Keith Murphy Chimes In

Not outraged. If youve followed I simply said that firing should be dependent on what he was previosly informed. Its not genuine to suggest that whites cant say....hey relook at that. Basically Ive said what you just said minus the outrage insinuation.

Your response sounds very reasoned HG. (though your Steve King reference is a bit of a give away). I'm referring more to the "instant outrage" crowd who just wait for an opportunity to go off about something.
I give it a 30000% chance that the one person who reported Dolph for saying "king kong" was white and projecting their perceived racism.

That is irrelevent. The number of people who would do such a thing even if offended is low. The what percentage of Hawk fans not tied to Hawk sports is engaged?

Still think he was yold not to do it or something similar.
Your response sounds very reasoned HG. (though your Steve King reference is a bit of a give away). I'm referring more to the "instant outrage" crowd who just wait for an opportunity to go off about something.

Ok but I as a registered republican I cant stand King. Not sure what Im giving away.
You are correct but Im not incorrect either. Bottom line. DOLPH SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER.

Why should have Dolph know better? Players are called “King Kong”, “Beast”, “Animals” and many other things in a sporting context that wouldn’t normally be considered a complement, but when used in a sporting context ARE COMPLIMNETS, as @lightning1 said, context matters.

There isn’t a national outrage over this because even the PC police think there is no “here”, here. There was one single email sent about what he said, that is it, and even after all this you don’t even have groups that are specifically run to blow crap out of proportion jumping on this.
The analogy has been used a lot and has never been a problem. Dolph is the first to get in trouble over this particular one, so how should he have known better?

This is exactly it, players have been referred to as Kong, King Kong, Beast, Animal, all sorts of things and they are compliments.
The analogy has been used a lot and has never been a problem. Dolph is the first to get in trouble over this particular one, so how should he have known better?

We just disagree I guess.I eould know that one. I made a comment that I shouldnt have in college in front of a black student that I liked. The look on hurt on his face was real.

To some of us it seems easier to see.
Why should have Dolph know better? Players are called “King Kong”, “Beast”, “Animals” and many other things in a sporting context that wouldn’t normally be considered a complement, but when used in a sporting context ARE COMPLIMNETS, as @lightning1 said, context matters.

There isn’t a national outrage over this because even the PC police think there is no “here”, here. There was one single email sent about what he said, that is it, and even after all this you don’t even have groups that are specifically run to blow crap out of proportion jumping on this.

We disagree on use of the name. Over time I would guess my opinion would be more common. I do think he should have been aware and he might have or shoild have been cautioned.
We just disagree I guess.I eould know that one. I made a comment that I shouldnt have in college in front of a black student that I liked. The look on hurt on his face was real.

To some of us it seems easier to see.

So then by that logic the right thing for Barta/Leerfield to do would be to get Dolph and Bruno on the phone, have Dolph explain himself, have Bruno give his take on it...and if there's no offense taken then let it go.

However, for "some reason" they're deciding not to do that.
So then by that logic the right thing for Barta/Leerfield to do would be to get Dolph and Bruno on the phone, have Dolph explain himself, have Bruno give his take on it...and if there's no offense taken then let it go.

However, for "some reason" they're deciding not to do that.

No that would not be right. whether the player was offended or not is somewhat not relevent. An apology which he sort of did is good.

Somewhat different but it is not good to retraumatize victims by forcing the to talk to offenders. I doubt he was traumatized in the traditionsl sense. Likely at most it was not pleasant. But who knows.
Go to Waterloo into certain minority areas and ask that question individually or in a group of none college athletes.

Go to Waterloo and play exactly what Dolph said with the Replay of Bruno’s tip in and don’t say a word and than ask if they heard anything offensive and 99.9% of all of them would say no!!!! Your to overly sensitized HawkGold and that’s a FACT....

This is Barta and Fran written all over it.. That’s also 100% fact...
Go to Waterloo and play exactly what Dolph said with the Replay of Bruno’s tip in and don’t say a word and than ask if they heard anything offensive and 99.9% of all of them would say no!!!! Your to overly sensitized HawkGold and that’s a FACT....

This is Barta and Fran written all over it.. That’s also 100% fact...

Your last comment likely but dependent on previous directive. The first maybe but for good reasons but not mor than u being insensitive. If I had to chose which to stay...Dolp over Barta. This is a right to work state and Barta has control.

If I had to bet ...they did have a directive.
Bottom line: If you're white, and you dare to even open your mouth to even attempt to compliment a minority.. ESPECIALLY if they are black.... WATCH OUT. Right or wrong, you're risking your career and reputation. It's safer just to say nothing.

People talk about equality.. But what's going on in this country feels more like revenge than anything else.
Killing 2 birds with one stone is offensive to pterodactyls because they went extinct and resemble birds.

I asked every black former player and black basketball coach that run with, what they thought about that comment. In that context, each and every one of them (a dozen or so) considered it a compliment. Not a racist term in any way, shape or form. Context matters. If Fernando had never got off the bench and Dolph made that comparison, for some strange reason...that's a different story.

Some folks don't want to hear about those facts, lightning. It's more fun to be able to cry racism.
I remember multiple times Steve Bardo has referred to Fran as "White Magic" on live television. There was zero outrage.

But yeah King Kong is racist

Tell me you just made that up as a joke and it's not real.

friend, i watched a progressive on tv spout those live. the subtlety is that it is a revision of history. kill two birds with one stone goes back to days of hunting as a predominant way to provide food. etc, etc, etc.

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