little things that tick me off

Re: It's the fault of the motorcyclist for ticking me off.

If they didn't have loud pipes there would be no problem. There is absolutely no reason to have really loud exhaust pipes on motorcycles. People who do are simply idiots and deserve to be punched.

I have no beef with those who ride motorcycles responsibly and with a normal decibel level.

People who act tough from behind the safety of either a keyboard or a two-ton security blanket deserve to be punched repeatedly.

Re: It's the fault of the motorcyclist for ticking me off.

If they didn't have loud pipes there would be no problem. There is absolutely no reason to have really loud exhaust pipes on motorcycles. People who do are simply idiots and deserve to be punched.

I have no beef with those who ride motorcycles responsibly and with a normal decibel level.
Loud pipes save lifes. Now get off my lawn!!
Loud pipes most decidedly DO NOT save lives. That's an urban myth propagated by those with (or mfg) loud pipes.
Show me verifiable statistics that fewer loud motorcylcles than quiet ones are involved in accidents, and I'll recant. Until then, loud pipes do nothing except irritate.
And before you fire on me, bluz, understand that I'm not dissing here, I'm just stating my position.
No urban myth here. I try in the best that I can to not be caught in someone's blindspot, but at times it happens. I know that if they did not hear me next to them, a quick lane change by the car would take me out. I want people to know I am there, because most people are doing eveything else but driving. Most of the pipes I have used over the years have been for the perfomance side of the bike, not how loud I can make it and are for the most part quiet at idel and bark when cracked open.
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No urban myth here. I try in the best that I can to not be caught in someone's blindspot, but at times it happens. I know that if they did not hear me next to them, a quick lane change by the car would take me out. I want people to know I am there, because most people are doing eveything else but driving. Most of the pipes I have used over the years have been for the perfomance side of the bike, not how loud I can make it and are for the most part quiet at idel and bark when cracked open.

So more GoldWing riders are creamed in the course of a given year than are modified (e.g. loud) Electra-Glide riders?
Trying to keep this apples to apples except for the noise.
I remain highly doubtful until I see some legit stats.
As I said to bluz: I'm not calling you out, bowhunter, just trying to get to the facts.
The guy with his baseball cap on sideways who always complains that although he wrestled in high school he isn't really GAY!!!

And to top that off this same guy, more often then not, drives slow in the fast lane, thinks he's cool, and always has his pet poodle riding on his lap and often parks his ride in the wrong lane that blocks you from geting to where you want to go.

Then all of a sudden you discover yourself reading this for some odd reason????

You wonder why?

You slowly begin to get ticked off.
People who use the phrase all the time, "you know what I am saying". Really I have no idea what the heck they said.
Loud pipes most decidedly DO NOT save lives. That's an urban myth propagated by those with (or mfg) loud pipes.
Show me verifiable statistics that fewer loud motorcylcles than quiet ones are involved in accidents, and I'll recant. Until then, loud pipes do nothing except irritate.
And before you fire on me, bluz, understand that I'm not dissing here, I'm just stating my position.

I use the load pipes as targets to help me run em down!!:p
Idiots that can't put their license plate renewel sticker in the correct place. It's like these people "decorate" their plates with them. My neighbor's a dentist and his plates look like a collage of tags...because he can't figure out simple instructions that are provided, I'd never consider using his professional services.

One would think that precision would be a good quality in a dentist. Great point.
Re: It's the fault of the motorcyclist for ticking me off.

People who act tough from behind the safety of either a keyboard or a two-ton security blanket deserve to be punched repeatedly.


Agreed, and AMEN!

QWERTY commandos and aggressive drivers in their SUV security blankets, as you say. Very well put.

Get out of the vehicle and THEN do that again. I thought so.... They never do. I've had people do really stupid and aggressive things to me when I'm riding my bicycle. They're really surprised (in town, of course) when I throw down the 32mph chase and catch them at the stop light. Despite my offers, they NEVER get out of their vehicles.
People who call 911 because they are "Sick" or in "Pain", and I am actually MORE "sick" or in MORE "pain" but I am still working......Or people who tell me they're pain is the worst pain they have ever had in their life and then cry like a 3 yr old when I start their IV.. Man up wuss!

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