Jewell Hampton and Jordan Bernstien Arrested

Yeah and i am sure they will enjoy a min one game suspension for being stupid like they were...and to say oh well college kids will do that, yeah maybe the ones not getting paid to go to school...these kids need to get their heads out of their rears and stop acting stupid like this.

You need to go back and read the 1st to last post on the previous page. Don't lump Bernstein in when it sounds like he didn't even do anything wrong. We don't even know if Hampton did anything wrong. Perhaps another guy instigated him. Some of the cops in IC definitely have it out for the Iowa FB players. I think that's a pretty legit statement. If Hampton is only 20 then yes it was a bad decision to even be at the bar, but come on, these guys are in college (please jump all over me for this you holier than thou folks) and a good portion are out drinking at the bars, that's the kind of drinking culture that is so common nowadays - face it. Kids do soooo much dumber of things. Like I said before this is small beans compared to what it could have been.
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I'm not a fan of the ICPD at all, but the bottom line is, you are asking for it if you get a public intox. They do not just randomly hand out public intox to unsuspecting people. They clearly were in an argument or something to draw the attention of the police. This is 100% on the players. They should get a 1 to 2 game suspension (even though this is a misdemeanor). It just can't be tolerated, and I think KF needs to send that message.

And how do you know this for certain? Please explain and provide some proof of this. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? You also need to go back and read the 1st to last post on the previous page.
Ugh. One averaged a little over 4yds/carry, the other less than 4yd/carry. Not good. Not Big Ten feature backs. Jewel was our best bet there, of what we know.

Go Coker? Maybe Rogers??? Too bad Josh Brown and Jeff Brinson didn't stay!

I know I'm going off on a rant this morning, sorry about that, but I hate this sooo much! Some people have annointed Jewel this superstar already when he didn't really do ALL that much more than what Robinson or Wegher did this last season. Jewel tore his ACL. That's a pretty serious injury, I know from 1st hand experience. Not all people come back to what they were before. So no, Jewel is not our best bet there, that we know of. We still have yet to see him in game action. Did you already forget who pretty much sealed the deal at the Orange Bowl? Wegher is a serious talent, why dog on him? And you'd rather have two unproven guys in Rogers and Coker take over? Come on man
You need to go back and read the 1st to last post on the previous page. Don't lump Bernstein in when it sounds like he didn't even do anything wrong. We don't even know if Hampton did anything wrong. Perhaps another guy instigated him. Some of the pigs in IC definitely have it out for the Iowa FB players. I think that's a pretty legit statement. If Hampton is only 20 then yes it was a bad decision to even be at the bar, but come one, these guys are in college (please jump all over me for this you holier than thou folks) and a good portion are out drinking at the bars, that's the kind of drinking culture that is so common nowadays - face it. Kids do soooo much dumber of things. Like I said before this is small beans compared to what it could have been.

You have zero clue what you are talking about here. I promise you both men will take responsibility, they were not unfairly treated and it is not some theory of the police out to get them. Both made mistakes and it cost them both to be arrested.
You have zero clue what you are talking about here. I promise you both men will take responsibility, they were not unfairly treated and it is not some theory of the police out to get them. Both made mistakes and it cost them both to be arrested.

I couldn't have said it any better myself. They f*cked up. Plain and simple.
And how do you know this for certain? Please explain and provide some proof of this. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? You also need to go back and read the 1st to last post on the previous page.

If you get arrested for public intox in a place that is known for rowdiness and drunkiness, especially on the a Friday night, that's on you. If you're in a bar underage when you know it's illegal for you to be in that bar, it's on you.
You have zero clue what you are talking about here. I promise you both men will take responsibility, they were not unfairly treated and it is not some theory of the police out to get them. Both made mistakes and it cost them both to be arrested.

Ok thanks. When I need to know how things like this will shake out in the future I'll come to you then since I have no clue what I'm talking about here. So much for innocent until proven guilty I guess.
I will say it right now....Adam Robinson and Brandon Wegher just become 1 and 1A alone at the tailback position. I can promise you this is a HUGE setback for Jewel. This kind of thing is simply not tolerated right now. Not to say Jewel cannot earn it back but prior to even stepping on the field in fall practice he now has quite a bit of ground to make up and it will not be easy.

iahawk20 has been confused for a LONG TIME. Brandon and A Rob have ALWAYS been the starters. :rolleyes:
If you get arrested for public intox in a place that is known for rowdiness and drunkiness, especially on the a Friday night, that's on you. If you're in a bar underage when you know it's illegal for you to be in that bar, it's on you.

And when the Code of Conduct has been beaten over your head since the moment you set foot on campus, and you know that this could result in breaking said Code, that's on you too.
If you get arrested for public intox in a place that is known for rowdiness and drunkiness, especially on the a Friday night, that's on you. If you're in a bar underage when you know it's illegal for you to be in that bar, it's on you.

