If anything, this thread is at least entertaining. At the end of the day, it boils down to the proverbial, "The enemy of good is better..."
Being an Iowa Hawkeyes football fan is a bit like being on one of those roller coasters that crash into a big puddle at the bottom. We have those highs where we beat Ohio State, Michigan, PSU, LSU, USC, etc., etc., screaming in joy(!) and dishing out high-fives to anyone within reach(!)
.... Only to be brought back to earth when the ride abruptly crashes into the water, splashing us with that painful dose of cold reality, when we lose to some division 1-AA school looking like we don't have a clue about how the game of football works. Then, the final dagger is when the division 1-AA school turns around and gets blown out by Luther College the following weekend.
But we keep coming back for more... We are all truly insane.