McCaffery needs to own up

-----My question for the McCaffery critics is who is this unnamed coach that will cure all?

Loser mentality.....I've heard the same thing about Ferments for years...."Well, tell me who we well get" When real programs (Indiana) are unhappy with their current coach (Crean), they cut ties quickly and try again...never looking back. NOT, give a guy 10 years to try and win a 1st round game in his Conference Tournament. If Fran had done what Crean did at Indiana, he would be allowed to stay at Iowa long enough to coach Connor's great grandchildren.
-----My question for the McCaffery critics is who is this unnamed coach that will cure all?

Loser mentality.....I've heard the same thing about Ferments for years...."Well, tell me who we well get" When real programs (Indiana) are unhappy with their current coach (Crean), they cut ties quickly and try again...never looking back. NOT, give a guy 10 years to try and win a 1st round game in his Conference Tournament. If Fran had done what Crean did at Indiana, he would be allowed to stay at Iowa long enough to coach Connor's great grandchildren.
Go back and read RobHowe's response to your 10 year comment in a previous thread. (Link) Fran has taken a team that had nothing and turned it into a team that has been talked about for NCAA consideration the last 4 years. This team is still digging out from the disaster that was Alfraud's last year and the Lick experiment/disaster. The soon to be sophomore talent and the incoming class will be better than you believe.

Go troll somewhere else. Your arguments are weak and getting tiresome.
-----My question for the McCaffery critics is who is this unnamed coach that will cure all?

Loser mentality.....I've heard the same thing about Ferments for years...."Well, tell me who we well get" When real programs (Indiana) are unhappy with their current coach (Crean), they cut ties quickly and try again...never looking back. NOT, give a guy 10 years to try and win a 1st round game in his Conference Tournament. If Fran had done what Crean did at Indiana, he would be allowed to stay at Iowa long enough to coach Connor's great grandchildren.
Fran's way better than crean
-----My question for the McCaffery critics is who is this unnamed coach that will cure all?

Loser mentality.....I've heard the same thing about Ferments for years...."Well, tell me who we well get" When real programs (Indiana) are unhappy with their current coach (Crean), they cut ties quickly and try again...never looking back. NOT, give a guy 10 years to try and win a 1st round game in his Conference Tournament. If Fran had done what Crean did at Indiana, he would be allowed to stay at Iowa long enough to coach Connor's great grandchildren.

Ya because Indiana sure cut ties with Crean "quickly". I would also point out that Barta is not unhappy with Fran. As any rational person can see the potential ceiling has been raised. Fran will be given his chance with this class to break his previous ceiling. If we are still in the same boat in 3 years then Fran will likely be packing his bags and we can start over with a new coach. One I am sure that you will still shit all over.
Fran's way better than crean

I agree and yet Crean outcoached Fran in a game that had much higher stakes for Iowa than it did for Indiana. Probably not great timing to catch a coach knowingly headed for the exits which I suspect seemed the case with Crean. I know I may come across as a bit of a critic of Fran but in reality I consider him just a pretty average coach at this level. He will win his share of games but IMO never do anything outstanding here. I don't particularly care for the style of play because I don't think it wins you championships.
If we are still in the same boat in 3 years then Fran will likely be packing his bags and we can start over with a new coach.
Ha, Jesus Christ...McCaffery isn't going anywhere unless he wants to leave. No one is forcing him out "in 3 years" if the team is making the postseason. Did you just start following P5 sports?
Crean won a title at Indiana....Fran is still trying to win a 1st round game in the Big Ten or a Pre-Season tourney not played at Carver.

Bruecrew - It does NOT take 7 years to dig yourself out from a disaster......Iowas State retools on the fly every 2-3 years and hardly skips a beat. This is not football, where it commonly does take 3-4 years.
Crean won a title at Indiana....Fran is still trying to win a 1st round game in the Big Ten or a Pre-Season tourney not played at Carver.

Bruecrew - It does NOT take 7 years to dig yourself out from a disaster......Iowas State retools on the fly every 2-3 years and hardly skips a beat. This is not football, where it commonly does take 3-4 years.

We've been ranked in the top 10 at two different times already. I'm pretty sure we are out of the hole.
Crean won a title at Indiana....Fran is still trying to win a 1st round game in the Big Ten or a Pre-Season tourney not played at Carver.

Bruecrew - It does NOT take 7 years to dig yourself out from a disaster......Iowas State retools on the fly every 2-3 years and hardly skips a beat. This is not football, where it commonly does take 3-4 years.

Technically Fran has won his first round in the B1G tourney the last 4 years running. 2012-13 season we beat Northwestern in the first round and the last 3 years we had a buy for the first round.
Go troll somewhere else. Your arguments are weak and getting tiresome.
Getting tiresome.


The Doooshmaker speaks with more glowing praise for Iowa State and opposing coaches who haven't made their programs elite than he does the Hawks.

By the way -- he alleges his standard is elite level and he is praising Iowa State as the standard for Iowa to strive for. And the same sycophantic Iowa HC-haters *like* him all the time.

That's all I need to know.
Try to keep up. The guy said we haven't sniffed a conference chsmpionship. That means we haven't been close. My post was to show how close we were.

That's two way street you know. Where wouldn't we have finished "IF" we lost three more games? Seventh, eight, ninth place?

That's two way street you know. Where would we have finished "IF" we lost here more games? Seventh, eight, ninth place?

sure, but what did happen - happened. The point of any of this was that Iowa came pretty close JUST last season to winning the B1G and had a core of underclassman that flashed huge upside this season and you geniuses want to talk about what it would take to get Fran out of here.
sure, but what did happen - happened. The point of any of this was that Iowa came pretty close JUST last season to winning the B1G and had a core of underclassman that flashed huge upside this season and you geniuses want to talk about what it would take to get Fran out of here.

It's been twenty-eight years since Iowa won a regular season conference title in basketball.

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