Larson Gone

You can't say it's not a big deal.....It's a VERY big deal. I know you expect players to leave when a program changes coaches, but this is what has led to many, many problems over the past 5 years or so. It's just one less position we have and we CANNOT afford that.
Unfortunately, I think Fuller leaves as well and I also believe Walthall will not be retained either.
Larson had some issues finishing his HS career. He ended it on a bad note by being dismissed from his HIGH SCHOOL team. Personally I don't want a kid that has that type of attitude. He busted for doing something illegal, luckily it was only a minor issue, but still it says something about his decision making skills. Not something Iowa would need is someone getting suspended for doing something stupid! Hopefully he get another offer and goes somewhere else.

This will allow coach Fran to go get a good Juco BIG man or possibly bring with him one of his recruits from sienna. I am not worried, none of these recruits stood out to me as game changers or someone who would come in and make an instant impact to the team. We are still fine with where we are sitting. Even if we lose Fuller, I am not that worried, Fran will find players who will want to play and he will COACH them up to be great ball players.
Fran needs to complete his staff now and get them on the road finding and bringing in players for next season as of yesterday. Time is of the essence, imo.
You can't say it's not a big deal.....It's a VERY big deal. I know you expect players to leave when a program changes coaches, but this is what has led to many, many problems over the past 5 years or so. It's just one less position we have and we CANNOT afford that.

It's not a big deal in the big picture. For next year, absolutely. But like you said, it's expected to see some defections after a coaching change. Just because that was the first sign of things to come with Lickliter doesn't mean Coach will have the same problems. I'm sure there are many more examples of coaches taking programs out of the cellar, even when they lost recruits that first year.
You can't say it's not a big deal.....It's a VERY big deal. I know you expect players to leave when a program changes coaches, but this is what has led to many, many problems over the past 5 years or so. It's just one less position we have and we CANNOT afford that.

I was expecting this, therefore I'm not shocked at all. The real problem is when an established coach starts losing players for whatever reasons IMO.
Seems this gentleman will have a lot of explaining to do in regards to his recent dismissal from the team. I have to believe that will scare some coaches away, that and the fact its SD and he didn't really set the world on fire his senior year.
Not going to sugar coat it, lie or downplay it...I really wanted Larson to be a, that being said, with his problems in SD and the fact that he, for some reason, doesn't want to play up tempo ball that seems to be a perfect fit for him, maybe he's not very smart...

And finally...if you don't want to be a Hawkeye, don't let the door hit'cha in the a$$ on your way out Cody...good luck and tell the golden boy we all said, "Steve Alford's a deuche..."~Fake Bob Costas
Not going to sugar coat it, lie or downplay it...I really wanted Larson to be a, that being said, with his problems in SD and the fact that he, for some reason, doesn't want to play up tempo ball that seems to be a perfect fit for him, maybe he's not very smart...

And finally...if you don't want to be a Hawkeye, don't let the door hit'cha in the a$$ on your way out Cody...good luck and tell the golden boy we all said, "Steve Alford's a deuche..."~Fake Bob Costas

k for 1 Cody is very smart. and 2 just because ur mad that he inst a hawkeye doesn't mean we have to disrespect him. we all wanted him to be a hawkeye but **** happens
k for 1 Cody is very smart. and 2 just because ur mad that he inst a hawkeye doesn't mean we have to disrespect him. we all wanted him to be a hawkeye but **** happens

1. My post had nothing to do with book smart.

2. I didn't disrespect him at all...even said I really wanted him to be a Hawkeye.

3. Just because you like him doesn't mean everything I'm saying is awful and uncalled for.
1. My post had nothing to do with book smart.

2. I didn't disrespect him at all...even said I really wanted him to be a Hawkeye.

3. Just because you like him doesn't mean everything I'm saying is awful and uncalled for.

its cool man. i went a little over board

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