shots fired that get block, deflected, or miss the net.

Hockey starts out looking similar to soccer but is much more exciting with more action. New rules in hockey over the last 15 years make 3-2 scores more common.
Chad are you arguing to make people think soccer is not boring because your post are too boring to finish? From what I am reading you are trying to belittle anyone that opposes you and so you have proved one thing to me.

I think soccer is boring. I like baseball. However I understand when people think baseball is boring. Its not really anything you can debate.

Really dude, that's a classic argument from a losing stance... I have nothing to rebut so Ill attack character and oh by the way Ill refuse to acknowledge I have belittled people who like soccer. Very poor argument.
I'll leave you with this.... I don't typically hang out here during the summer. Came here seeing if there was any hubbub about the World Cup knowing there would be major detractors trying to belittle those that enjoyed it. So obviously I had ulterior motives shame on me.

So I leave you with this, nobody wants to be shown how exciting it is, you already made up your mind so that's a facade. A straw argument if you will. Just like when the heavy-handed critic says show me how I'm wrong that KF sucks or the offense sucks or this or that. They are faux statements. Your minds been made up and there's no piece of logic or wisdom or evidence that will change your mind unless you change it yourself. Just like with soccer or anything in your lives really… So that leaves us with tearing at the fibers of your logic and your wisdom and showing you the folly of it. What you would like to refer to as anecdotal or at best ancillary but not definitive. That's what you hold onto because you have nothing else. So we show you things like We used to think soccer was boring as well or 30 billion people actually like soccer and no it's not because they're poor or have nothing else. We use logic and ancillary evidence to show that it is boorish to loudly proclaim something as subpar when you are actually in the minority but yet you still hold onto old tired arguements that have been routinely panned. It's ok to not like soccer, but it's ignorant to suggest its slow or for the poor or those that having nothing else. There are 30 billion people who say otherwise and they aren't all poor and they arent intellectual idiots, they aren't simple and they have plenty of other things to do. So your argument can be "you" find it boring but it can't be "it is boring" because 30 billion people disagree.
Really dude, that's a classic argument from a losing stance... I have nothing to rebut so Ill attack character and oh by the way Ill refuse to acknowledge I have belittled people who like soccer. Very poor argument.

Do you want to argue with me what my favorite color is? You cant argue boring but you can prove boring exist with your post length.
I'll leave you with this.... I don't typically hang out here during the summer. Came here seeing if there was any hubbub about the World Cup knowing there would be major detractors trying to belittle those that enjoyed it. So obviously I had ulterior motives shame on me.

So I leave you with this, nobody wants to be shown how exciting it is, you already made up your mind so that's a facade. A straw argument if you will. Just like when the heavy-handed critic says show me how I'm wrong that KF sucks or the offense sucks or this or that. They are faux statements. Your minds been made up and there's no piece of logic or wisdom or evidence that will change your mind unless you change it yourself. Just like with soccer or anything in your lives really… So that leaves us with tearing at the fibers of your logic and your wisdom and showing you the folly of it. What you would like to refer to as anecdotal or at best ancillary but not definitive. That's what you hold onto because you have nothing else. So we show you things like We used to think soccer was boring as well or 30 billion people actually like soccer and no it's not because they're poor or have nothing else. We use logic and ancillary evidence to show that it is boorish to loudly proclaim something as subpar when you are actually in the minority but yet you still hold onto old tired arguements that have been routinely panned. It's ok to not like soccer, but it's ignorant to suggest its slow or for the poor or those that having nothing else. There are 30 billion people who say otherwise and they aren't all poor and they arent intellectual idiots, they aren't simple and they have plenty of other things to do. So your argument can be "you" find it boring but it can't be "it is boring" because 30 billion people disagree.

Cry me a river pal. You come in here and tell everyone they are too dumb to argue against you. Now you want to compare soccer to kirk. You tell everyone how to feel or what is boring and then cry when others dont agree. Take your key board and go home if the other kids arent playing how you want them to.
Cry me a river pal. You come in here and tell everyone they are too dumb to argue against you. Now you want to compare soccer to kirk. You tell everyone how to feel or what is boring and then cry when others dont agree. Take your key board and go home if the other kids arent playing how you want them to.

Chad's posts may be long and somewhat redundant, but he does make several good points.

If you don't enjoy soccer that's fine. No one is forcing you to watch it. Why do so many people feel the need to go out of their way to bash it though? That's what this is really all about, and I think Chad is right... a lot of it comes down to ego. Americans are used to being the best at everything. Whether you're talking about sports or military might. Being the best is engrained in our DNA. Because it's painfully obvious to the world that America has never been elite at soccer many Americans fall back on statements like "Well soccer sucks", "Soccer is boring", "America isn't very good at soccer because no one cares about it here", or "If we actually cared about soccer in America then we would be the best". If you step outside the box those viewpoints are all very egotistical.