And I already stated that it was poor judgement to be in a bar underage. Potentially 100% of the people that are out drinking at the bars could be busted for public intox. That's why I think it's so bogus. You can be making a great decision by walking home instead of driving your vehicle drunk, but if you make a mis-step on the way home then you can potentially be arrested for public intox. You're basically getting punished for making a good decision by not driving home and walking instead.
And I already stated that it was poor judgement to be in a bar underage. Potentially 100% of the people that are out drinking at the bars could be busted for public intox. That's why I think it's so bogus. You can be making a great decision by walking home instead of driving your vehicle drunk, but if you make a mis-step on the way home then you can potentially be arrested for public intox. You're basically getting punished for making a good decision by not driving home and walking instead.

That's correct, and that's why you really have to give the cops a reason to arrest you for it. They're not going to arrest the happy drunk who is headed home just walking down the street. However, if that guy starts to bang on windows or starts getting belligerent with other people, they'll probably step in.
And when the Code of Conduct has been beaten over your head since the moment you set foot on campus, and you know that this could result in breaking said Code, that's on you too.

That too. Jewel knew better. About the only area I'd give him the benefit of the doubt in is whether or not he knew about the under-21 law was in effect. But then again, I'm guessing that's something the coaches made sure the players were aware of.
And I already stated that it was poor judgement to be in a bar underage. Potentially 100% of the people that are out drinking at the bars could be busted for public intox. That's why I think it's so bogus. You can be making a great decision by walking home instead of driving your vehicle drunk, but if you make a mis-step on the way home then you can potentially be arrested for public intox. You're basically getting punished for making a good decision by not driving home and walking instead.

You'll only get arrested for public intox if you a being a total D-bag. Cops don't just run around looking for people to arrest. You've got to give them a reason to arrest you. Trust me, I'm very good friends with a bunch of police officers, and at 2am they would much rather deal with peace and quiet than a couple of drunk morons. It's the end of their shift, and like us, they'd rather be able to go home on time and not deal with a couple of asshats.
That's correct, and that's why you really have to give the cops a reason to arrest you for it. They're not going to arrest the happy drunk who is headed home just walking down the street. However, if that guy starts to bang on windows or starts getting belligerent with other people, they'll probably step in.

I like to think that's true. But I've heard of stories where a cop arrests someone for tripping on the sidewalk or not walking straight when over the limit.
Go read Morehouse's Twitter. He talked to Lt Campbell.

Jewel was causing a ruckus at Vito's, cops WERE CALLED BY THE STAFF, Hampton was arrested and Bernstine interfered.

I can only assume (read: ASSUME), people were starting crap in the bar, Jewel got involved, he was arrested, Jordan was sticking up for his boy and got arrested too. The other issue that it was after 10 PM, when under 21s need to be out of the bar.
When JB pleads no contest/guilty then I'll come back and eat some crow then. The post that I keep referring to just got me a little riled up I guess. I've done plenty of dumb stuff that I easily could've been arrested for, but luckily have not been. If I had been an Iowa football player this may have been different. Do you guys honestly believe that absolutely not one of the IC police officers despises Iowa football players. I don't know where you guys grew up, but have you never ran into the police officer who wasn't with the in group in high school or college that has it out for the kids who were? Guess that would never happen. No police officer anywhere ever has it out for anybody is what were assuming here I take it? I'm not gonna say that JB did nothing wrong at all, but how do we know for absolute certain how things went down & will shake out exactly? Guess the main point I'm trying to make is don't rush to conclusions just yet? Maybe he'll get a great lawyer (like AC) & get off? Hopefully
And I already stated that it was poor judgement to be in a bar underage. Potentially 100% of the people that are out drinking at the bars could be busted for public intox. That's why I think it's so bogus. You can be making a great decision by walking home instead of driving your vehicle drunk, but if you make a mis-step on the way home then you can potentially be arrested for public intox. You're basically getting punished for making a good decision by not driving home and walking instead.

That doesnt apply in this case at all.

Being in a bar underage and getting involved in physical altercations is a little different. Blowing over the legal limit when you are again under the legal age does not help either especially when you are not even legally allowed where you are to begin with.
Morehouse's Twitter (read down -> up)

  1. Hampton was arrested for public intox and presence on property, basically the new IC bar law which started June 1. Pub intox for Bernstine. 31 minutes ago via UberTwitter
  2. Through UI sports information director Phil Haddy, Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz said he wouldn't comment until he had more details. 34 minutes ago via UberTwitter
  3. Both were transported to the Johnson County Jail, Campbell said, and were in custody. 35 minutes ago via UberTwitter
  4. Bernstine, aka Jordan Morris, "hampered" the Hampton arrest, according to Campbell. Blew a .129 post arrest. Hampton's BAC was .091. 36 minutes ago via UberTwitter
  5. Hampton was involved in several physical problems inside the bar, the IC Police report states. 38 minutes ago via UberTwitter
  6. Bernstine "wasn't constructive" during Hampton's arrest and that's what led to his arrest, according IC police Lt. Bill Campell.

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