Mexico plays Brazil to stunning 0-0 tie!

You can drop f bombs on HN now? Most be part of the upgraded features just implemented.

Just type 'em as I see 'em, er, something. The asstricks usually show up in place of the French words I type. Whatever. Not gonna sweat it.
If you don't like it, don't watch it.

No need to thank me, just pay it forward.

I already practice that method, brah. Just explaining to ya why you can't understand how everybody doesn't love soccer.

You seem pretty butt hurt that everybody doesn't love it as much as you.
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I already practice that method, brah. Just explaining to ya why you can't understand how everybody doesn't love soccer.

You seem pretty butt hurt that everybody doesn't love it as much as you.
How do you figure? Where have I even implied that I love soccer?
Because it's really fucking boring. 0-0? Yea.

Soccer consists of two 45 minute halves in which play is constant. The game is reliably played in under 2 hours with no commercial breaks other than halftime. Yet, the game is boring because it is difficult to score goals.

Baseball, on the other hand, consists of a moderately athletic man throwing a baseball approximately one every thirty seconds on average for over 3 hours. Nothing happens in between throws. People just stand and wait. The games often end with score below 5 and shutouts and single run games are not uncommon. There is also commercials after every three outs.

Hockey similarly is low scoring. And it has two halftimes.

Football consists of 5 seconds of playing followed by 30 seconds of preparing to play while people stand and wait. And play stops after every punt return, score, kickoff return, and change of possession.

Soccer actually involves more action/continuous play than any of these sports. It is not "boring." It is just a game that is unfamiliar to many Americans and therefore appears boring to those people.
Soccer consists of two 45 minute halves in which play is constant. The game is reliably played in under 2 hours with no commercial breaks other than halftime. Yet, the game is boring because it is difficult to score goals.

Baseball, on the other hand, consists of a moderately athletic man throwing a baseball approximately one every thirty seconds on average for over 3 hours. Nothing happens in between throws. People just stand and wait. The games often end with score below 5 and shutouts and single run games are not uncommon. There is also commercials after every three outs.

Hockey similarly is low scoring. And it has two halftimes.

Football consists of 5 seconds of playing followed by 30 seconds of preparing to play while people stand and wait. And play stops after every punt return, score, kickoff return, and change of possession.

Soccer actually involves more action/continuous play than any of these sports. It is not "boring." It is just a game that is unfamiliar to many Americans and therefore appears boring to those people.

If you wanna talk about baseball or hockey, start new threads. This thread is about how boring socker is.
I've always found it interesting that often times, not every time but still often enough. I find some of the most close minded people when it comes to our coaches and hostility towards them are also the same ones who are so bitter and petty towards Soccer......interesting correlation there. Moving on I just penned a piece in the other thread that I considered cutting and pasting but decided to attack it in a new manner.

I don't blame people for not liking soccer. Honestly I don't care but it's the manner in which they say things that just baffles me. Just like when they criticize the coaches. Soccer IS growing in United States, it grows every year exponentially. Soccer is the number one sport in the world and it's not because it's cheap to play or because these other countries don't have anything else. That is one of the absolute most Horrendous egotistical and lazy arguments I've ever heard.

Now because I too at one time was pretty boorish im my ideology about soccer I actually have a great memory bank of experience to draw from. If you like 9–7, 10-six, 12–14 heck even 21-14 football games then it's not much of a reach to like soccer. In fact if you like a fairly typical Big Ten/SEC slugfest the vintage style that's pretty similar to soccer. If you like a 1-0 or 2-1 baseball game then you shouldn't have much trouble Liking Soccer. If you like hockey you shouldn't have much trouble liking soccer.

The Overarching point being… people don't want to like soccer just like I used to not want to like soccer. Now just to be clear it's okay that you don't like it as there are lots of sports and not everybody likes everything. But we don't have people jumping in threads and continually criticizing basketball or baseball or hockey or whatnot why I ask?! Here is why....we don't play elite level soccer it's the worlds sport, we are pompous were arrogant, we don't really understand it and we refuse to accept it.