No sport in America gets bashed like soccer does, and I don't really see why the bashing is necessary. I have to admit once I gave soccer a chance I have really started to enjoy it. Now there are still several aspects about the game of soccer that I can't stand, but overall I enjoy it. I love the World Cup. I think it's fascinating the way it's celebrated all around the planet. I'd love to see America continue to improve. Plus, if you've ever played FIFA on Playstation or Xbox it's a blast. It's definitely my favorite sports video game ever.
Chad's posts may be long and somewhat redundant, but he does make several good points.

If you don't enjoy soccer that's fine. No one is forcing you to watch it. Why do so many people feel the need to go out of their way to bash it though? That's what this is really all about, and I think Chad is right... a lot of it comes down to ego. Americans are used to being the best at everything. Whether you're talking about sports or military might. Being the best is engrained in our DNA. Because it's painfully obvious to the world that America has never been elite at soccer many Americans fall back on statements like "Well soccer sucks", "Soccer is boring", "America isn't very good at soccer because no one cares about it here", or "If we actually cared about soccer in America then we would be the best". If you step outside the box those viewpoints are all very egotistical.

No sport in America gets bashed like soccer does, and I don't really see why the bashing is necessary. I have to admit once I gave soccer a chance I have really started to enjoy it. Now there are still several aspects about the game of soccer that I can't stand, but overall I enjoy it. I love the World Cup. I think it's fascinating the way it's celebrated all around the planet. I'd love to see America continue to improve. Plus, if you've ever played FIFA on Playstation or Xbox it's a blast. It's definitely my favorite sports video game ever.

Its boring to most Americans because we didnt play it or grow up around it. I dont understand why anyone would take it personal like chad is. Just because Outoftownhawk doesnt like to watch it. Im not trying to prove baseball or golf are not boring yet those are the sports I like.

You can argue boring just as well as the best color or favorite place to vacation. Yeah soccer has a lot of fans but unless they had the same option to play, watch and be around every sport equally there is no telling what the worlds most liked sport is. Cultures are different and growing you dont always have a choice to play every sport. I would have maybe liked cricket more than baseball but some how that wasnt an option growing up.

Chad can tell everyone they are dumb for not agreeing with him but maybe he should just surround himself with a couple of mirrors so everyone he talks likes the same things.
Its boring to most Americans because we didnt play it or grow up around it. I dont understand why anyone would take it personal like chad is. Just because Outoftownhawk doesnt like to watch it. Im not trying to prove baseball or golf are not boring yet those are the sports I like.

You can argue boring just as well as the best color or favorite place to vacation. Yeah soccer has a lot of fans but unless they had the same option to play, watch and be around every sport equally there is no telling what the worlds most liked sport is. Cultures are different and growing you dont always have a choice to play every sport. I would have maybe liked cricket more than baseball but some how that wasnt an option growing up.

Chad can tell everyone they are dumb for not agreeing with him but maybe he should just surround himself with a couple of mirrors so everyone he talks likes the same things.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I would point out that it seems as if kids now days are definitely exposed to soccer MUCH more than what we were. Both my younger brother and sister played soccer growing up (they are 10 and 11 years younger than me). So if the level of popularity has anything to do with it not being an option as a kid then I would certainly expect that to change.
Its boring to most Americans because we didnt play it or grow up around it. I dont understand why anyone would take it personal like chad is. Just because Outoftownhawk doesnt like to watch it. Im not trying to prove baseball or golf are not boring yet those are the sports I like.
That's a solid point. Can you imagine someone from Europe sitting down and trying to watch a baseball game, without understanding what's happening when "nothing" is happening? Likewise with soccer.

I just don't know why everyone gets so defensive about everything.
Hell man, with the surge in border crossings lately, we should be able to field a world class team the next time the World Cup comes around....and maybe then will people become excited.....;)
That's a solid point. Can you imagine someone from Europe sitting down and trying to watch a baseball game, without understanding what's happening when "nothing" is happening? Likewise with soccer.

I just don't know why everyone gets so defensive about everything.

If I say soccer is boring, Im not say you are and idiot for watching it. People have been saying baseball is boring for a long time. I dont understand why the soccer fans get so defensive and try to tell us to like it because the rest of the world does.
The only thing I would make fun of soccer for is how much faking and flopping there is.

It's more than fair to make fun of the flopping. It's pathetic. The pansies should get fined for that crap.

Clint Dempsey got kicked square in the nose (broke it), and got back up quicker than guys who don't even get touched. Nothing drives me more crazy than the flopping. Well... the officiating might, but the flopping is freaking embarrassing.
If I say soccer is boring, Im not say you are and idiot for watching it. People have been saying baseball is boring for a long time. I dont understand why the soccer fans get so defensive and try to tell us to like it because the rest of the world does.
Insecurity would be the logical answer.
Insecurity would be the logical answer.

