KEN O'KEEFE... Mailed IT IN!

Would you have turned it off if it was 35-0?

Sure it was conservative but I was never nervous. It couldve backfired just like an aggressive game plan but the end result was 24-3 against a top 25 Cris Carter would say "CMON MAN!"

Here's the biggest difference, then, between those who were ok with the playcalling and myself. I feel like I can enjoy the game more when we've got a comfortable lead than when I'm worried that with one blown coverage, one missed tackle, it's a one score game. I was nervous at 17-0, I was nervous at 17-3, I was nervous when Bolden nearly got the game to 17-10.

If the coaches weren't nervous with the talent that PSU has on offense, then they truly have balls of steel.
We were conservative because thats what it took to guarantee a is this hard to understand?

Im heading to bed...actually pretty happy with the win!

This is what I said, but you originally said it was because Ferentz didn't want to run up the score, which is beyond ridiculous. You can't flip flop and expect not to be called on it.

I don't think anyone on here is NOT happy with the win, just questioning the play calling on the offensive side of the ball, which I believe is valid.
Here's the biggest difference, then, between those who were ok with the playcalling and myself. I feel like I can enjoy the game more when we've got a comfortable lead than when I'm worried that with one blown coverage, one missed tackle, it's a one score game. I was nervous at 17-0, I was nervous at 17-3, I was nervous when Bolden nearly got the game to 17-10.

If the coaches weren't nervous with the talent that PSU has on offense, then they truly have balls of steel.

My thoughts exactly. Well put. "Focker.....out."
Why is it a "meltdown" to question the play calling? So you don't go for the jugular when you have the chance? I think both sides of the ball played pretty well (defense was very solid) and it was a good win.

You tell me. You're among the people complaining about the conservative play-calling.

Would I like to see KF/KOK open it up? Absolutely.

But I don't expect them to do anything different than what they've done the past 12 years, and that's why I'm puzzled why so many people apparently are surprised that we simply did enough to win.
You tell me. You're among the people complaining about the conservative play-calling.

Would I like to see KF/KOK open it up? Absolutely.

But I don't expect them to do anything different than what they've done the past 12 years, and that's why I'm puzzled why so many people apparently are surprised that we simply did enough to win.

I don't think anyone is "surprised" but I would also argue this is one of if not our best offense in the 12 years. I'll keep asking...why drive the minivan if you've got the keys to the Porsche?
You tell me. You're among the people complaining about the conservative play-calling.

Would I like to see KF/KOK open it up? Absolutely.

But I don't expect them to do anything different than what they've done the past 12 years, and that's why I'm puzzled why so many people apparently are surprised that we simply did enough to win.

I expect conservative playing calling in the 4th to protect a lead, not in the middle of the second when you can clearly put the game out of reach and completely demoralize your opponent, especially a top 25 team who theoretically is capable of making up considerable ground with 30 minutes left in the game.
It was an awesome win!!! But to say that we should be happy with just doing enough to win is absurd. Complacency will kill in games. If we just want our kids to just do enough to pass high school is that good enough for us parents? O hell no! We want our children to excel in life. So why do we want our Hawkeye's to just do enough to win? We are all big time fans, and we want the best for the team. We want the team to exceed and not become bored with the game.
In their pre-game predictions, Jon Miller, Patrick Webb and many others said Penn State's offense simply was not putting up many points yet. Other than Ricky's INT and Prater's blown coverage that almost led to a touchdown, Iowa played a pretty error-free game and the defense largely controlled field position. I'm sure that all went into KF/KOK's playing-calling.

Again, I'd love to see them open it up. But I'm not one bit surprised they didn't. Sit on your lead; eat some clock; shake hands with Joe Pa at mid-field and savor another W.
tweeter, i think your logic is spot on. i still think K O'K mailed it in and will defend it through and through but there's an element of truth to your position. love that we can savor a W and debate this... and that's the big thing!
I don't get it. Does he expect ARob to run the ball 28 times a game in the Big Ten? How long before he goes down? Is he afraid of turnovers? If he is so confident in our defense and wasn't worried about Penn St scoring as some here seem to be saying, for crying out loud give them some reps.
I'm assuming it's because we went into our "prevent" offense so early, and ball security is a big piece of the prevent offense. True/redshirt freshman might not have the same importance placed on ball security as a guy who has been through the battle of a B10 season.

/grasping at straws
I'm assuming it's because we went into our "prevent" offense so early, and ball security is a big piece of the prevent offense. True/redshirt freshman might not have the same importance placed on ball security as a guy who has been through the battle of a B10 season.

/grasping at straws

I agree. Pretty sure Arob has yet to fumble. Can anyone confirm?
I wanted to see Coker get a few carries as well, particularly since he's a "pile mover" type of back. On the other hand Adam Robinson almost never fumbles, so I can see why they'd prefer him.

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