Marcus Smart shoves a fan

I am just going to speculate, that if Orr had used a racial slur, someone would have came forward by now. I mean SOMEONE else had to hear couldn't of just been Smart that heard it.

In a sea of Texas Tech fans, it's possible no one would step up. It may happen though.
I agree the suspension on Smart is too soft. I disagree about Orr. Why would the university want his image hanging around the BB court and team? They don't have to sell him a ticket if they don't want to. I would cut bait with him and his image if it were my choice.

The only reason the university cuts ties with him is because this is now national news. If Smart doesn't go into the bleachers nobody (including the university knows/cares what he says at a game).

I believe it was Tubby Smith who said he's a great fan. Sounds like the university is ok with him representing TTU.

Edit: it was Pat Knight who was quoted as saying Orr was a great fan. Please pardon the error. Thanks.
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"Hi, I'm Jeff Orr, and yes, I'm a loser"
Didn't read all 18 pages, but,

#1--Orr's an immature jerk. Get a life.
#2--By shoving him, Smart lowered himself to Orr's level.
#3--Like it or not, athletes, politicians, will always be open to public scrutiny and belittlement. Get used to it Smart. (Think Jackie Robinson when you feel sorry for youself)
#4--Needs to be sanctions (not self imposed) on fans who act like Orr did. His money will play a factor unfortunately.
#5--Fan (and owner (Mark Cuban)) behavior has spiraled downwards for years. Sad to see.
Ok, i've sat in student and other sections many time during both football and basketball games and if all he said was that smart was " a piece of crap", then that's nicer than the stuff i hear at most games (let alone message board comments that are directed at players). Granted i would not allow my friends or kids to say that kinds of stuff to college (amateur) athletes, but there are plenty of people in the stands everywhere that do. So, let's have a takeaway from this and try to self-police the stands during college events.
It just doesn't add up that he used a racial slur. Let me explain.

This guys is known by opposing teams, he has been around talking trash forever now to opposing player. If he used racial slurs in the trash talk, one would think the line would be out the door for players to say he said racial slurs to them as well. All they are saying is he talks crazy sh!t. One would also think he has sat around 100's or 1000's of other Tech fans during that time, and at least on of them would say, yeah, I've heard this guy dropping racial slurs. I just find it hard to believe that a guy who talks trash every game, all of a sudden begins making it racial. No way everyone just covers up and doesn't say what the guy said if he is dropping racial slurs. I know I wouldn't cover for an Iowa fan, and would tell everyone he is a racist POS, and I heard the racial slur.

Now maybe it is just too early and some of these things will come out. As it is, I just don't think it adds up that this guy out of the blue started using racial slurs. I would also say if I'm Tech, I wouldn't allow him in the arena every again, not just this season, but forever. Sticking up for the trash talking fan to 18-22 kids is NOT a good image for Tech, he needs to go.

So would I. But this is Iowa, not west Texas.

I'll have to track it down again, but I thought I did see at least one former come out and say that they heard plenty of racial slurs while playing in Lubbock. Didn't give the impression that Tech fans were the most enlightened out there, which would also explain why no one around him would rat him out.
John Lucas III said he was called N**** all the time in Lubbock.

Does that mean Orr said it? Not necessarily..

Doubting we will ever know what he said - will just be a he said she said
If people really believe all he said was "you're a piece of crap" I have some ocean front property to sell you in Lubbock.
I wonder if the people of Lubbock say N**** so much ... how in the world do they get any black athletes in BB or FB?
Not about to wade through the 2000+ comments on the ESPN article, but earlier there was someone speculating that Orr said something about Smart's deceased brother. His older half-brother died in 2004 following a long battle with cancer. Again, it was just someone speculating but could have been what set him off and not something racist.

Oklahoma State basketball: Why Marcus Smart wears No. 33 | News OK

That would do it, if its true. And if its the case...that fat fan needs to be beaten...severely.

Not condoning a player ever pushing a fan, but that would make me go blind fury as well.
Didn't read all 18 pages, but,

#1--Orr's an immature jerk. Get a life.
#2--By shoving him, Smart lowered himself to Orr's level.
#3--Like it or not, athletes, politicians, will always be open to public scrutiny and belittlement. Get used to it Smart. (Think Jackie Robinson when you feel sorry for youself)
#4--Needs to be sanctions (not self imposed) on fans who act like Orr did. His money will play a factor unfortunately.
#5--Fan (and owner (Mark Cuban)) behavior has spiraled downwards for years. Sad to see.

Uh for #3 you need a history lesson...Jackie Robinson didn't fight back for the 1st couple yrs but after he was established in the league branch Rickey let him go and he actually did get into physical altercations with other players and fans.
That would do it, if its true. And if its the case...that fat fan needs to be beaten...severely.

Not condoning a player ever pushing a fan, but that would make me go blind fury as well.

Because beating someone severely is such a great way to honor your brother.

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