WDM pukes that always seem to know eveything. Sorry I did not know my grammar was being graded.I will pay more attention when posting on this forum. I can also tell you how many steps it takes to mark off yardage or feet But more important is how hard my size twelve work boot can kick your ***.People who mis-use their, there, and they're.
WDM pukes that always seem to know eveything. Sorry I did not know my grammer was being graded.I will pay more attention when posting on this forum. I can also tell you how many steps it takes to mark off yardage or feet But more important is how hard my size twelve work boot can kick your ***.
WDM pukes that always seem to know eveything. Sorry I did not know my grammer was being graded.I will pay more attention when posting on this forum. I can also tell you how many steps it takes to mark off yardage or feet But more important is how hard my size twelve work boot can kick your ***.
Man, I need to slow down when I post or I am going to get corrected everytime.Grammar*
WDM pukes that always seem to know eveything. Sorry I did not know my grammar was being graded.I will pay more attention when posting on this forum. I can also tell you how many steps it takes to mark off yardage or feet But more important is how hard my size twelve work boot can kick your ***.
People who start a thread that is virtually identical to another thread.
I have an uncontrollable urge to cut them off in traffic, if for no other reason than to keep them behind me so I don't have to hear their stupid motorcycles. People with loud motorcycles deserve to be punched as well.
I also agree with a previous poster that this thread sounds for the most part like old guys complaining.