Case in point this offsides comment ..... The offsides call opens the game up and increases the scoring opportunities not the other way around. A neophyte looks at the game and says OH gee they penalize the guy for getting behind the defense, not so.... Without offsides the defense would camp one or two players just like safeties outside the box all day.... To ensure that nobody gets deep on them, it would grossly bog the game down.

The truth is if you don't want to like soccer you're not going to. Youll make up all the reasons in the world why it's a dumb game. How do I know because I was you… because of my kids I had to get behind it and now last night…I found myself watching Mexico/Brazil, in a scoreless tie I knew the outcome of, watching the whole game on replay and being mesmerized!

If you wanted to like it it's easy to like. But you don't and that's fine but quit calling people stupid or the game stupid because they truly is a beautiful game. If I, who used to be like you, can find the beauty in it and come to truly love it as my second favorite sport anybody just don't want to!
Soccer consists of two 45 minute halves in which play is constant. The game is reliably played in under 2 hours with no commercial breaks other than halftime. Yet, the game is boring because it is difficult to score goals.

Baseball, on the other hand, consists of a moderately athletic man throwing a baseball approximately one every thirty seconds on average for over 3 hours. Nothing happens in between throws. People just stand and wait. The games often end with score below 5 and shutouts and single run games are not uncommon. There is also commercials after every three outs.

Hockey similarly is low scoring. And it has two halftimes.

Football consists of 5 seconds of playing followed by 30 seconds of preparing to play while people stand and wait. And play stops after every punt return, score, kickoff return, and change of possession.

Soccer actually involves more action/continuous play than any of these sports. It is not "boring." It is just a game that is unfamiliar to many Americans and therefore appears boring to those people.

Excellent post Drew, one with no rebuttal, hence the comment you got. They don't want to like it that's all it amounts to.

Which honestly is fine but they seem insistent on berating the game all the same, odd isn't it? There's a psychological reason for it. It's called lifting yourself up by putting something else down so you don't feel inferior. So in essence the rest of the worlds population is stupid so they can feel better about themselves. Really bizarre, it really is ok if they don't like soccer but I'm not dumb for liking it. Strangely enough my story is very similar to many I've talked to or seen post. Didn't like it, had to watch it because of kids, came around to it, now love it.... hmmmm interesting! Seems the game wasn't the problem but rather me…
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If you want a rebuttal, here it is:

Soccer consists of two 45 minute halves in which play is constant. ?I wouldn't say constant. Jogging back and forth down the field may be "play", but not action. The game is reliably played in under 2 hours with no commercial breaks other than halftime. Yet, the game is boring because it is difficult to score goals.

Baseball, on the other hand, consists of a moderately athletic man ?what qualifies a person as "athletic"? Can they all fun 4.4 40's? No. Can soccer players throw a baseball 95 mph or hit a ball 450 feet? No. They are the best in the world at what they do and don't need to wow a stop watch to do what they do. throwing a baseball approximately one every thirty seconds on average for over 3 hours. Nothing happens in between throws. ?Similar to watching soccer players jog down field. At least in baseball, there's anticipation. He's been throwing him away all game, is he going to pound him inside now? Are they going to bunt, hit and run, steal, etc. Are they going to change pitchers or let him face the next hitter? Their best hitter is on deck, so he's got to throw something to him. Now their best hitter is up, what's is he going to pitch around him to cut his losses or challenge him. I could go on. In soccer, there is just not this type of strategy or anticipation. People just stand and wait. The games often end with score below 5 and shutouts and single run games are not uncommon. There is also commercials after every three outs.

Hockey similarly is low scoring. And it has two halftimes. ?Hockey is very similar to soccer, except at a much faster pace, with more action, intensity, and bigger, stronger athletes playing at higher speeds. No contest and I don't even like hockey.

