Marcus Smart shoves a fan

I think it's a given that the Texas Tech fan is a fat worthless pile of debris and is nothing but a instigator and probably should be relocated at TT games. If he is that bad why are you qualifying your punishment?

Everyone seems to agree that if racial slurs were used the guy needs barred from attending future games. No. He should be sent to Siberian re-education camp.

However, what if audio evidence was available that proved no racial slurs were used and Smart lied about that. Does that change your opinion on the severity of the penalty. Smart flops on the floor every game. So I think I'm pretty safe saying he's flopping about an off-the court remark.

On the flip side, this guy issued an apology saying he should have said Smart was "a piece of crap and that saying that doesn't reflect on his character, blah, blah, blah."

Wrong, Fat Man in the stands. What you say does reflect your character. Just like Smart's action reflects his character.

* * * * *

Speaking of Fat Man: I thought Mangino was coaching at ISU? Seems odd that he's he finishing the season coaching Cincinnati basketball.
I don't know if anything racial was said but I doubt it was as tame as Orr says. Remember 50% of eyewitness accounts point the wrong person. But the fact is smart shouldn't have done what he did...and fans really shouldn't say or do a lot of the things they say and do to the opponent.
I haven't read the last several pages of this thread so I don't know what has been discussed. I know 1 thing for sure. Oklahoma State's NCAA hopes are pretty slim after 4 straight losses. Smart sitting 3 games for a suspension makes them almost a lock to host a 1st round NIT game.
doubt Orr will admit what he really said... I get the feeling we will never know.

It just doesn't add up that he used a racial slur. Let me explain.

This guys is known by opposing teams, he has been around talking trash forever now to opposing player. If he used racial slurs in the trash talk, one would think the line would be out the door for players to say he said racial slurs to them as well. All they are saying is he talks crazy sh!t. One would also think he has sat around 100's or 1000's of other Tech fans during that time, and at least on of them would say, yeah, I've heard this guy dropping racial slurs. I just find it hard to believe that a guy who talks trash every game, all of a sudden begins making it racial. No way everyone just covers up and doesn't say what the guy said if he is dropping racial slurs. I know I wouldn't cover for an Iowa fan, and would tell everyone he is a racist POS, and I heard the racial slur.

Now maybe it is just too early and some of these things will come out. As it is, I just don't think it adds up that this guy out of the blue started using racial slurs. I would also say if I'm Tech, I wouldn't allow him in the arena every again, not just this season, but forever. Sticking up for the trash talking fan to 18-22 kids is NOT a good image for Tech, he needs to go.
It just doesn't add up that he used a racial slur. Let me explain.

This guys is known by opposing teams, he has been around talking trash forever now to opposing player. If he used racial slurs in the trash talk, one would think the line would be out the door for players to say he said racial slurs to them as well. All they are saying is he talks crazy sh!t. One would also think he has sat around 100's or 1000's of other Tech fans during that time, and at least on of them would say, yeah, I've heard this guy dropping racial slurs. I just find it hard to believe that a guy who talks trash every game, all of a sudden begins making it racial. No way everyone just covers up and doesn't say what the guy said if he is dropping racial slurs. I know I wouldn't cover for an Iowa fan, and would tell everyone he is a racist POS, and I heard the racial slur.

Now maybe it is just too early and some of these things will come out. As it is, I just don't think it adds up that this guy out of the blue started using racial slurs. I would also say if I'm Tech, I wouldn't allow him in the arena every again, not just this season, but forever. Sticking up for the trash talking fan to 18-22 kids is NOT a good image for Tech, he needs to go.

No one has come out one way or the other...

Early on there were some coaches saying Smart said it was a racial Slur... Orr apologized - but then later said he didn't use any racial slurs.

Really its all conjecture at this point.

Only thing's I know for sure:

Smart went after him

Orr said "sorry about that"
So one person in a stadium of 10 k says he heard it with nobody else hearing it and you won't let it go?

Orr has admitted to saying something.... not even sure what the heck you are talking about.

And yeah you are really "letting it go" yourself... lol

No one is denying he said anything but YOU...

To use one of your pompous quotes from earlier: "are you dense?"
Deanvogs, I agree with you on parts of your statement (the first part-the racist thing doesn't add up right now). And who knows .. If a racist remark was made, can Smart be certain it came from Orr?

I disagree with the suspension of Orr from all games going forward. Why should he be banned? Because he yelled at some athlete who had just committed a hard foul on an opposing player? I didn't watch the game, but have read that Smart was trashtalkng throughout the entire game. I would assume Orr got carried away with what he was saying; but let's be honest... If we were in his postion, would we not stick up for one of our beloved players too?

You can't go in the crowd and attack a fan. Regardless of what he said.

