little things that tick me off

People who don't flush their turds in the office bathroom...

People who cut you off to get off the interstate when there is no one behind you for a mile...
People who don't flush their turds in the office bathroom...

People who cut you off to get off the interstate when there is no one behind you for a mile...

oh god yeah! not just that, but when they pull onto a highway in front of you so you have to slow down...then you look in the rear view mirror and no cars are in sight
There's nothing wrong with wearing a hat backwards. Now, straight-brimmed and cocked to the side is a different story. My bro is going bald at 26 and in no way is that depressing
i'm not having a flame war...just defending my choice to wear a hat backwards. i'm in no way upset with airhawk
I'm not upset with Hammer either. He can wear his hat sideways or inside out. I don't care. My opinion, I dont like it. Maybe I just don't like Big Ben and Tony
-People who have absolutely no spelling or grammar skills on message boards

-Woman who shouldn't be wearing skimpy clothes wearing skimpy clothes

People who complain about what others do, and then do the same thing themselves. Unless that was one specific woman you were referring to
People with Handi-capped stickers on their vehicles that whip into Handi-capped parking spots then jump out of their vehicle like it's on fire just to run into a coffee place to get their Latte or whatever. How in the hell did they get a handi-capped sticker in the first place? They look as healthy as a horse.
Parents that are to lazy to control there kids or as long as they are out of there hair. We were at a buffet Sunday night to watch to a kid from a party room keep running out and stick his fingers in the dessert pizza only to lick all five fingers and do it again and again. I told him to get out of there and let the manager know that she may want to remove the tray. She said there was a party there and quite a few of the guest were there just for the party and did not pay for the buffet but came out and got a plate and ate anyway.
Work things
- people from Bunglapore named Todd
- When I say a statement and the person repeats the statement in the form of a question
- QA - Quality Assurance.... Am I really supposed to say "Is there anything else I can assist you with" right after someone says "Thats all I needed"...
- Knowing people that came in the same day, for the same job as me and made more money.... and they have left here already for other jobs.
People who don't know the basic differences between Descartes and Spinoza.

Man, that ticks me off, too.

I really can't stand people who say they are 3-point or 4-point Calivinists. You are either a 5-pointer who understands Limited Atonement/Definite Redemption, or you really are just a semi-Pelagian/Arminian.

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