Football consists of 5 seconds of playing followed by 30 seconds of preparing to play while people stand and wait. And play stops after every punt return, score, kickoff return, and change of possession. ?Seriously? You're going to even consider saying football has less action than soccer? Wow. You're reaching. If you want me to go on about football, I will, but really there's no need to. It's no contest.

Soccer actually involves more action/continuous play ?Wrong. Continuous clock, yes, but not continuous action. Not even close. than any of these sports. It is not "boring." ?It is boring because there are not nearly the scoring opportunities there are in other sports. Brazil-Mexico had 27 shots in 90 minutes? 1 SHOT every 3 minutes. Not exactly what I call action. It is just a game that is unfamiliar to many Americans and therefore appears boring to those people.
It really is comical getting in these threads of people bashing soccer I mean they have absolutely no clue what they're talking about not to mention they are absolutely horrendous debaters. They recently put a clock on Cristiano Ronaldo cover 96 m dribbling a soccer ball while slowing down to shoot in 10 seconds. Even the talking heads sans American talking heads have readily acknowledged the supreme athleticism soccer players have, my goodness that's your argument? I really can't believe thats your argument? I'm dumbfounded. They are some of the fastest quick twitch athletes in the whole entire world,just watch a game. The action is continuous ad they routinely run 4 plus miles in any given match. A lot of it sprinting... They jump for headers constantly!!! I apologize but all you're doing is making yourself look dumb.

Can't hit a 90 miles an hour fastball are you serious that equals some of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen.

Once again baseball and basketball are international sports and soccer dwarfs them so you are the 15% to 20% of the worlds population that doesn't like soccer what am I supposed to say that LOL!! Nobody follows soccer because it's slow and boring those are just your uneducated opinions.
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That is the headline on espn right now. And soccer snobs wonder why the sport just can't quite get traction in the USA. Some guy on murph and Andy today was saying that in 10 to 20 years soccer will be one of our most popular sports. We have been hearing it for 40 years now...but you can see all the stunning saves on

Ummm. Are NBA fans also snobs? Looks like just slightly fewer people watched the US match against Ghana (16 million) than tuned in to the NBA finals between San Antonio and Lebron (18 million.) Viewership is expected to be even higher when the US takes on Portugal, with or without Cristiano Ronaldo.

Soccer blows away hockey, which IMHO is a terribly boring sport to watch. Almost as bad as rasslin'.

World Cup: 16 Million Americans Watched USA Beat Ghana, More Expected For Portugal Game
Ill confess I cut and pasted this but it really isn't a very challenging debate you digress to questioning the general athleticism of soccer players you really have lost the battle....

There is great research out there that suggests the average top-tier match requires players to travel about 10,000 meters, or six miles. Six miles over the course of a 90-minute match may not seem impressive to distance runners, but the type of physical activity adds to the difficulty of those six miles. Soccer players range in activity from walking to jogging to sprinting. Research suggests that about 2/3 of the total distance traveled is done in the walking and jogging states, leaving 1/3 to be done in running and sprinting states. It is during these high activity periods where soccer player’s hearts pump at 90% efficiency, “a level that joggers never come close to approaching.”
I personally find soccer to be painfully boring, but I am also realistic enough to know the 15 gazillion fans must see *something* in it & I just accept I don't have the time/desire to figure out what that something is exactly.

To each their own. I am a big autosport enthusiast (non-NASCAR, which puts me in a distinct minority in 'Merica) and a lot of people find that boring/pointless, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying & obsessing over the engineering, race craft, etc.
I personally find soccer to be painfully boring, but I am also realistic enough to know the 15 gazillion fans must see *something* in it & I just accept I don't have the time/desire to figure out what that something is exactly.

To each their own. I am a big autosport enthusiast (non-NASCAR, which puts me in a distinct minority in 'Merica) and a lot of people find that boring/pointless, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying & obsessing over the engineering, race craft, etc.

