Larson Gone

Not what I needed to hear today. He was the one I thought would step in and have an immediate impact.
Is he not allowed to come back and sign with us? Is he able to get his release, then see what other programs have to offer at this point, and decide that the best fit is still Iowa?
Better to know now than later. Now Fran will get to test his recruiting skills immediately. Larson's situation at the end of the year was kind of disturbiing- sounds like some issues with making good choices.
If other rumors of Brommer and Fuller and possibly even Archie leaving...Iowa will be left with Cole,Cougill,and ....? as big men.

This is truly disapointing. Not sure what Fran told him,but it was not what he wanted to hear,evidently. Larson was our only top 100 recruit since Gatens...ouch.
Not at all great news but I am not going to say that the sky is falling.

There is still time for Coach Fran to find someone that may actually be more in line with the type of player he is looking for to contribute to an uptempo game.

Our needs are still a Juco PG and now maybe a solid Juco big!
I suppose he would technically...

Is he not allowed to come back and sign with us? Is he able to get his release, then see what other programs have to offer at this point, and decide that the best fit is still Iowa?

be able to sign with us again. But I don't think that is happening. If he wants his release, he likely has another destination in mind.
If other rumors of Brommer and Fuller and possibly even Archie leaving...Iowa will be left with Cole,Cougill,and ....? as big men.

This is truly disapointing. Not sure what Fran told him,but it was not what he wanted to hear,evidently. Larson was our only top 100 recruit since Gatens...ouch.

Neither Larson or Gatens were consensus Top 100 players, but your point is taken. Larson appears to be one of the more talented recruits we've had in awhile, which frankly should tell us how bad we've been recruiting.
This is absolutely terrible news.

Was not expecting this... at all.

Iowa is going to struggle next year.


Lol. Back away from the ledge. I didn't realize an high school senior who has not one minute of experience in college is a make or break for this program. Lighten up Francis. The sun will still rise tomorrow.

Give me a break.
Very disappointing, although his decision making with the drug issue could be fortelling a far bigger issue that we would not want to have to deal with in the future...
Also hearing that Fuller may be gone.

I'm going to try to be as positive as I can about this and say this departure (and potential others) are giving Caff and his new staff more space to build a winning program.
Re: I suppose he would technically...

be able to sign with us again. But I don't think that is happening. If he wants his release, he likely has another destination in mind.

Well I doubt it happens either, but technically he can't talk to other coaches once he signs his LOI, so he'd need his release to check out other options.
This is absolutely terrible news.

Was not expecting this... at all.

Iowa is going to struggle next year.


...and this was always the risk of firing Lickliter. People who thought we could fire him and still keep everyone were fooling themselves. I still think he had to go, but we could be looking at another year like the last one. Depending on what happens with Fuller, another 20+ loss season may be more likely than an over-.500 one. This program isn't going anywhere until we have establish continuity at the coaching position. There are no quick fixes.
Also hearing that Fuller may be gone.

I'm going to try to be as positive as I can about this and say this departure (and potential others) are giving Caff and his new staff more space to build a winning program.

This sounds way too much like what fans were saying about a recent Hawkeye coach...No, I am not comparing Fran with anyone, I do believe in what he can do for us, but it sounds all too familiar...
I guess we'll get an early look at Fran's recruiting chops....... I'll go out on a limb and say he'll upgrade our talent as compared to Lick's choices... It will be fun to watch it play out.
Larson was most likely to not make it after the coaching change. I hope Brust makes it too. Sounds like McCabe and Marble will. Just cannot afford to lose Fuller...its not like this team is going to the NCAA tournament next year, but losing Fuller is the difference between being competitive more often than not, IMO.

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