Jewell Hampton and Jordan Bernstien Arrested

The sky is not falling! This thing will blow over, didn't we hear all the same concerns last year with Prater and Calloway. 1 game suspension, hopefully wake up call for everyone else.

If you are going to put all your faith in college kids you are going to be disappointed often. Maybe I don't set the standards bar as high as everyone else, but I have faith that Kirk will handle this and the rest of us can move on.
Hmm...there may be something to Rock's comments about the night's events...KXnO just reported that Hampton plead guilty to his PI while Bernstine plead not guilty.
You have zero clue what you are talking about here. I promise you both men will take responsibility, they were not unfairly treated and it is not some theory of the police out to get them. Both made mistakes and it cost them both to be arrested.

Does pleading not guilty count as taking responsibility? ;)

Does pleading not guilty count as taking responsibility? ;)

Well from the sounds of things he shouldn't have been arrested (Bernstine, that is). The police said he was arrested for interfering with Hampton's arrest. But, there is no charge of interfering with official acts, only public intox. If he had been suspected of being drunk, he would have been slapped into cuffs at the same time as Hampton. However, according to a poster who claims to have been there (I take that claim with a grain of salt), Bernstine was allowed to go back down to the ped mall before he was arrested shortly thereafter. If that is what happened, I'd be pretty confident that the cop making the arrest was just sticking it to him for putting his nose into Hampton's arrest.

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