See this is a very "fair" worldly view and I respect it immensely. No one has a problem with people not liking something but for some reason unbeknownst to me....that's not enough for some folks. They seemingly have to belittle the sport and those who do find it entertaining. Like somehow they feel not liking it isn't enuff, they have to be "justified" in it. Your response is much appreciated and not offensive in the least. There are sports I'm not terribly fond off. NBA basketball and baseball among them but I don't begrudge those who do. I can even understand why they might.
It really is comical getting in these threads of people bashing soccer I mean they have absolutely no clue what they're talking about not to mention they are absolutely horrendous debaters. They recently put a clock on Cristiano Ronaldo cover 96 m dribbling a soccer ball while slowing down to shoot in 10 seconds. Even the talking heads sans American talking heads have readily acknowledged the supreme athleticism soccer players have, my goodness that's your argument? ?What's my argument? That they run? That they're too short and slow to play basketball? Too weak and slow to play football? Don't have enough hand-eye coordination to play play baseball? Yeah, if your kid can't play a real sport, have them jog after a soccer ball for an hour and a half. I really can't believe thats your argument? I'm dumbfounded. They are some of the fastest quick twitch athletes in the whole entire world,just watch a game. The action is continuous ad they routinely run 4 plus miles in any given match. ?4 miles in 90 minutes? Wow! That's walking at a pace of 2.7 mph. What excitement! A lot of it sprinting... They jump for headers constantly!!! I apologize but all you're doing is making yourself look dumb. ?You have yet to tell me why soccer is so exciting. All you've said is that they hit the ball with their heads and run (actually walk/jog) a lot.

Can't hit a 90 miles an hour fastball are you serious that equals some of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen. ?I was responding to the comment that baseball players aren't athletic. They can do what they have to do for the sport they play.

Once again baseball and basketball are international sports and soccer dwarfs them A study has shown that protein in diets will develop young minds. Another study has shown a correlation between popularity of soccer and low protein diets. you are the 15% to 20% of the worlds population that doesn't like soccer what am I supposed to say that LOL!! Nobody follows soccer because it's slow and boring those are just your uneducated opinions. ?No, it's popular in so many countries around the world, because they are poor and underdeveloped and it's a cheap sport to play.
Ill confess I cut and pasted this but it really isn't a very challenging debate you digress to questioning the general athleticism ?Impressive, but it has nothing to do with athleticism or the fact that soccer is boring. Would you question Michael Jordan's (or Kobe, or LeBron, or Barry Sanders, etc.) athleticism if he couldn't run 6 miles in 1.5 hours? It's what they train their bodies for. Again, impressive, but says nothing about how "exciting" the game is. of soccer players you really have lost the battle....

There is great research out there that suggests the average top-tier match requires players to travel about 10,000 meters, or six miles. Six miles over the course of a 90-minute match may not seem impressive to distance runners, but the type of physical activity adds to the difficulty of those six miles. Soccer players range in activity from walking to jogging to sprinting. Research suggests that about 2/3 of the total distance traveled is done in the walking and jogging states, leaving 1/3 to be done in running and sprinting states. It is during these high activity periods where soccer player’s hearts pump at 90% efficiency, “a level that joggers never come close to approaching.”
Well 99,

I honestly feel badly for you bud....I and others have already beat down your arguments, in my case ahead of time before you posted them and yet you still brought them back again. Italy, France, England, Germany, Spain...these are countries that are NOT underdeveloped, they are not poor and they also love basketball and yet Soccer blows them sense in debating with you...your a hard core hater without reason.
Soccer has lots of action that appeals to those who can relate to it. However, there is no comparison in terms of strategy in baseball, football, and basketball in which there are unique sets on offense and defense for every play. Football is awesome because it combines incredible amounts of offensive and defensive planning with all the free-flowing realities of 22 incredible athletes trying to implement their strategy and reacting to the strategy of the others . . . on each and every play.