Its not even remotely reminiscent of insecurity, as DP pointed out my post IS redundant and do you know why...its has to be. They are same arguments over and over and I don't care if people like the game. Out of town refuses to admit to see that his words and others are condescending and "defensive". I've explained it now "redundantly" 5 plus times...Its not me. I don't care, but to make fun of the game or people for liking it....go back and read all these posts with an open mind. You can see the derision so I shared it in kind...pretty simple concept really... My boss who I am great friends with isn't a soccer fan but he doesnt challenge its validity like you guys in here...its you, not me. I only refuted the belittling and then Out of town pointed his finger at me....

As I said before....I had the same opinions until I finally figured out what I was seeing. So don't tell me you do because you don' took me 2 maybe 3 years of watching my kids, trying to understand it and "help" them that it hit me like a ton of lead. Defense in soccer is exactly the same concept as it is in Basketball, Hockey and yes even football....stop the ball/puck first and foremost, be physical at the point of attack and frustrate them by being in their face constantly. In fact my two oldest are GREAT defenders and they are when they play pickup basketball as well. Can't shoot a lick, neither could I but they will D you up!!

And although defense is my thing and I actually love a 7-6 football game which isn't any more exciting than ANY soccer game, the offense is also conceptually the same, move the ball, spread people out and get the ball into the open...

Quite frankly and I'm trying to tone it down here...every corner kick, every deep run near the 18, every cross in front of goal IS exciting. It is soooo hard to score in soccer every possession paramount, every opportunity to be IS INTENSE, but you don't understand so you cant get that.

Finally when you have a player, running at full speed (and don't trick yourself they are very fast) loft a ball and bend it across the field 60 yards, to the foot of another player running full out and he deftly, with his head, shoulder chest or foot drops it in stride and keeps running or shoots a wicked 90 mile an hour shot, that twists, knuckles, bends, swerves even into the goalies hand it is AMAZING. When they jump 9 plus feet in the air and head it into goal it is amazing...So you'll have to excuse me when I say I KNOW you don't understand the game the way I used to "not" understand it, otherwise you wouldn't be so disparaging, just like I used to be disparaging. You'd simply say, its not my thing but I get why 30 Billion people do like it...
Its not even remotely reminiscent of insecurity, as DP pointed out my post IS redundant and do you know why...its has to be. They are same arguments over and over and I don't care if people like the game. Out of town refuses to admit to see that his words and others are condescending and "defensive". I've explained it now "redundantly" 5 plus times...Its not me. I don't care, but to make fun of the game or people for liking it....go back and read all these posts with an open mind. You can see the derision so I shared it in kind...pretty simple concept really... My boss who I am great friends with isn't a soccer fan but he doesnt challenge its validity like you guys in here...its you, not me. I only refuted the belittling and then Out of town pointed his finger at me....

As I said before....I had the same opinions until I finally figured out what I was seeing. So don't tell me you do because you don' took me 2 maybe 3 years of watching my kids, trying to understand it and "help" them that it hit me like a ton of lead. Defense in soccer is exactly the same concept as it is in Basketball, Hockey and yes even football....stop the ball/puck first and foremost, be physical at the point of attack and frustrate them by being in their face constantly. In fact my two oldest are GREAT defenders and they are when they play pickup basketball as well. Can't shoot a lick, neither could I but they will D you up!!

And although defense is my thing and I actually love a 7-6 football game which isn't any more exciting than ANY soccer game, the offense is also conceptually the same, move the ball, spread people out and get the ball into the open...

Quite frankly and I'm trying to tone it down here...every corner kick, every deep run near the 18, every cross in front of goal IS exciting. It is soooo hard to score in soccer every possession paramount, every opportunity to be IS INTENSE, but you don't understand so you cant get that.

Finally when you have a player, running at full speed (and don't trick yourself they are very fast) loft a ball and bend it across the field 60 yards, to the foot of another player running full out and he deftly, with his head, shoulder chest or foot drops it in stride and keeps running or shoots a wicked 90 mile an hour shot, that twists, knuckles, bends, swerves even into the goalies hand it is AMAZING. When they jump 9 plus feet in the air and head it into goal it is amazing...So you'll have to excuse me when I say I KNOW you don't understand the game the way I used to "not" understand it, otherwise you wouldn't be so disparaging, just like I used to be disparaging. You'd simply say, its not my thing but I get why 30 Billion people do like it...

My gawd. You put wayyy too much thought into your posts, brah. It's like your writing a thesis on HN, while thinking that you're intellectually superior to everyone else on the board. Try being a little bit more concise and to the point. You lose me after the first few sentences. Just rabble, rabble, rabble....
My gawd. You put wayyy too much thought into your posts, brah. It's like your writing a thesis on HN, while thinking that you're intellectually superior to everyone else on the board. Try being a little bit more concise and to the point. You lose me after the first few sentences. Just rabble, rabble, rabble....

3 things......

1) Don't read them...

2) I do this kind of stuff for a living so to tell you the Truth I can do it at any point in time in any setting on almost any topic with very little just flows out.

3) That is your own insecurity talking. I don't think I'm smarter than anyone, that's what you said, not me....