Marcus Smart shoves a fan

Because beating someone severely is such a great way to honor your brother.

No it isn't but at that age many boys think it is. I teach high school and hear kids all the time thinking it is cool. I try to impress the truth on them but in time they will realize the foolishness of their belief and how immature it really is.
Uh for #3 you need a history lesson...Jackie Robinson didn't fight back for the 1st couple yrs but after he was established in the league branch Rickey let him go and he actually did get into physical altercations with other players and fans.

JR fought with fans? Really? You have a link for that?
JR fought with fans? Really? You have a link for that?

When Jackie Robinson Fought Back -

No link that says he fought fans...just the word of my father who is a huge Jackie Robinson fan and was alive when he played and listened to the games. He said after 2 yrs he fought anyone who challenged him. Jackie was arguably one of the greatest athletes of all time and one of the toughest sob's from everything I have read and heard.
Would really like to hear what was said. If it was about a dead brother? . . . that's pretty rough.

Again, not condoning either person it this, but I really think this Orr guy needs to go period. You make comments that incite a reaction like that and you can just keep your butt at home. There IS a difference between cheering/heckling and just plain crude/unfair.

Because beating someone severely is such a great way to honor your brother.

No its not, i agree...and he still shouldnt have went in the stands, i Didn't say it was a rational response (neither was my "beating" comment-which was over the top), its just that I could understand losing it in certain situations if someone was instigating with it. He shouldn't have pushed the guy, but that could make someone do something they shouldn't. And if he said it, its a pretty awful thing to say....
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Would really like to hear what was said. If it was about a dead brother? . . . that's pretty rough.

Again, not condoning either person it this, but I really think this Orr guy needs to go period. You make comments that incite a reaction like that and you can just keep your butt at home. There IS a difference between cheering/heckling and just plain crude/unfair.

Would be similar to Johnny Orr's Cyclones playing at Columbia, Missouri when the fans started in on Jeff Grayer about his Mother who had Polio.....
Smart is in a high pressure situation and adrenaline is flowing and the guy touched a nerve. Again I am amazed this doesn't happen more. I was a college athlete and have been through the calls...we're you? I never did anything like this but I wanted to. I would bet if you were in a high pressure situation and someone was heckling you up and they touched a nerve it would be hard for you to stop factor in all he negative press smart gets and I bet it is hard for him. Most people don't understand the public critique these players go through as we have never had it. It would be stressful and the fans create the monsters so we can bring them down.

i would love to see how all of us do working for 2 hours and giving our best and all while you do it have people calling you a piece of s*** and other things...I would bet almost all would want to physically so something and many would.

words affect people and instigate situations just as much as physicality...actually more. How many are called fat and then become anorexic? But it is ok because it was words and not physical? Neither is ok and words can do just as much damage (look at all the verbal abuse that people deal with and how much counseling they need). To act like the physical is much much worse is actually wrong.

Congrats on being a college athlete. That is a true accomplishment.

I'm sorry it was so hard.

But, people do have to deal with hard situations all the time. Heck, other people make a good living trying to prevent me from doing my job on a daily basis, including verbal assaults. I've never pushed anybody while doing my job.
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Would really like to hear what was said. If it was about a dead brother? . . . that's pretty rough.

Again, not condoning either person it this, but I really think this Orr guy needs to go period. You make comments that incite a reaction like that and you can just keep your butt at home. There IS a difference between cheering/heckling and just plain crude/unfair.

If it's based on an individuals talent level I don't see a fan ever truly getting into the player's head and striking a nerve. I think that is why fans go after family members and make it personal. Not saying its the right thing to do, but lets face it, as a player, I'm not going to care the slightest bit what someone in the stands who most likely has never played above a varsity level, has to say to criticize my game. It doesn't make sense.

A couple hundred or thousand would be a different story, but you're not going to pick out a guy talking trash and let them get under your skin. IMO if that was the case and Smart bit on it, then he already lost because he wasn't concentrating on the game. The focus is your opponent, not some internet tough guy or high school has been thats trying to get into your head.
Congrats on being a college athlete. That is a true accomplishment.

I'm sorry it was so hard.

But, people do have to deal with hard situations all the time. Heck, other people make a good living trying to prevent me from doing my job on a daily basis, including verbal assaults. I've never pushed anybody while doing my job.

I agree. I work at a job where I am called insulting things and threated from time to time. You know what happens if I hit them or say something back? I get disciplined or fired.
My wife and I had the honor to sit 10 rows back behind the Northwestern bench @ a Homecoming football game (my memory is not perfect but it was probably 6 or 7 years ago). Some of our Hawk "fans" were totally disrespectful to the visiting team during most of this game using every sort of taunt and profanity (including racial) they could come up with. It continued until quite a number of the real Hawk fans confronted them directly about their behavior. During all of this, the NW players kept their cool (if I had been in their shoes I don't know what I would have done). They actually thanked us when the game was over.

My point is that the potential exists in all fan bases to be total a**h**l* takes the real fans to stand up, confront it and nip it in the bud.
My wife and I had the honor to sit 10 rows back behind the Northwestern bench @ a Homecoming football game (my memory is not perfect but it was probably 6 or 7 years ago). Some of our Hawk "fans" were totally disrespectful to the visiting team during most of this game using every sort of taunt and profanity (including racial) they could come up with. It continued until quite a number of the real Hawk fans confronted them directly about their behavior. During all of this, the NW players kept their cool (if I had been in their shoes I don't know what I would have done). They actually thanked us when the game was over.

My point is that the potential exists in all fan bases to be total a**h**l* takes the real fans to stand up, confront it and nip it in the bud.

Both you and the Northwestern players took the proper course of action.

Well done.

Also, I'm pretty sure that you know what you would have done since 99.99% of taunted athletes do one of two things: (1) ignore it; or (2) respond in a non-physical manner.
Hawkinn3 and LG210, I used the job situation (btw I don't condone what he did just I understand why he did it and remember how young he is as we all are more impulsive when young) do you jobs have you physically competing in a manner similar to smart's job? Remember in bball if you are posting up or boxing out and the other guy pushes you off your spot you are taught to physically push back. As the adrenaline is running in his situation I am saying it is more difficult to toe that line that he should have toed. I am amazed more players don't do this as fans like HawkMD2007 pointed out can be vile. A vast majority of players don't push back but with some of the things said their way it is amazing they have the restraint. Smart just doesn't have that restraint right now. Hopefully he learns it because he is a great player. He needs guidance and that falls on the coaches who seem to have failed to teach him how to control himself.

My problem is it seems many are quick to judge smart for his inappropriate actions but they don't want to look at the ugly truth that there are fans that are kind of asking for it and need to be stopped by people like HawkMD2007 and others otherwise this will happen more. Let's look at ways to fix the problem. And right now the bigger problem is how fans act than how players react as a much higher percent of players don't react to the idiots that try to provoke them. It took smart's immaturity to bring to light a problem with how some fans think they can act just because they paid for a ticket.
Anyone who works with the public knows what its like to be yelled at. At the end of the day most of us simply still do not care. And if we did, I'm sure we're not shoving back and possibly losing our jobs just because someone said something that may have hit a nerve.

That said I don't think buying a ticket to a game gives someone a free pass to harrass and personally insult a player. IMO anything occuring off the court is off limits whether it personal or family. Anything on the court, well that's fair game.

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