Jewell Hampton and Jordan Bernstien Arrested

Go read Morehouse's Twitter. He talked to Lt Campbell.

Jewel was causing a ruckus at Vito's, cops WERE CALLED BY THE STAFF, Hampton was arrested and Bernstine interfered.

I can only assume (read: ASSUME), people were starting crap in the bar, Jewel got involved, he was arrested, Jordan was sticking up for his boy and got arrested too. The other issue that it was after 10 PM, when under 21s need to be out of the bar.

shhhhh, this doesnt help the theory the cops were just out to get them. lol
Wow, I'm seeing more reaction from the "don't overreact" crowd than from anyone else. Nobody's calling for them to be dismissed or sat down for 4 games, or anything close. They will get their fines, some community service (either from the court or from KF, or both), and 1-2 games. They've been around 2-3 years, they have had this beat into their heads since day 1. They should know better. That's why I'm thinking they might get 2 games vs just 1.
I like to think that's true. But I've heard of stories where a cop arrests someone for tripping on the sidewalk or not walking straight when over the limit.

This. I'm not saying that JB's incident was completely minor and that he should not have been arrested, but what if it is true that he really didn't derserve to be arrested? Guess I'm just holding out hope. Sorry for being so irrational and thinking that cops never have it out for anybody.
This. I'm not saying that JB's incident was completely minor and that he should not have been arrested, but what if it is true that he really didn't derserve to be arrested? Guess I'm just holding out hope. Sorry for being so irrational and thinking that cops never have it out for anybody.
It all depends on how it went down.
Jordan is old enough to drink and it isn't mid-season, so I don't have an issue w/ him downtown on a Friday night. It does matter on what happened and how much he "interfered" with the cops. Again, I can only assume he was trying to convince the cops that Jewel didn't do anything and they then took him in because he was under the influence.
That doesnt apply in this case at all.

Being in a bar underage and getting involved in physical altercations is a little different. Blowing over the legal limit when you are again under the legal age does not help either especially when you are not even legally allowed where you are to begin with.

I'm not referring to Hampton. From everything I've heard it sounds like his arrest was justified. I'm just talking about JB's arrest. Did he get charged with interfering with official acts, too or just the public intox?
I'm not referring to Hampton. From everything I've heard it sounds like his arrest was justified. I'm just talking about JB's arrest. Did he get charged with interfering with official acts, too or just the public intox?
He interfered and because of the interference was arrested for pub intox.
I'm not referring to Hampton. From everything I've heard it sounds like his arrest was justified. I'm just talking about JB's arrest. Did he get charged with interfering with official acts, too or just the public intox?

gotcha. my take on JB is he was arrested for pub intox is because he did interfere.
Again I don't exactly know what Hampton did to get arrested. But I did see everything after that. If JB had done anything to deserve getting arrested he would have been in cuffs along with Hampton. They simply asked when they could get their teammate out of jail and a couple of cops who problably only became cops so they could carry a gun and go on power trips handled it very poorly to say the least. I'm not saying that all IC police officers are bad or anything. But, just because you are friends with a few of them, doesn't mean there are lousy cops out there.
Well I guess we'll see how things shake out. I'm just saying maybe he does have a good case, especially if the previous poster claiming that people actually called the police department to file claims that JB should not have been arrested are true. But then again, maybe he just being a nuisance and derserved it. I'm just a big proponent of innocent until proven guilty and obviously not a very big fan of law enforcement in general.
And how do you know this for certain? Please explain and provide some proof of this. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? You also need to go back and read the 1st to last post on the previous page.

What the hell are you talking about? Did you read my post? Clearly this was an opinion. My opinion is this 100% on the players. And it is. I went to Iowa for 4 years and graduated. I still live in North Liberty and occasionally get downtown. So needless to say I've been to the bars a few times down there. I have never one time ever been confronted by a cop in downtown Iowa City. And that is because I'm not downtown getting into arguments, pi$$ing on the sidewalk, or acting like a jacka$$. It's really not that hard to stay out of trouble. So whatever punishment they get they deserve. 100% on the players, my proof is common sense.
Well I guess we'll see how things shake out. I'm just saying maybe he does have a good case, especially if the previous poster claiming that people actually called the police department to file claims that JB should not have been arrested are true. But then again, maybe he just being a nuisance and derserved it. I'm just a big proponent of innocent until proven guilty and obviously not a very big fan of law enforcement in general.

My better judgement tells me not to stir up this hornet's nest, but I can't help myself.

Why anyone says, "I'm not a fan of law enforcement", just bugs the living sh*t out of me. Who the hell is supposed to enforce them then. Are we to police ourselves? Gimme a break.

If people don't like to deal with law enforcement, I have some real solid advice to hand out to all of you...

My better judgement tells me not to stir up this hornet's nest, but I can't help myself.

Why anyone says, "I'm not a fan of law enforcement", just bugs the living sh*t out of me. Who the hell is supposed to enforce them then. Are we to police ourselves? Gimme a break.

