Losing to Western Michigan

[h=1]International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia[/h]Hate; Hatred:
hat, ha'-tred (verb, sane'," oftenest," saTam, Ge 27:41, etc.; noun, sin'ah; miseo): A feeling of strong antagonism and dislike, generally malevolent and prompting to injury (the opposite of love); sometimes born of moral resentment. Alike in the Old Testament and New Testament, hate of the malevolent sort is unsparingly condemned (Nu 35:20; Ps 109:5; Pr 10:12; Tit 3:3; 1 Joh 3:15), but in the Old Testament hatred of evil and evil-doers, purged of personal malice, is commended (Ps 97:10; 101:3; 139:21,22, etc.). The New Testament law softens this feeling as regards persons, bringing it under the higher law of love (Mt 5:43,14; compare Ro 12:17-21), while intensifying the hatred of evil (Jude 1:23; Re 2:6). God himself is hated by the wicked (Ex 20:5; Ps 139:21; compare Ro 8:7). Sometimes, however, the word "hate" is used hyperbolically in a relative sense to express only the strong preference of one to another. God loved Jacob, but hated Esau (Mal 1:3; Ro 9:13); father and mother are to be hated in comparison with Christ (Lu 14:26; compare Mt 10:37).
Written by James Orr I want no harm or injury to come to anyone, and I want the best for all.
I never said that we were above losing to either of those teams. What I take issue with is people posting pointless crap over and over again. What purpose does is serve to make a thread like this? It would be like me making a thread claiming that getting housed by Minnesota 55-0 indicates that we have a poor defense. Of course it does. Of course losing to Western Michigan would make you lose confidence in KF. You could make a thread every single week about the things that would make you lose confidence in KF. That doesn't mean we should.

And yes, I'm the forum Police. A doo doo doo. A dah dah dah.

Come on Grape, without posting pointless crap over and over (and over and over and over), how is anybody supposed to get to several thousand posts? Shoot, I post pointless crap all the time and I haven't even hit 500 yet!
I still say I like KF as our head coach but I have wondered and questioned his game day clock management since the end of the 2001 Alamo Bowl. And I question other times his use of time outs or lack of use of them on defense to save time and on offense.

I/we can name a bunch of times where his conservative nature bit the team in the arse and I think he is not the greatest in game coach for judging risk and reward.

I have never met him but he is probably a really great guy, honest maybe to a fault, and I would wager that he has flipped his assistants bonuses over the years. I know he and his wife donate a lot of dough back to the university and other causes.

I think he got put off recruiting some higher star talent/prima donnas about 6-7 years ago and there has been some very conservative recruiting lately.

I would really love to see him and the hawks have some 10 win seasons and when he retires we can have a luv fest at kinnick (unlike Alvarez where the hawks spoiled his day).
International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia

Hate; Hatred:
hat, ha'-tred (verb, sane'," oftenest," saTam, Ge 27:41, etc.; noun, sin'ah; miseo): A feeling of strong antagonism and dislike, generally malevolent and prompting to injury (the opposite of love); sometimes born of moral resentment. Alike in the Old Testament and New Testament, hate of the malevolent sort is unsparingly condemned (Nu 35:20; Ps 109:5; Pr 10:12; Tit 3:3; 1 Joh 3:15), but in the Old Testament hatred of evil and evil-doers, purged of personal malice, is commended (Ps 97:10; 101:3; 139:21,22, etc.). The New Testament law softens this feeling as regards persons, bringing it under the higher law of love (Mt 5:43,14; compare Ro 12:17-21), while intensifying the hatred of evil (Jude 1:23; Re 2:6). God himself is hated by the wicked (Ex 20:5; Ps 139:21; compare Ro 8:7). Sometimes, however, the word "hate" is used hyperbolically in a relative sense to express only the strong preference of one to another. God loved Jacob, but hated Esau (Mal 1:3; Ro 9:13); father and mother are to be hated in comparison with Christ (Lu 14:26; compare Mt 10:37).
Written by James Orr I want no harm or injury to come to anyone, and I want the best for all.
I don't hate him as a man or a coach. This must be difficult for you to accept. I've had this conversation with you about 8 million times. But, it's ok. I'll talk with you about this till you get it.
Must... understand... Freed... To some posters, if.. you... question... KF, you... are... a... KF... hater... (which is the opposite of what they are).
Wouldn't say that, but it's obvious that folks on here who think I hate kf or anybody don't know what the true definition of the word is.

I think it is pretty obvious you don't HATE him but you're clearly upset over how much money he makes. Many "HATERS" don't like the style of football he teaches and the results from that.

The term "hater" is not referring to someone who hates him personally, although there are some here that do but won't admit it. But what the rest "HATE" is pretty much everything about him from football standpoint.
Up until this point I have been on the band wagon with Kirk and the gang. I haven't called for his head and I am not going to start, but at this point if Iowa loses to Western Michigan, to me it's a clear indication that this association with Coach Ferentz isn't working. The product we are seeing on the field isn't matching the money being spent.

Three games. One loss, granted to a very good Northern Illinois team. But a loss never the less. And two more games that Iowa should have dominated easily. Statistics are nice but they don't always win games. And if Iowa doesn't start showing some solid effort, this may be the point that we later look to as the proverbial straw that ended the Kirk Ferentz era.

This looks suspiciously like the line a certain president of a western republic drew in what could be construed as numerous small/fine particles of rock and soil with regard to a certain action by a country in what is commonly termed "the Middle East" with regard to the use of certain weaponry.

Just sayin'
in this instance, the only harm you can wish on KF the coach is for him to lose his job. and freed, you definitely HATE KF as a coach
I think it is pretty obvious you don't HATE him but you're clearly upset over how much money he makes. Many "HATERS" don't like the style of football he teaches and the results from that.

The term "hater" is not referring to someone who hates him personally, although there are some here that do but won't admit it. But what the rest "HATE" is pretty much everything about him from football standpoint.

No. I'm beginning to wonder if anybody will get me right here today. I have never said kf makes too much. I said good for him for having an agent that could swing that kinda contract for him.
in this instance, the only harm you can wish on KF the coach is for him to lose his job. and freed, you definitely HATE KF as a coach

I'll try again with ya, whammer. I don't hate people, but I do hate things. I think it's accurate to say I hate the fact that kf is coach of Iowa. That does not mean I don't want what's best for him because I do. Let me give an example. Do you remember the movie, "Chariots of Fire"? Remember the day of the race in the locker room when all the sprinters of the race were getting ready for the race? The guy favored to win the race came up to one of the challengers and said, "I wish you success". He of course wanted to do his best to win the race, but knew the out come was not in his hands. It was in God's. God decides what's best for us. So, even though I don't want kf as Iowa coach, I would say the same thing to him, "I wish you success, coach." And I do. Just don't want him as Iowa football coach.
Let me try this with.. let's see.. Whammer33024, if Iowa loses to directional Michigan this Saturday, how will you feel about KF?