IMHO, this suspension is WAY too soft.
Deanvogs, I agree with you on parts of your statement (the first part-the racist thing doesn't add up right now). And who knows .. If a racist remark was made, can Smart be certain it came from Orr?

I disagree with the suspension of Orr from all games going forward. Why should he be banned? Because he yelled at some athlete who had just committed a hard foul on an opposing player? I didn't watch the game, but have read that Smart was trashtalkng throughout the entire game. I would assume Orr got carried away with what he was saying; but let's be honest... If we were in his postion, would we not stick up for one of our beloved players too?

You can't go in the crowd and attack a fan. Regardless of what he said.

IMHO, this suspension is WAY too soft.

Orr being suspended would all depend on what he said really...

Orr did say something...we just don't know what

Orr apologized via Twitter.
Deanvogs, I agree with you on parts of your statement (the first part-the racist thing doesn't add up right now). And who knows .. If a racist remark was made, can Smart be certain it came from Orr?

I disagree with the suspension of Orr from all games going forward. Why should he be banned? Because he yelled at some athlete who had just committed a hard foul on an opposing player? I didn't watch the game, but have read that Smart was trashtalkng throughout the entire game. I would assume Orr got carried away with what he was saying; but let's be honest... If we were in his postion, would we not stick up for one of our beloved players too?

You can't go in the crowd and attack a fan. Regardless of what he said.

IMHO, this suspension is WAY too soft.

I agree the suspension on Smart is too soft. I disagree about Orr. Why would the university want his image hanging around the BB court and team? They don't have to sell him a ticket if they don't want to. I would cut bait with him and his image if it were my choice.
Orr has admitted to saying something.... not even sure what the heck you are talking about.

And yeah you are really "letting it go" yourself... lol

No one is denying he said anything but YOU...

To use one of your pompous quotes from earlier: "are you dense?"
Are you not playing with a full deck? You still hold onto the thought that he said something racial. Obviously he said something, who said he didn't?
Orr being suspended would all depend on what he said really...

Orr did say something...we just don't know what

Orr apologized via Twitter.
See you won't let it go. You think you know what he said because you are calling him a liar now.
It just doesn't add up that he used a racial slur. Let me explain.

This guys is known by opposing teams, he has been around talking trash forever now to opposing player. If he used racial slurs in the trash talk, one would think the line would be out the door for players to say he said racial slurs to them as well. All they are saying is he talks crazy sh!t. One would also think he has sat around 100's or 1000's of other Tech fans during that time, and at least on of them would say, yeah, I've heard this guy dropping racial slurs. I just find it hard to believe that a guy who talks trash every game, all of a sudden begins making it racial. No way everyone just covers up and doesn't say what the guy said if he is dropping racial slurs. I know I wouldn't cover for an Iowa fan, and would tell everyone he is a racist POS, and I heard the racial slur.

Now maybe it is just too early and some of these things will come out. As it is, I just don't think it adds up that this guy out of the blue started using racial slurs. I would also say if I'm Tech, I wouldn't allow him in the arena every again, not just this season, but forever. Sticking up for the trash talking fan to 18-22 kids is NOT a good image for Tech, he needs to go.

Makes sense to me.....

He does need to go however, he is a huge embarassment to Tech and makes them appear to lack class.....

Orr has said that he won't attend another game; home or away this season.

That's enough IMO, this can be dropped.
Are you not playing with a full deck? You still hold onto the thought that he said something racial. Obviously he said something, who said he didn't?

I guess you missed the posts above where I put that no one really knows what he says.

You have selective reading comprehension.

I think it's a given that the Texas Tech fan is a fat worthless pile of debris and is nothing but a instigator and probably should be relocated at TT games. Everyone seems to agree that if racial slurs were used the guy needs barred from attending future games. However, what if audio evidence was available that proved no racial slurs were used and Smart lied about that. Does that change your opinion on the severity of the penalty.

Yes.... And I don't believe 3 games is enough....but that's just my opinion. Again, it seems to be pretty documented that fan is a dbag, but cause does weigh into the matter for me regarding response. Either way, smart pushing a spectator is beyond defense, just like using racial slurs to "cheer" is beyond defense.
Makes sense to me.....

He does need to go however, he is a huge embarassment to Tech and makes them appear to lack class.....


Orr has said that he won't attend another game; home or away this season.

That's enough IMO, this can be dropped.

Yeah he has "self suspended" himself... that's also why I think we won't ever know what was really said.

It would have turned into a huge battle of conjecture and neither universities want that.
Yeah he has "self suspended" himself... that's also why I think we won't ever know what was really said.

It would have turned into a huge battle of conjecture and neither universities want that.

I am just going to speculate, that if Orr had used a racial slur, someone would have came forward by now. I mean SOMEONE else had to hear couldn't of just been Smart that heard it.

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