little things that tick me off

People with Handi-capped stickers on their vehicles that whip into Handi-capped parking spots then jump out of their vehicle like it's on fire just to run into a coffee place to get their Latte or whatever. How in the hell did they get a handi-capped sticker in the first place? They look as healthy as a horse.

I'm guessing they must have another family member who IS handicapped. Otherwise, I don't have an answer for that one.

Speaking of parking - one of mine is people who jam up parking lots by sitting in the middle of the lot with their engine running while waiting for someone to come out of the store, rather than just pulling into a parking space and staying out of everyone else's way. Especially when there are plenty of open spaces available.
the lollygagging driver on his cellphone not paying attention until you go to pass him then the DB cuts you off because he missed his turn causing you to swerve into the other lane narrowly getting your ran over by an 18 wheeler. (I hate DC traffic by the way)
Speaking of parking - one of mine is people who jam up parking lots by sitting in the middle of the lot with their engine running while waiting for someone to come out of the store, rather than just pulling into a parking space and staying out of everyone else's way. Especially when there are plenty of open spaces available.

Or the idiot who sits in the middle of the isle with his blinker on waiting to pull in to a parking spot that still has someone in it putting their groceries in the trunk.
Or the idiot who sits in the middle of the isle with his blinker on waiting to pull in to a parking spot that still has someone in it putting their groceries in the trunk.
Exactly. Practically waits for them to come out of the frickin store. PARK THE CAR YOU DUMB A$$ AND WALK THE EXTRA 25 PACES!!!!
People who use loose instead of lose, or vice versa.

"I think the Hawks are going to loose to Ohio State."
"My shoe strings are lose"

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