Keith Murphy Chimes In

Yoh are doing the same thing you are also posting and dont like some opinions which ironically leads to both sides doing back handed shots. You being in the majoity on the topic here....welll.

Oh ok, so you believe that if one person does it then it's ok for you to do it. That's quite the stance for you to take, especially here. I don't recall taking personal shots at you but, whatever, I guess you're justified in doing it as well.

Yeah I'm in the majority here, and that should tell you something. What Dolph said was a compliment, nothing more.
Is Larry Bird a racist when he told opposing teams "don't put a white guy on me!"?

Well, Isiah Thomas got in hot water when he said if Larry Bird was black, he would be just another good guy. This was 1987.

Thomas did reaffirm, however, his later comments concerning what he perceives as the perpetuation of stereotypes concerning all athletes and the manner in which the ''work ethic'' of white athletes is contrasted with that of black athletes.

''I think they are two separate issues,'' he said. ''The big controversry isn't about my saying professional athletes are stereotyped. The controversy is that I said Larry Bird, if he was black, would be just another good guy. But I think you would all agree that the stereotypes do exist.

''Larry definitely had to work hard to get where he is at, but so many times it's been said about black athletes that their talent is 'God-given' or that it's 'natural ability.' I had to work just as hard to get where I am. It's not God-given or instinctive. Basketball is a game where you do things over and over again. When someone makes a great play it's not a matter of instinct, but how quickly you can recall.
The issue is that its a sensitive issue and it makes people uncomfortable, especially when some disagrees.

What you don’t get IS there is no issue here, but some felt it necessary to make it an issue and subsequently tarnish a mans career and take the shit out of context. That’s what is PATHETIC... The over sensitive butt hurt type which appears to be what you are..
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No that would not be right. whether the player was offended or not is somewhat not relevent. An apology which he sort of did is good.

Somewhat different but it is not good to retraumatize victims by forcing the to talk to offenders. I doubt he was traumatized in the traditionsl sense. Likely at most it was not pleasant. But who knows.

An apology he sort of did is good? WTF you mean by he sort of did???? This is just another example of how so very wrong you are and quite frankly don’t get it.. Because if this isn’t a t sincere apology, I don’t know what is.

"During the broadcast, I used a comparison when trying to describe a talented Maryland basketball player. In no way did I intend to offend or disparage the player," Dolphin said. "I take full responsibility for my inappropriate word choice and offer a sincere apology to him and anyone else who was offended."

An apology he sort of did is good? WTF you mean be sort of did???? This is just another example of how so very wrong you are and quite frankly don’t get it.. Because if this isn’t a t sincere apology, I don’t know what is.

"During the broadcast, I used a comparison when trying to describe a talented Maryland basketball player. In no way did I intend to offend or disparage the player," Dolphin said. "I take full responsibility for my inappropriate word choice and offer a sincere apology to him and anyone else who was offended."

The sad thing is, Dolph was probably forced to say he is wrong in order to have a chance at returning to what he loves. And we all know how it will end up, anyway.
I have already covered this lol. Freedom of speech is mostly eroded away to nothingness. You are allowed to speak only what is considered acceptable. Good luck fighting it.
Freedom of speech doesn't guarantee that people will keep their jobs or give them freedom from backlash regarding anything they say. How do people still not understand the 1st Amendment in 2019.... sigh

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