
Is no one going to mention the titanic elephant in the room? How MNF has gone from a once sacred institution undertaken by father and son and passed down with dignity by Cosell and Don Meredith to Gifford, Michaels, Madden and Dierdorf to the total disgrace and affront we have now that is Meth goddamn Bowins running the show?

How in the f*ck did we get to this place, fellas? At what point did the football world take such a gigantic shit that we have to listen to this uneducated, nasally, uninsightful wretch who gives us nothing pertaining to the game that we couldn’t glean from watching it on mute? There’s more dead audio space than talking during these broadcasts, and I can’t decide whether that’s good or bad. How are we with young kids supposed to give them what our old men gave us as kids?

Fall school nights sitting on the couch with the old man and uncle Gary in the 80s, myself with an A&W and them with a couple MGDs, listening to guys talk who knew fucking football and said things that made sense. Hurrying to school on Tuesday mornings to talk about the game and what Al and Frank said with your 6th grade buddies who did the same thing with their dads the night before. Every year getting a little more intelligent about it because that’s how it’s supposed to fuckin work growing up.

Are we really going to expect the next generation to continue the bonding over the game on Monday nights with this idiotic shit show they call commentary? Jesus H. Christmas, guys.
She's still a better choice than Al Michaels but not by much. Would much rather have someone like Brad Nessler, who does SEC games.
Love your essay Fryowa. Beth Moanings sucks as a football announcer. ESPN is going down the crapper. Disgusting.
Is no one going to mention the titanic elephant in the room? How MNF has gone from a once sacred institution undertaken by father and son and passed down with dignity by Cosell and Don Meredith to Gifford, Michaels, Madden and Dierdorf to the total disgrace and affront we have now that is Meth goddamn Bowins running the show?

How in the f*ck did we get to this place, fellas? At what point did the football world take such a gigantic shit that we have to listen to this uneducated, nasally, uninsightful wretch who gives us nothing pertaining to the game that we couldn’t glean from watching it on mute? There’s more dead audio space than talking during these broadcasts, and I can’t decide whether that’s good or bad. How are we with young kids supposed to give them what our old men gave us as kids?

Fall school nights sitting on the couch with the old man and uncle Gary in the 80s, myself with an A&W and them with a couple MGDs, listening to guys talk who knew fucking football and said things that made sense. Hurrying to school on Tuesday mornings to talk about the game and what Al and Frank said with your 6th grade buddies who did the same thing with their dads the night before. Every year getting a little more intelligent about it because that’s how it’s supposed to fuckin work growing up.

Are we really going to expect the next generation to continue the bonding over the game on Monday nights with this idiotic shit show they call commentary? Jesus H. Christmas, guys.

This, sir, is some damn fine posting. Look, if ESPN feels the need to appease some social justice warrior and hand out a pu$$y pass to let a grossly unqualified woman call some ball games that the noodle armed cucks who demand "equality" aren't even gonna watch, whatever. Iowa long had the distinction of being the Pam Ward/Beth Mowins undercard game that would get that treatment. That is a good training ground and gave me a sufficient sample size to say in an unqualified manner that Beth Mowins is in no way, shape or form qualified to call a NFL game. While I'm at it, neither is Joe Buck. He got his job because of his old man and he sucks more ass than a septic tank vacuum truck. Now I'll admit, I didn't have the ball game on because I pretty much gave up on NFL back when they reupped that TV deal in '14 or '15 and squeezed another 18 minutes of commercials into a game along with a half dozen new replay stoppages that made the game unwatchable if you have an IQ north of room temp, but if they think Beth Mowins is gonna bring back the x million fans that stopped watching in the past 2 years, they're sorely mistaken.
It's like I can almost hear the voice of the gal who ruined Star Wars sitting deep within the Disney HQ saying "I think we need women announcers to revitalize the ratings of Monday Night Football." Can anyone on here imagine Beth Mowins making an announcement like this:

Is no one going to mention the titanic elephant in the room? How MNF has gone from a once sacred institution undertaken by father and son and passed down with dignity by Cosell and Don Meredith to Gifford, Michaels, Madden and Dierdorf to the total disgrace and affront we have now that is Meth goddamn Bowins running the show?

How in the f*ck did we get to this place, fellas? At what point did the football world take such a gigantic shit that we have to listen to this uneducated, nasally, uninsightful wretch who gives us nothing pertaining to the game that we couldn’t glean from watching it on mute? There’s more dead audio space than talking during these broadcasts, and I can’t decide whether that’s good or bad. How are we with young kids supposed to give them what our old men gave us as kids?

Fall school nights sitting on the couch with the old man and uncle Gary in the 80s, myself with an A&W and them with a couple MGDs, listening to guys talk who knew fucking football and said things that made sense. Hurrying to school on Tuesday mornings to talk about the game and what Al and Frank said with your 6th grade buddies who did the same thing with their dads the night before. Every year getting a little more intelligent about it because that’s how it’s supposed to fuckin work growing up.

Are we really going to expect the next generation to continue the bonding over the game on Monday nights with this idiotic shit show they call commentary? Jesus H. Christmas, guys.

Sign of the times... and not a good one.
You know who the WORST EVER was?

Brent FKN Mussberger. What an insufferable douchebag. It was enjoyable, I suppose, on some level, to listen to Dan Fouts repeatedly correct the moron, as the old gunslinger could barely hide his contempt.

"Actually, Brent..."
I hate that bastard too! Dennis Miller was pretty bad.