Is it because of all of the penalties? JFC...there's a flag on every other play. It's insufferable.
I watched a few minutes of the Bears-Pack to see if Josh Jackson is any good. Same old crap. Game comes down to who has the ball last with a good QB. Way too many commercials. Too many play stoppages for penalties and reviews. They really pissed a nice product down their leg.
Is it because of all of the penalties? JFC...there's a flag on every other play. It's insufferable.

Nah it's because when I was a kid 95% of players (it seemed to me) played for one team and one team only, especially the stars. Now it seems like that number is closer to 10%. I grew up watching the Niners in the 80's and the Cowboys in the 90's. Most of those players spent their entire careers there (maybe 1-2 years elsehwere before retirement). I watched Michael Jordan as a kid. Even though he retired, came back, retired and went to the Wizards - he'll always be a Bull. You used to be able to have favorite teams with your favorite players, loyalty is gone now. Loyalty of teams to players and players to teams.

I was over fantasy football two years after it started. While it was great at getting people together and finding a way to gamble, it's a ruse to get more people to watch and pay attention to games. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily, it's just that the consumption model for the NFL has changed and I can only find one place where I fit - cheering on former Hawkeye players.
Nah it's because when I was a kid 95% of players played for one team and one team only, especially the stars.
Yeah, true. The downside is that if your team sucks they will suck forever and getting early draft picks was often a curse because they paid a bunch of rooks a ton of money and if they sucked, welp, too bad. But the Cowboys were a good example of keeping the core of a team together.

Once the free agency rules kicked in and teams figured out how to manage the salary cap, it all changed. Pittsburgh and New England were absolutely masterful at drafting well and not falling in love with great players and letting them leave after their rookie deal was up. Now, every team has figured that out, so the league is super young, there's a ton of roster turnover and it is impossible to keep track of unless you dedicate hours to it.
Is no one going to mention the titanic elephant in the room? How MNF has gone from a once sacred institution undertaken by father and son and passed down with dignity by Cosell and Don Meredith to Gifford, Michaels, Madden and Dierdorf to the total disgrace and affront we have now that is Meth goddamn Bowins running the show?

How in the f*ck did we get to this place, fellas? At what point did the football world take such a gigantic shit that we have to listen to this uneducated, nasally, uninsightful wretch who gives us nothing pertaining to the game that we couldn’t glean from watching it on mute? There’s more dead audio space than talking during these broadcasts, and I can’t decide whether that’s good or bad. How are we with young kids supposed to give them what our old men gave us as kids?

Fall school nights sitting on the couch with the old man and uncle Gary in the 80s, myself with an A&W and them with a couple MGDs, listening to guys talk who knew fucking football and said things that made sense. Hurrying to school on Tuesday mornings to talk about the game and what Al and Frank said with your 6th grade buddies who did the same thing with their dads the night before. Every year getting a little more intelligent about it because that’s how it’s supposed to fuckin work growing up.

Are we really going to expect the next generation to continue the bonding over the game on Monday nights with this idiotic shit show they call commentary? Jesus H. Christmas, guys.

third wave feminism is how
Is it because of all of the penalties? JFC...there's a flag on every other play. It's insufferable.
I think the NFL has gone overboard to protect their quarterbacks, both in rules changes favoring offense and preventing QB's from getting roughed up. And there are fewer people than ever who can play the position at NFL level partially for those very reasons. When rules were more even for offense and defense and you could rough up QB's it leveled the p!aying field. There was less separation between elite QB's and the rest of the bunch. Add into the equation the demise of the running back, too many commercials, too many reviews, and probably too much emphasis on legal and illegall gambling and you've got a mediocre product on the field.

By the way, gambling isn't going away. It drives ratings. It's going to proliferate even more in the near future as more and more becomes legalized. Of course, quarterbacks drive ratings, too. So round and round we go.
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FryIowa is 100% right on this one. I miss badass Hayden Fry mustaches, the Marlboro Man, tackle football, pull tabs, the Houston Oilers, real country music, big cars, illegal weed, cocaine, guns, the Big 8, the SWAC, Eric Dickerson’s gerry curl & REC Specs, vinyl records and most of the 70’s and 80’s.

MNF would be way better if the TV announcers, players and coaches were all coked up

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