If people don't like to deal with law enforcement, I have some real solid advice to hand out to all of you...


I actually was actually downtown and witnessed it all. I was not going to say anything on here hoping that the news would not get out and the would lt JB off because he did nothing. I am not sure what Hampton to get arrested but I saw Bernstine a 4 of his friends following them to the police car simply asking what they needed to do to get him out the following morning. The Police officers were very confrentational about it and unprofessional. JB and company walked ended up walking away back into the ped mall. About 30 seconds later I personally heard one of the officers say "Let's go see what we can get dreadlocks for" About 5 or 6 cops then ran back into the ped mall and arrested Bernstine for really no reason. Simply BS if you ask me. In fact there was several people around trying to defend JB because he did nothing but ask when he could pick Hampton up. A couple people I was with actually called the police department and filed a complaint.

Interesting post. If true, Bernstine may have a case here. Yes, he blew over the limit, but police generally cannot randomly stop people for testing, there has to be some probable cause/reasonable suspicion (not sure which one applies here) to check you. A credible witness to the officer's statement above would be very damaging to the prosecution. I've also not heard anyone backup the cops' claim of interference, and there were plenty of witnesses.

We'll see how this plays out. Of course it won't help Jordan at all with Kirk, as he shouldn't have been intoxicated period. Hampton, obviously, is a different story.
My better judgement tells me not to stir up this hornet's nest, but I can't help myself.

Why anyone says, "I'm not a fan of law enforcement", just bugs the living sh*t out of me. Who the hell is supposed to enforce them then. Are we to police ourselves? Gimme a break.

If people don't like to deal with law enforcement, I have some real solid advice to hand out to all of you...


Yeah because cops would never target anybody on purpose..
My better judgement tells me not to stir up this hornet's nest, but I can't help myself.

Why anyone says, "I'm not a fan of law enforcement", just bugs the living sh*t out of me. Who the hell is supposed to enforce them then. Are we to police ourselves? Gimme a break.

If people don't like to deal with law enforcement, I have some real solid advice to hand out to all of you...


My problem with law enforcement is there are unfortunately a large # of cops with huge ego's. Like the cop that came up to us at tailgating last year and without provocation at all and threatened to kick all of us out of the tailgating lot just because we were listening to music. The guy was a total dick. And the sad part is, my story is one of many. And it's always your word against theirs. Nothing you can do about it, but don't act like cops are saints, they are usually stupider less credible people than the average person, but their badge gives them elite status.
My better judgement tells me not to stir up this hornet's nest, but I can't help myself.

Why anyone says, "I'm not a fan of law enforcement", just bugs the living sh*t out of me. Who the hell is supposed to enforce them then. Are we to police ourselves? Gimme a break.

If people don't like to deal with law enforcement, I have some real solid advice to hand out to all of you...


There's a difference between "not being a fan of law enforcement" and "not being a fan of BAD, UNPROFESSIONAL law enforcement". Just playing devil's advocate on this one.

On another note, I was stopped this past fall on my way back to campus from my girlfriend's place at Kirkwood. Got to 1st Avenue in Coralville, and missed the speed limit sign. I thought I was in a 35, so I was doing 39. It was a 25. Got stopped (also wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been the Friday night of the Michigan weekend). The officer wanted to search my car because "he saw me drinking from a bottle". I don't drink at all, and I'd downed my Pepsi hours prior to this incident. He didn't see a bottle. I let them search the car because I didn't want any trouble and I knew they wouldn't find anything. But he had no probable cause to search the car.
Ok people just settle down on the police, they have a very tough job to do. Now with that being said I have been on both sides of the law, one as a son to a police officer and as a military police officer myself. If the police are conducting an investigation let them go the course, it could be that JB was a person of interest in the bar fight. Now on the second part I use to own a bar in des moines and have been wrongfully ticketed for an afterhours when all people left by 2:02 am, and no one was drinking, the point of this is that every one should have been gone by 1 55am therefor making it impossible for them to ticket me. The judge took the word of the police officer(which I understand) even though he had no real evidence. If the judge doesnt take the officers word then the justice system will fail even if it is wrong sometimes(not talking about serious crimes)Speeding tickets and simple misdormeanors. People are not perfect and that go's for cops too. My whole point is they should have never been in that situation, they should have walked away and understood that they are people of high value, what I mean by that is they are local celeberties who are under a micro-scope. Its ok to go out and drink but when things go down, back down, leave or pay the piper. We all have done something in our life times, so they made a mistake ,they dont have a history of breaking the law, 1 game is all they will miss and then its behind them but please dont make that same mistake again as you may end up like Sapp did. Learn from this mistake and move on!!!! GO HAWKS
IIRC, Bernstine had some law issues that blew up over the DSM airwaves last summer or the summer before. Not sure if that will have any bearing on the punishment he gets for this or not.

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